DocumentLibraryVersions Interface


The DocumentLibraryVersions object represents a collection of DocumentLibraryVersion objects.

public interface class DocumentLibraryVersions : Microsoft::Office::Core::_IMsoDispObj, System::Collections::IEnumerable
public interface DocumentLibraryVersions : Microsoft.Office.Core._IMsoDispObj, System.Collections.IEnumerable
type DocumentLibraryVersions = interface
    interface _IMsoDispObj
    interface IEnumerable
Public Interface DocumentLibraryVersions
Implements _IMsoDispObj, IEnumerable


The DocumentLibraryVersions property of the Microsoft Office Word 2003 Document, the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Workbook, and the Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Presentation objects returns a DocumentLibraryVersions object.

Use the DocumentLibraryVersions object with documents stored in a Windows SharePoint Services document library on the server to determine whether versioning is enabled for the active document and, if versioning is enabled, to manage the document's collection of DocumentLibraryVersion objects.

Each DocumentLibraryVersion object represents one saved version of the active document. When versioning is enabled, a new version is created on the server when the actions listed below occur; additional versions are not created each time the user saves changes to the open document.

The DocumentLibraryVersions object model is available whether versioning is enabled or disabled on the active document. The DocumentLibraryVersions property of the Document, Workbook, and Presentation objects does not return Nothing when the active document is not stored in a document library or versioning is not enabled. Use the IsVersioningEnabled property to determine whether the document library is configured to save a backup copy, or version, each time the document is edited on the web site.



Returns an Application object that represents the container application for the object.


Returns an Integer indicating the number of items in the specified collection.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the document library in which the active document is saved on the server is configured to create a backup copy, or version, each time the file is edited on the Web site.


Returns a DocumentLibraryVersion object from the DocumentLibraryVersions collection.


Returns the parent object for the specified object.


Applies to