Data Regions and Maps
Data regions are report items that display the rows of data from report datasets. Data from datasets can be displayed in a table, matrix, list, chart, or gauge data region, or in a map report item. Data regions expand as necessary to display the data from the dataset. Table, matrix, and list data regions are based on the tablix data region. A tablix data region supports multiple row and column groups and with static and dynamic rows and columns. A map displays spatial data as map elements that can vary in appearance based on aggregate data from a dataset.
A table is a data region that presents data row by row. Table columns are static. Table rows expand downwards to accommodate the data. You can add groups to tables, which organize data by selected fields or expressions. For more information about adding a table to a report, see Adding a Table (Reporting Services).
A matrix is also known as a crosstab. A matrix data region contains both columns and rows that expand to accommodate the data. A matrix can have dynamic columns and rows and static columns and rows. Columns or rows can contain other columns or rows, and can be used to group data. For more information about adding a matrix to a report, see Adding a Matrix (Reporting Services).
A list is a data region that presents data arranged in a freeform fashion. You can arrange report items to create a form with text boxes, images, and other data regions placed anywhere within the list. For more information about adding a list to a report, see Adding a List (Reporting Services).
A chart presents data graphically. Examples of charts include bar, pie, and line charts, but many more styles are supported. For example, sparklines and data bars are small, simple charts that convey a lot of information in a little space, often inline with text. For more information, see Working with Chart Data Regions and Sparklines and Data Bars (Report Builder 3.0) in the Reporting Services documentation in SQL Server Books Online.
A gauge presents data as a range with an indicator pointing to a specific value within the range. Gauges are used to display key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics. Examples of gauges include linear, circular, and indicators. For more information, see Working with Gauge Data Regions and Working with Indicator Data Regions.
A map enables you to present data against a geographical background. Map data can be spatial data from a SQL Server query, an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) shapefile, or image tiles from Microsoft Virtual Earth Tiles. Spatial data consists of sets of coordinates that define polygons that represent shapes or areas, lines that represent routes or paths, and points that represent markers. You can associate aggregate data with map elements to automatically vary their color and size. For example, you can vary the marker type for a store based on sales amount or the color for a road based on speed limit. For more information, see Working with Map Report Items.
You can nest data regions within other data regions. For example, if you want to create a sales record for each sales person in a database, you can create a list with text boxes and an image to display information about the employee, and then add table and chart data regions to the list to show the employee's sales record. For more information, see Nesting Data Regions.
You can link more than one data region to the same dataset to provide different views of the same data. For example, you can show the same data in a table and in a chart. You can author the report to provide interactive sort buttons on the table, so that when you sort the table, the chart is also automatically sorted. For more information, see Linking Multiple Data Regions to the Same Dataset.