IMMDevice Interface
IMMDevice Interface
The IMMDevice interface encapsulates the generic features of a multimedia device resource. In the current implementation of the MMDevice API, the only type of device resource that an IMMDevice interface can represent is an audio endpoint device.
A client can obtain an IMMDevice interface from one of the following methods:
- IMMDeviceCollection::Item
- IMMDeviceEnumerator::GetDefaultAudioEndpoint
- IMMDeviceEnumerator::GetDevice
For more information, see IMMDeviceCollection Interface.
After obtaining the IMMDevice interface of an audio endpoint device, a client can obtain an interface that encapsulates the endpoint-specific features of the device by calling the IMMDevice::QueryInterface method with parameter iid set to REFIID IID_IMMEndpoint. For more information, see IMMEndpoint Interface.
For code examples that use the IMMDevice interface, see the following topics:
IMMDevice inherits from the IUnknown interface. In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, IMMDevice supports the following methods.
Method | Description |
Activate | Creates a COM object with the specified interface. |
GetId | Gets a string that identifies the device. |
GetState | Gets the current state of the device. |
OpenPropertyStore | Gets an interface to the device's property store. |
Client: Windows Vista
Header: Include Mmdeviceapi.h.
See Also