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MediaCenterEnvironment Class

Enables applications to retrieve device information, gain access to disc changers, and control various aspects of Windows Media Center. The MediaCenterEnvironment class provides information about Windows Media Center, including its current capabilities and version number. For example, an application can use this class to display dialog boxes, play media, navigate to particular locations in Windows Media Center, and so on.


public class MediaCenterEnvironment : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.IPropertyObject

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
CreateDesktopShortcut Displays a dialog box explaining that the user has invoked an operation that must be performed from the web browser on the Windows Media Center computer, and not from within the Windows Media Center shell.
CreateFileList Starts a list of media items for CD/DVD recording applications to Windows Media Center.
Dialog Displays a Windows Media Center-style dialog box.
DialogNotification Displays a modeless notification dialog box.
LaunchEntryPoint Starts the application associated with the entry point.
NavigateToPage Directs Windows Media Center to navigate to the specified page in the Windows Media Center user interface.
PlayMedia Loads a new media item into Windows Media Center as the currently playing media.
ShowOnscreenKeyboard Displays the onscreen keyboard that is included with Windows Media Center.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
AudioMixer Gets an AudioMixer object used to set and retrieve the Windows Media Center volume level and mute state.
BackgroundColor Gets and sets the background color as a System.Drawing.Color value.
BackgroundColor2 Gets and sets the background color as a Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Color value.
BackgroundMode Gets or sets the type of background to display while audio or video is playing
Capabilities Gets a collection of key-value pairs that indicates the current capabilities of the system.
DirectXExclusive Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Windows Media Center is running in DirectX exclusive mode.
MediaChangers Gets a list of disc changers.
MediaExperience Gets a MediaExperience object used to put a Windows Media Center experience into full-screen mode, and to retrieve information about the current experience.
MediaTypesFromOriginalList Indicates which types of media are supported by the CD/DVD recording.
ParentalControls Gets a ParentalControls object used to select the type of parental control settings to query.
ScreensaverEnabledHint Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current HTML page allows the screen saver to interrupt the media experience.
UserInfo Gets a UserInfo object used to retrieve information about the user from Windows Media Center. 
Version Gets the version number of Windows Media Center (ehshell.exe).

Public Instance Events

Event Description
PropertyChanged Raised when a MediaCenterEnvironment property changes.
ResumedFromStandby Raised when the computer resumes from standby.

See Also