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Item Property (Recipients Collection)

Item Property (Recipients Collection)

The Item property returns a single Recipient object from the Recipients collection. Read-only.




A long integer ranging from 1 to objRecipColl.Count, or a string that specifies the name of the object.

The Item property is the default property of a Recipients collection, meaning that objRecipColl**(index)** is syntactically equivalent to objRecipColl.Item(index) in Microsoft® Visual Basic® code.

Data Type

Object (Recipient)


The Item property works like an accessor property for small collections.

Although the Item property itself is read-only, the Recipient object it returns can be accessed in the normal manner, and its properties retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.


This code fragment shows the Count and Item properties working together:

' list all recipient names in the collection
strRecips = "" ' initialize string
Set objRecipsColl = objOriginalMsg.Recipients
Count = objRecipsColl.Count
For i = 1 To Count Step 1
    Set objOneRecip = objRecipsColl.Item(i) ' or objRecipsColl(i)
    strRecips = strRecips & objOneRecip.Name & "; "
Next i
MsgBox "Message recipients: " & strRecips

See Also


Recipients Collection Object