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Using File Input/Output and Storage Media

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Manage files, storage media, directories, and paths with .NET Micro Framework classes, created from a subset of .NET classes, chosen and crafted to streamline file I/O and storage media for small devices.

In its System.IO namespace, the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework now provides a subset of the desktop .NET Framework APIs for managing files, directories and paths, including classes such as:


These all work essentially the same as their desktop counterparts.

In addition, the Microsoft.SPOT.IO namespace provides a number of classes for managing storage media, including removable media that can be inserted and ejected:


Because these managed APIs rely on file storage and block storage APIs exposed in the .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit, ODMs and OEMs using the porting kit can support them on any storage device.