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StreamSelector Class

Enables applications to enumerate the streams that are currently available, determine which streams are currently active, select one or more available streams, and determine the type of each available or active stream. Because audio and video are separate streams, several streams may need to be selected.

  public class StreamSelector : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.IPropertyObject


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
CommitSelection Applies the changes made by DeselectStream and SelectStream methods.
DeselectStream Passes a list of streams to deselect for presentation.
GetModifyingStreams Gets the list of stream types that the application will modify.
SelectStream Passes a list of streams to select for presentation.
SetModifyingStreams Indicates to the platform which types of streams the application will modify.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
AvailableStreams Gets a list of all streams that are available for selection.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
PropertyChanged Event Fires when the AvailableStreams property changes.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TVVM

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also