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PlaybackSession Class

Allows the caller to obtain information about the current TV playback session, such as whether playback is from live TV or from a recording, the time difference between current playback and live TV, and the current state of tuning (whether a tune request is pending). A PropertyChanged event notifies callers when any of the session properties have changed.

  public class PlaybackSession : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.IPropertyObject


Public Instance Properties

Property Description
BeingRecorded Gets a value that indicates whether a recording is in progress.
KeyboardCommandEventState Gets a value that indicates whether further keyboard command events will be delivered to the application.
PlaybackActive Gets a value that indicates whether playback is active.
PlaybackOffset Gets a value that indicates the current playback position in the stream, in seconds, with respect to the beginning of the stream.
PreferredLanguage Gets the ISO-defined code that represents the user's preferred language.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
KeyCommandEvent Event Fires for keystroke and command events.
PropertyChanged Event Fires when a property changes.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TVVM

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also