SPViewFlags enumeration
Describes the view type of a Web Part.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration SPViewFlags
Dim instance As SPViewFlags
public enum SPViewFlags
Member name | Description | |
None | There is no view type. | |
Html | The view is HTML. This field is also used for form Web Parts that are not the default. | |
ClientModified | The view has been modified by a client application. | |
TabularView | The view is rendered in a tabular layout appropriate for adding item-level actions to the view. | |
Hidden | The view is hidden. | |
LockWeb | While rendering the view in a client application, you should lock the SPWeb object. | |
ReadOnly | The view is read-only and cannot be modified. | |
FailIfEmpty | Rendering the view in a Web Part fails if the view is empty or does not exist. | |
FreeForm | The view is free-form. | |
FileDialog | The view is a file dialog box. | |
FileDialogTemplates | This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. | |
AggregationView | The view is an XML form aggregation. | |
Grid | The view is a grid. | |
Recursive | The view is recursive. For example, the Web Part might show document library items and document library folders. | |
RecurrenceRowset | The view supports recurrence rowsets, such as might be displayed by a Web Part that shows a calendar view. | |
Contributor | The moderation type for this view is Contributor. For more information, see the ModerationType property. | |
Moderator | The moderation type for this view is Moderator. For more information, see the ModerationType property. | |
Threaded | The view represents discussion threads. | |
Chart | The view is a chart. | |
Personal | The view is personal, not shared. | |
Calendar | The view is a calendar. | |
Default | The view is the default view for the Web Part. This flag is also used for form Web Parts that are the default form. | |
FilesOnly | The view shows only items that are files. This field is often used in combination with Recursive. | |
Ordered | The view is in alphabetical order. | |
Mobile | The view is suitable for a mobile device. | |
DefaultMobile | The view is suitable for a mobile device and is the default view. | |
IncludeVersions | The Web Part is able to show or allow the selection of multiple versions of items. For example, items in a document library can have multiple versions based on some type of workflow. | |
Gantt | The view is a Gantt chart. | |
IncludeRootFolder | The view includes the root folder of the list. | |
DefaultViewForContentType | The view is the default view for a specific content type. | |
HideUnapproved | The view does not show unapproved versions of items in a list. | |
RequiresClientIntegration | The view Web Part requires third-party client integration in order to operate properly. | |
Unknown | The type of view is unknown. |
This enumeration allows a bitwise combination of its members.
An object that implements the IListWebPart interface returns the SPViewFlags enumeration in the ViewFlags property to tell you what type of data it formats. An instance of the DataFormWebPart class returns the SPViewFlags enumeration in the ViewFlags property to tell you if it is the default form (SPViewFlags.Default) or non-default form (SPViewFlags.Html).