Visual C++ Walkthroughs
Walkthroughs give step-by-step instructions for common scenarios, which makes them a good place to start learning about the product or a particular feature area.
- Visual C++ Guided Tour
Introduces the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and the various kinds of applications that you can create by using Visual C++.
Deploying a Visual C++ Application By Using a Setup Project
Describes how to use a setup project to deploy a Visual C++ application.Deploying a Visual C++ Application to an Application-local Folder
Describes how to deploy a Visual C++ application by copying files to the application's folder.Deploying a Visual C++ Application By Using the Visual C++ Redistributable Package
Describes how to use the Visual C++ redistributable package to deploy a Visual C++ application.Preparing a Test Machine To Run a Debug Executable
Describes how to prepare a computer to test the debug version of an application built with Visual C++.Manually Deploying a ClickOnce Application
Describes how to create a ClickOnce deployment by using either the command-line version (Mage.exe) or the graphical version (MageUI.exe) of the Manifest Generation and Editing Tool.
ATL Tutorial: ActiveX Control in a Web Page
Leads you through the creation of a control and demonstrates some ATL fundamentals in the process.Walkthrough: Updating the MFC Scribble Application (Part 1)
This article walks you through migrating a simple MFC application from a classic style MFC application to a ribbon-based modern UI.Walkthrough: Updating the MFC Scribble Application (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this walkthrough, we updated the classic Scribble application to include an Office Fluent Ribbon. Now that we have a working ribbon-based application, we can add ribbon-friendly panels and controls to perform tasks that were previously performed by using the menu bar.Walkthrough: Creating a Ribbon Application By Using MFC
In this walkthrough, you will use the MFC Application Wizard to create an application that has a default ribbon. You will then expand the ribbon by adding a Custom ribbon category with a Favorites ribbon panel and add to it some frequently used commands.Walkthrough: Using the New MFC Shell Controls
In this walkthrough, you will create an application that resembles Windows Explorer. You will create a window that contains two panes. The left pane will contain a CMFCShellTreeCtrl object that will display your Desktop in a hierarchical view. The right pane will contain a CMFCShellListCtrl that will show the files in the folder that is selected in the left pane.Walkthrough: Putting Controls On Toolbars
Modern MFC toolbars can host controls other than simple buttons. This article explains how to do it.
Walkthrough: Creating a Simple Windows Form
Demonstrates how to make a basic "Hello, World" application.Walkthrough: Retrieving Dialog Box Information Collectively Using Objects
Shows how to use an object to expose a group of related data from a dialog box.Walkthrough: Updating Status Bar Information at Run Time
Explains how to programmatically control the data in status-bar panels.Walkthrough: Debugging a Windows Form
Shows how to create a Windows Form and debug it.
- Visual C++ Samples
Provides links to sample code that shows the capabilities of Visual C++ and the libraries and technologies that it supports.