Web Service Application Architecture

Retired Content

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Retired: November 2011

This topic describes a common architecture used when designing service-oriented applications and describes how to implement solutions that adhere to the architecture, using the Web Service Software Factory.

The topic includes the following subtopics:

  • Architecture. This subtopic provides an overview of the architecture of services built with the Service Factory.
  • Service Interface Layer. This subtopic examines the layer that defines the service's operations and the messages that interact with the service.
  • Business Layer. This subtopic examines the layer that includes domain-specific processing and business entities that comprise the domain model.
  • Resource Access Layer. This subtopic examines the layer that is responsible for persisting business entities to a database and retrieving individual or sets of business entities on behalf of the business layer.


The subtopics include references to data types and message types. In the context of WCF, these elements are synonymous to WCF data contracts and message contracts.