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The Recursion Count is Invalid

Application Verifier stop message

Locks violation detected. The recursion count is invalid: actual recursion count <count> - expected <count>.

Probable cause

This stop is generated if the recursion count field of the critical section structure is invalid in the current context. Recursion count is invalid usually when a thread calls LeaveCriticalSection more times than it called EnterCriticalSection.

Information displayed by Application Verifier in Tool Window

Lock – Critical section address

Owner – N/A

DebugInfo – Critical section debug information address

Description – The recursion count is invalid: actual recursion count <count> - expected <count>

Trace Description - Blank

Additional information

Check the current call stack to see who is using the corrupted critical section. Frequency of this error is low.

See Also


Lock Verifier
Critical Section Over-Released or Corrupted