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VEMap.oncredentialsvalid Event

You are not viewing the latest version of the AJAX control. Bing Maps AJAX V7 is the recommended JavaScript control for Bing Maps. If you need this documentation, it is available in as a CHM or PDF download.

Occurs when the map control makes a request to the Bing Maps servers and the credentials that were set using the VEMap.SetCredentials Method are valid.

VEMap.AttachEvent("oncredentialsvalid", function_name);

Return Value

A MapEvent object, which has the following properties:

Property Description


A String object representing the type of event that occurred.


The current map style as a String. Valid String results are a, r, h, and o.


If the map style is set to bird's eye (oblique), the unique identifier of the current bird's eye scene.


If the map style is set to bird's eye (oblique), the orientation of the current bird's eye scene.


The current zoom level of the map.


The oncredentialserror and oncredentialsvalid events only occur when the map control makes a server request to Bing Maps with invalid or valid credentials. The following map control methods make server requests:

See Also


Keyboard Events
Mouse Events