Returns summary information about groups of missing indexes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
group_handle |
int |
Identifies a group of missing indexes. This identifier is unique across the server. The other columns provide information about all queries for which the index in the group is considered missing. In SQL Server 2005, an index group contains only one index. |
unique_compiles |
bigint |
Number of compilations and recompilations that would benefit from this missing index group. Compilations and recompilations of many different queries can contribute to this column value. |
user_seeks |
bigint |
Number of seeks caused by user queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
user_scans |
bigint |
Number of scans caused by user queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
last_user_seek |
datetime |
Date and time of last seek caused by user queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
last_user_scan |
datetime |
Date and time of last scan caused by user queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
avg_total_user_cost |
float |
Average cost of the user queries that could be reduced by the index in the group. |
avg_user_impact |
float |
Average percentage benefit that user queries could experience if this missing index group was implemented. The value means that the query cost would on average drop by this percentage if this missing index group was implemented. |
system_seeks |
bigint |
Number of seeks caused by system queries, such as auto stats queries, that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. For more information, see Auto Stats Event Class. |
system_scans |
bigint |
Number of scans caused by system queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
last_system_seek |
datetime |
Date and time of last system seek caused by system queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
last_system_scan |
datetime |
Date and time of last system scan caused by system queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. |
avg_total_system_cost |
float |
Average cost of the system queries that could be reduced by the index in the group. |
avg_system_impact |
float |
Average percentage benefit that system queries could experience if this missing index group was implemented. The value means that the query cost would on average drop by this percentage if this missing index group was implemented. |
Information returned by sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats is updated by every query execution, not by every query compilation or recompilation. Usage statistics are not persisted and are kept only until SQL Server is restarted. Database administrators should periodically make backup copies of the missing index information if they want to keep the usage statistics after server recycling.
For information about enabling and disabling missing index information collection, see About the Missing Indexes Feature.
For information about limitations of this feature, see Limitations for Using the Missing Indexes Feature.
For information about transaction consistency in relation to the missing indexes dynamic management objects, see About the Missing Indexes Feature.
To query this dynamic management view, users must be granted the VIEW SERVER STATE permission or any permission that implies the VIEW SERVER STATE permission.
The following examples illustrate how to use the sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats dynamic management view.
The following query determines which 10 missing indexes would produce the highest anticipated cumulative improvement, in descending order, for user queries.
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats
ORDER BY avg_total_user_cost * avg_user_impact * (user_seeks + user_scans)DESC;
B. Find the individual missing indexes and their column details for a particular missing index group
The following query determines which missing indexes comprise a particular missing index group, and displays their column details. For the sake of this example, the missing index group handle is 24.
SELECT migs.group_handle, mid.*
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats AS migs
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups AS mig
ON (migs.group_handle = mig.index_group_handle)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_details AS mid
ON (mig.index_handle = mid.index_handle)
WHERE migs.group_handle = 24;
This query provides the name of the database, schema, and table where an index is missing. It also provides the names of the columns that should be used for the index key. When writing the CREATE INDEX DDL statement to implement missing indexes, list equality columns first and then inequality columns in the ON <table_name> clause of the CREATE INDEX statement. Included columns should be listed in the INCLUDE clause of the CREATE INDEX statement. To determine an effective order for the equality columns, order them based on their selectivity, listing the most selective columns first (leftmost in the column list).
For more information about using the information returned by these dynamic management objects to write CREATE INDEX DDL statements, see Using Missing Index Information to Write CREATE INDEX Statements.
Finding Missing Indexes
Getting SQL Server 2005 Assistance
Release | History |
17 July 2006 |