MenuFormat enumeration

Specifies the display format of a Menu control.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


public enum MenuFormat


Member name Description
None Indicates that there is no menu format.
ArrowOnHover The menu only shows text or a link, depending on the value of the NavigateUrl property. When in focus or when the mouse pointer is resting on it, the menu is highlighted and displays the down arrow.
ArrowAlwaysVisible The menu always shows a down arrow and is highlighted when in focus or when the mouse pointer is resting on it.
ArrowAlwaysVisibleDark The menu always shows a down arrow and is highlighted when in focus or when the mouse pointer is resting on it.
ArrowSplitButton The menu always shows a down arrow and is highlighted and the button split when in focus or when the mouse pointer is resting on it..
ArrowAlwaysVisibleWithAlternateHover The menu always shows a down arrow, but shows a different down arrow image when in focus or when the mouse pointer is resting on it.
NoArrow Render, but without an arrow.

See also


Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace