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IUIAutomationElement Interface

Exposes methods and properties for a UI Automation element, which represents a user interface (UI) item. This interface is used by client applications.

IUIAutomationElement Members

BuildUpdatedCache Retrieves a new IUIAutomationElement interface with an updated cache.
CachedAcceleratorKey Retrieves the element's accelerator key from the cache.
CachedAccessKey Retrieves the element's access key character from the cache.
CachedAriaProperties Retrieves the value of the cached Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) properties of the element.
CachedAriaRole Retrieves the cached ARIA role of the element.
CachedAutomationId Retrieves the element's Microsoft UI Automation identifier from the cache.
CachedBoundingRectangle Retrieves the cached coordinates of the rectangle that completely encloses the element.
CachedClassName Retrieves the element's class name from the cache.
CachedControllerFor Retrieves a cached array of UI Automation elements for which this element serves as the controller.
CachedControlType Retrieves a description of the UI element's control type from the cache.
CachedCulture Retrieves the element's culture identifier from the cache.
CachedDescribedBy Retrieves a cached array of UI Automation elements that describe this element.
CachedFlowsTo Retrieves a cached IUIAutomationElementArray interface that represents an array of elements. The order of the elements suggests the reading order after the current element.
CachedFrameworkId Retrieves the name of the underlying UI framework from the cache.
CachedHasKeyboardFocus Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element has keyboard focus.
CachedHelpText Retrieves the element's help text from the cache.
CachedIsContentElement Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is a content element.
CachedIsControlElement Retrieves a cached value indicting whether the UI element is a control.
CachedIsDataValidForForm Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element contains valid data for the form.
CachedIsEnabled Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the UI Automation element is enabled.
CachedIsKeyboardFocusable Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the UI Automation element can accept keyboard focus.
CachedIsOffscreen Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is off screen.
CachedIsPassword Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element contains a disguised password.
CachedIsRequiredForForm Retrieves a cached value that indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form.
CachedItemStatus Retrieves a cached description of the status of an item within an element.
CachedItemType Retrieves a cached string describing the type of item represented by UI element.
CachedLabeledBy Retrieves the cached element that contains the text label for this element.
CachedLocalizedControlType Retrieves the cached localized description of the UI element's control type.
CachedName Retrieves the name of the UI Automation element from the cache.
CachedNativeWindowHandle Retrieves the window handle of the element from the cache.
CachedOrientation Retrieves the orientation of the element from the cache.
CachedProcessId Retrieves the cached ID of the process that hosts the element.
CachedProviderDescription Retrieves a cached description of the UI Automation provider for this element.
CurrentAcceleratorKey Retrieves the accelerator key for the element.
CurrentAccessKey Retrieves the access key character for the element.
CurrentAriaProperties Retrieves the value of the ARIA properties of the element.
CurrentAriaRole Retrieves the ARIA role of the element.
CurrentAutomationId Retrieves the UI Automation identifier of the element.
CurrentBoundingRectangle Retrieves the coordinates of the rectangle that completely encloses the element.
CurrentClassName Retrieves the class name of the element.
CurrentControllerFor Retrieves an array of UI Automation elements for which this element serves as the controller.
CurrentControlType Retrieves the control type of the element.
CurrentCulture Retrieves the culture identifier for the element.
CurrentDescribedBy Retrieves an array of UI Automation elements that describe this element.
CurrentFlowsTo Retrieves an IUIAutomationElementArray interface that represents an array of elements. The order of the elements suggests the reading order after the current element.
CurrentFrameworkId Retrieves the name of the underlying UI framework.
CurrentHasKeyboardFocus Retrieves a value that indicates whether the element has keyboard focus.
CurrentHelpText Retrieves the help text for the element.
CurrentIsContentElement Retrieves a value that indictes whether the element is a content element.
CurrentIsControlElement Retrieves a value indicting whether the UI element is a control.
CurrentIsDataValidForForm Retrieves a value that indicates whether the element contains valid data for the form.
CurrentIsEnabled Retrieves a value that indicates whether the UI Automation element is enabled.
CurrentIsKeyboardFocusable Retrieves a value that indicates whether the UI Automation element can accept keyboard focus.
CurrentIsOffscreen Retrieves a value that indicates whether the element is off screen.
CurrentIsPassword Retrieves a value that indicates whether the element contains a disguised password.
CurrentIsRequiredForForm Retrieves a value that indicates whether the element is required to be filled out on a form.
CurrentItemStatus Retrieves a description of the status of an item within an element.
CurrentItemType Retrieves a string describing the type of item represented by UI element.
CurrentLabeledBy Retrieves the element that contains the text label for this element.
CurrentLocalizedControlType Retrieves a localized description of the UI element's control type.
CurrentName Retrieves the name of the UI element.
CurrentNativeWindowHandle Retrieves the window handle of the element.
CurrentOrientation Retrieves the orientation of the element
CurrentProcessId Retrieves the ID of the process that hosts the element.
CurrentProviderDescription Retrieves a description of the UI Automation provider for this element.
FindAll Returns all UI Automation elements that satisfy the specified condition.
FindAllBuildCache Returns all UI Automation elements that satisfy the specified condition, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache.
FindFirst Retrieves the first child or descendant element that matches the specified condition.
FindFirstBuildCache Retrieves the first child or descendant element that matches the specified condition, prefetches the requested properties and control patterns, and stores the prefetched items in the cache.
GetCachedChildren Retrieves the cached child elements of this UI Automation element.
GetCachedParent Retrieves from the cache the IUnknown interface of the specified control pattern of this UI Automation element.
GetCachedPattern Retrieves from the cache the IUnknown interface of the specified control pattern of this UI Automation element.
GetCachedPatternAs Retrieves the control pattern interface of the specified pattern from the cache of this UI Automation element.
GetCachedPropertyValue Retrieves a property value from the cache for this UI Automation element.
GetCachedPropertyValueEx Retrieves a property value from the cache for this UI Automation element, optionally ignoring any default value.
GetClickablePoint Retrieves a point on the element that can be clicked.
GetCurrentPattern Retrieves the IUnknown interface of the specified control pattern on this UI Automation element.
GetCurrentPatternAs Retrieves the control pattern interface of the specified pattern on this UI Automation element.
GetCurrentPropertyValue Retrieves the current value of a property for this UI Automation element.
GetCurrentPropertyValueEx Retrieves a property value for this UI Automation element, optionally ignoring any default value.
GetRuntimeId Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to the UI element.
SetFocus Sets the keyboard focus to this UI Automation element.

Interface Information

Inherits from IUnknown
Header and IDL files uiautomation.h, uiautomationclient.idl
Minimum operating systems Windows 7