SPContentType class
Represents a site or list content type.
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class SPContentType
Dim instance As SPContentType
public sealed class SPContentType
Content types are designed to help users organize their SharePoint content in a more meaningful way. A content type is a reusable collection of settings that you want to apply to a certain category of content. Content types enable you to manage the metadata and behaviors of a document or item type in a centralized, reusable way.
For more information, see Introduction to Content Types.
The following example is a console application that creates a content type and adds it to the site content type collection. Next, the example creates a field (column) and links the field to the new content type. Finally, the example creates a list and adds the new content type to the content type collection that belongs to the list.
Before running the application, you need to add a reference to Microsoft.Sharepoint.dll to your project.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint
Module Test
#Region "fields"
Private requestUrl As String = "https://localhost"
' Name and type of content type to create.
Private ctName As String = "Customer"
Private parentId As SPContentTypeId = SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Contact
' Name and type of site column to create.
Private fldName As String = "LastOrder"
Private fldType As SPFieldType = SPFieldType.DateTime
' Name, type, and description of list to create.
Private lstName As String = "Customers"
Private lstType As SPListTemplateType = SPListTemplateType.Contacts
Private lstDesc As String = "A list of customers."
#End Region
Sub Main()
Using site As SPSite = New SPSite(requestUrl)
Using web As SPWeb = site.OpenWeb()
If ValidNames(web) Then
' Create a new site content type.
Dim cts As SPContentTypeCollection = web.ContentTypes
Dim ct As New SPContentType(cts(parentId), cts, ctName)
' Add the content type to the site collection.
Console.WriteLine( _
"Added {0} content type to site collection.", ct.Name)
' Create a site field to link to.
Dim fields As SPFieldCollection = web.Fields
fldName = fields.Add(fldName, fldType, False)
Console.WriteLine("Created {0} site column.", fldName)
' Link the content type to the field.
Dim field As SPField = fields.GetField(fldName)
Dim fieldLink As SPFieldLink = New SPFieldLink(field)
Console.WriteLine( _
"Linked {0} content type to {1} column.", _
ct.Name, field.InternalName)
' Commit changes to the database.
' Create a list.
Dim lists As SPListCollection = web.Lists
Dim listID As Guid = lists.Add(lstName, lstDesc, lstType)
Dim list As SPList = lists(listID)
list.OnQuickLaunch = True
Console.WriteLine("Created {0} list.", list.Title)
' Apply the new content type to the list.
list.ContentTypesEnabled = True
If list.IsContentTypeAllowed(ct) Then
' Add the new content type.
Dim lstCT As SPContentType = list.ContentTypes.Add(ct)
' Remove the default content type.
' Commit changes to the list.
Console.WriteLine("Applied {0} content type to {1} list.", _
lstCT.Name, list.Title)
Console.WriteLine("{0} list does not allow {1} content type.", _
list.Title, ct.Name)
End If
End If
End Using
End Using
Console.Write(vbCrLf + "Press ENTER to continue...")
End Sub
' Checks for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
Private Function ValidNames(ByRef web As SPWeb) As Boolean
Dim valid As Boolean = True
' Duplicate content type name?
If web.AvailableContentTypes(ctName) IsNot Nothing Then
valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate content type name.")
End If
' Invalid characters in content type name?
Catch ex As SPException
valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Invalid character in content type name.")
End Try
' Duplicate field name?
If web.Fields.ContainsField(fldName) Then
valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate field name.")
End If
' Duplicate list name?
Dim list As SPList = web.Lists(lstName) ' Exception if not found
valid = False
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate list name.")
Catch ex As ArgumentException
' List name does not exist.
End Try
Return valid
End Function
End Module
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace Test
class ConsoleApp
#region fields
private static string requestUrl = "https://localhost";
// Name and type of content type to create.
private static string ctName = "Customer";
private static SPContentTypeId parentId = SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Contact;
// Name and type of site column to create.
private static string fldName = "LastOrder";
private static SPFieldType fldType = SPFieldType.DateTime;
// Name, type, and description of list to create.
private static string lstName = "Customers";
private static SPListTemplateType lstType = SPListTemplateType.Contacts;
private static string lstDesc = "A list of customers.";
static void Main(string[] args)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(requestUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// Check for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
if (ValidNames(web))
// Create a new site content type.
SPContentTypeCollection cts = web.ContentTypes;
SPContentType ct = new SPContentType(cts[parentId], // parent
cts, // collection
ctName); // name
// Add the content type to the site collection.
"Added {0} content type to site collection.", ct.Name);
// Create a site field to link to.
SPFieldCollection fields = web.Fields;
fldName = fields.Add(fldName, fldType, false);
Console.WriteLine("Created {0} site column.", fldName);
// Link the content type to the field.
SPField field = fields.GetField(fldName);
SPFieldLink fieldLink = new SPFieldLink(field);
"Linked {0} content type to {1} column.",
ct.Name, field.InternalName);
// Commit changes to the database.
// Create a list.
SPListCollection lists = web.Lists;
Guid listID = lists.Add(lstName, lstDesc, lstType);
SPList list = lists[listID];
list.OnQuickLaunch = true;
Console.WriteLine("Created {0} list.", list.Title);
// Apply the new content type to the list.
list.ContentTypesEnabled = true;
if (list.IsContentTypeAllowed(ct))
// Add the new content type.
SPContentType lstCT = list.ContentTypes.Add(ct);
// Remove the default content type.
// Commit changes to the list.
Console.WriteLine("Applied {0} content type to {1} list.",
lstCT.Name, list.Title);
Console.WriteLine("{0} list does not allow {1} content type.",
list.Title, ct.Name);
Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
// Checks for duplicate content type, field, and list names.
static bool ValidNames(SPWeb web)
bool valid = true;
// Duplicate content type name?
if (web.AvailableContentTypes[ctName] != null)
valid = false;
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate content type name.");
// Invalid characters in content type name?
catch (SPException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid character in content type name.");
// Duplicate field name?
if (web.Fields.ContainsField(fldName))
valid = false;
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate field name.");
// Duplicate list name?
SPList list = web.Lists[lstName]; // Exception if not found
valid = false;
Console.WriteLine("Duplicate list name.");
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// List name does not exist.
return valid;
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.