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TaxonomySession members

Wraps all of the associated TermStore objects for an SPSite object.

The TaxonomySession type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TaxonomySession(SPSite) Initializes a new instance of a TaxonomySession() object that is scoped to a specific SPSite object.
Public method TaxonomySession(SPList, Boolean) Creates a new session for performing taxonomy operations, using the specified SPList as the context for security permissions.
Public method TaxonomySession(SPSite, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of a TaxonomySession object that is scoped to a specific SPSite object.
Public method TaxonomySession(SPWeb, Boolean) Creates a new session for performing taxonomy operations, using the specified SPWeb as the context for security permissions.



  Name Description
Public property DefaultKeywordsTermStore Gets the TermStore object to be used for keywords
Public property DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore Gets the TermStore object to be used for metadata that are specific to the site collection, such as column-specific TermSet objects.
Public property OfflineTermStoreNames Gets a StringCollection of names of TermStore objects that are currently offline.
Public property TermStores A collection of TermStore objects that are associated with the SPWebApplication object of the current SPSite object.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetTerm Gets a Term object that is based on Term IDs. If the current Term belongs to multiple TermSet objects, it will arbitrarily return the Term from one of the TermSet objects.
Public method GetTerms([]) Gets a set of Term objects based on Term IDs. If a Term is part of more than one TermSet object, it will arbitrarily return the Term object from one of the TermSet objects.
Public method GetTerms(String, Boolean) Gets from all TermStore objects with a Label object that matches the provided string, the Term objects from all TermSet objects that are not scoped to an SPSite object.
Public method GetTerms(String, Int32, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all of the TermSet objects, which are not scoped to an SPSite object, from all TermStore objects with a Label object in the provided lcid matching the string provided.
Public method GetTerms(String, Boolean, StringMatchOption, Int32, Boolean) Searches Label objects in all working languages, and returns Term objects from all TermSet objects, which are not scoped to an SPSite object, from all TermStore objects with a Label object matching the provided string.
Public method GetTerms(String, Int32, Boolean, StringMatchOption, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Searches labels in the provided lcid, and returns Term objects from all TermSet objects, which are not scoped to an SPSite object, from all TermStore objects with a Label matching the provided string.
Public method GetTermSets([]) Gets all TermSet objects from all TermStore objects that contain Term objects with matching Label objects for all specified strings.
Public method GetTermSets(String, Int32) Gets all TermSet objects from all TermStore objects that have a name in the specified language.
Public method GetTermSets([], Int32) Gets all of the TermSet objects from all of the TermStore objects that contain Term objects with matching LCID specific labels for all specified strings.
Public method GetTermsInDefaultLanguage Searches Label objects in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TermStore objects’ default language, and returns Term objects that are not scoped to an SPSite object from all TermSet objects, in all TermStore objects that contain a Label object that matches the provided string.
Public method GetTermsInWorkingLocale Searches Label objects in the TermStore working language, and returns Term objects from all TermSet objects, which are not scoped to an SPSite object, from all TermStore objects with a Label matching the provided string.
Public method GetTermsWithCustomProperty(String, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all TermStore objects that have a property with the provided property name.
Public method GetTermsWithCustomProperty(String, Int32, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all TermStore objects that have a property with the provided property name.
Public method GetTermsWithCustomProperty(String, String, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all TermStore objects that have a property with the provided property name and the provided property value.
Public method GetTermsWithCustomProperty(String, String, StringMatchOption, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all TermStore objects that have a property with the provided property name and the property value matching the provided value in the specified way.
Public method GetTermsWithCustomProperty(String, String, StringMatchOption, Int32, Boolean) Gets Term objects from all TermStore objects that have a property with the provided property name and the property value matching the provided value in the specified way.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member SyncHiddenList Syndicates the taxonomy hidden list on the provided SPSite object.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UpdateCache Forces the taxonomy cache to communicate with the Managed Metadata Service to check for changes to any taxonomy objects.


See also


TaxonomySession class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy namespace