ITextStoreAnchor interface (textstor.h)
The ITextStoreAnchor interface is implemented by a Microsoft Active Accessibility client and is used by the TSF manager to manipulate text streams. Ranges of text within a stream are delimited by anchor objects. these anchor objects are exposed and manipulated by the IAnchor interface.
An application can obtain an instance of this interface with Microsoft Active Accessibility. The interface ID is IID_ITextStoreAnchor.
To use the application character position (ACP) model for text manipulation, use ITextStoreACP instead.
The ITextStoreAnchor interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ITextStoreAnchor also has these types of members:
The ITextStoreAnchor interface has these methods.
ITextStoreAnchor::AdviseSink The ITextStoreAnchor::AdviseSink method installs a new advise sink from the ITextStoreAnchorSink interface or modifies an existing advise sink. |
ITextStoreAnchor::FindNextAttrTransition The ITextStoreAnchor::FindNextAttrTransition method finds the location in the text stream where a transition occurs in an attribute value. The specified attribute to check is application-dependent. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetActiveView The ITextStoreAnchor::GetActiveView method returns a TsViewCookie data type that specifies the current active view. TSF supports only a single active view, so a given text store should always return the same TsViewCookie data type. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetAnchorFromPoint The ITextStoreAnchor::GetAnchorFromPoint method converts a point in screen coordinates to an anchor positioned at a corresponding location. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetEmbedded The ITextStoreAnchor::GetEmbedded method obtains an embedded object from a text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetEnd The ITextStoreAnchor::GetEnd method returns an anchor positioned at the end of the text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetFormattedText The ITextStoreAnchor::GetFormattedText method returns formatted text information from a text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetScreenExt The ITextStoreAnchor::GetScreenExt method returns the bounding box screen coordinates of the display surface where the text stream is rendered. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetSelection The ITextStoreAnchor::GetSelection method returns the offset of a text selection in a text stream. This method supports multiple text selections. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetStart The ITextStoreAnchor::GetStart method returns an anchor positioned at the start of the text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetStatus The ITextStoreAnchor::GetStatus method obtains the document status. The document status is returned through the TS_STATUS structure. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetText The ITextStoreAnchor::GetText method returns information about text at a specified anchor position. This method returns the visible and hidden text and indicates if embedded data is attached to the text. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetTextExt The ITextStoreAnchor::GetTextExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of a range of text. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
ITextStoreAnchor::GetWnd The ITextStoreAnchor::GetWnd method returns the handle to a window that corresponds to the current text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbedded ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbedded method |
ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection The ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection method inserts an IDataObject object at the insertion point or selection. The client that calls this method must have a read/write lock before inserting an IDataObject into the text stream. |
ITextStoreAnchor::InsertTextAtSelection ITextStoreAnchor::InsertTextAtSelection method |
ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsert The ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsert method determines whether the specified start and end anchors are valid. Use this method to adjust an edit to a document before you execute the edit. The method must not return values outside the range of the document. |
ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsertEmbedded ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsertEmbedded method |
ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsAtPosition ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsAtPosition method |
ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition method |
ITextStoreAnchor::RequestLock ITextStoreAnchor::RequestLock method |
ITextStoreAnchor::RequestSupportedAttrs ITextStoreAnchor::RequestSupportedAttrs method |
ITextStoreAnchor::RetrieveRequestedAttrs ITextStoreAnchor::RetrieveRequestedAttrs method |
ITextStoreAnchor::SetSelection ITextStoreAnchor::SetSelection method |
ITextStoreAnchor::SetText The ITextStoreAnchor::SetText method sets the text selection between two supplied anchor locations. |
ITextStoreAnchor::UnadviseSink ITextStoreAnchor::UnadviseSink method |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Minimum supported server | Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | textstor.h |
Redistributable | TSF 1.0 on Windows 2000 Professional |