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IUIAutomationPatternInstance Interface

IUIAutomationPatternInstance interface is implemented by UI Automation and it represents a pattern object. The client API wrapper uses this interface to implement all property and method calls in terms of GetProperty and CallMethod.

IUIAutomationPatternInstance Members

CallMethod Client wrapper implements methods by calling this CallMethod function, specifying the parameters as an array of pointers.
GetProperty The client wrapper object implements the IUIAutomation::get_CurrentX and IUIAutomationElement::get_CachedX methods by calling this function, specifying the property by index.


This interface is implemented by Microsoft UI Automation and returned by methods such as IUIAutomationElement::GetCurrentPattern. The interface is passed to IUIAutomationPatternHandler::CreateClientWrapper, where it is used to call the appropriate methods and property getters.

Interface Information

Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files uiautomationcore.h, uiautomationcore.idl
Minimum operating systems Windows 7