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VideoSurface Class

Enables applications to query, obtain, and manipulate the characteristics of the video being rendered. Applications can determine the frame size of the video image, the aspect ratio, set one of several zoom modes, determine whether video is being rendered full-screen or in a window, and set a rectangle on the screen in which to render the video.

  public class VideoSurface : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.IPropertyObject


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
ResetVideoToDefaultSettings Resets the state of the video size and position (modified by SetVideo) to the user's current preferences and rules for default video presentation.
SetSolidColor Displays a solid color instead of video.
SetUserZoomModeOverride Specifies whether the user is allowed to change the zoom mode in the application.
SetVideo Sets the size and scaling of the video.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
AvailableZoomModes Gets the available zoom modes.
FrameFormat Gets a FrameFormat object containing the pixel aspect ratio and size of the current video.
ZoomMode Gets or sets the zoom mode.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
PropertyChanged Event Fires when the FrameFormat property changes.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TVVM

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also