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Microsoft.Office.Interop.UccApi Namespace

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Microsoft Unified Communications Client API (UCC API) exposes a set of COM-based interfaces, enumerations and coclasses in a type library named UccAPILib. Implemented in a Win32/C++ code base, the UCC API is made interoperable with .NET Framework applications via a collection of .NET Framework wrapper classes exposed under the Microsoft.Office.Interop.UccApi namespace and distributed in a primary interoperable assembly (PIA).

The type library is defined in the UCCAPI.IDL. The binary distribution of the API is UCCAPI.DLL. The API requires the media stack assembly, RTCPLTFM.DLL. The associated PIA is Microsoft.Office.Interop.UccApi.DLL. These are included as part of the UCC API SDK installation (UccApiSdk.msi).


Class Description
UccApplicationSession Illustrates the implementation of an application session. The class cannot be co-created.
UccApplicationSessionParticipant Illustrates the implementation of an application session participant. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioMediaChannel Illustrates the implementation of an audio media channel. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioMediaDevice Illustrates the implementation of an audio media device. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioSignalLevelChangedEvent Illustrates the implementation of the audio signal level changed event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioVideoMediaChannelSourceEvent Illustrates the implementation of the audio-video media channel source event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioVideoMediaChannelStreamsEvent Illustrates the implementation of the audio-video media channel stream event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioVideoSession Illustrates the implementation of an audio-video session. The class cannot be co-created.
UccAudioVideoSessionParticipant Illustrates the implementation of an audio-video session participant. The class cannot be co-created.
UccCategoryContext Illustrates the implementation of a category context. The class cannot be co-created.
UccCategoryContextEvent Illustrates the implementation of the category context event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccCategoryInstance Illustrates the implementation of a category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccCategoryInstanceEvent Illustrates the implementation of the category instance event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceEntityView Illustrates the implementation of a conference entity view. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceEntityViewCollectionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the conference entity view collection event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceInformation Illustrates the implementation of a conference information. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceManagerSession Illustrates the implementation of conference manager session. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceMediaChannel Illustrates the implementation of a conference media channel. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceSession Illustrates the implementation of a conference session. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceSessionParticipant Illustrates the implementation of a conference session participant. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpoint Illustrates the implementation of a conference session participant endpoint. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpointStateChangedEvent Illustrates the implementation of the conference session participant endpoint state changed event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConferenceView Illustrates the implementation of a conference view. The class cannot be co-created.
UccConstants Encapsulates the API-defined constants.
UccContact Illustrates the implementation of a contact category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccContactCollectionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the contact collection event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccContainerMemberCollectionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the container member collection event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccContainerMembershipEvent Illustrates the implementation of the container membership event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccContext Represents a co-createable class for a collection of application-specified properties. The class can be co-created.
UccCredential Illustrates the implementation of a user credential. The class cannot be co-created.
UccCredentialCache Illustrates the implementation of the credential cache. The class cannot be co-created.
UccDiagnosticInfo Illustrates the implementation of the diagnostic data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccFindServerEvent Illustrates the implementation of the find server event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccGroup Illustrates the implementation of a group category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccGroupMembershipEvent Illustrates the implementation of the group membership event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccIncomingInstantMessageEvent Illustrates the implementation of the incoming instant message event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccIncomingInvitationEvent Illustrates the implementation of the incoming invitation event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccIncomingMediaRequestEvent Illustrates the implementation of the incoming media request event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccIncomingSessionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the incoming session event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccIncomingSessionTransferEvent Illustrates the implementation of the incoming session transfer event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccInstantMessagingComposingEvent Illustrates the implementation of the instant messaging composing event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccInstantMessagingSession Illustrates the implementation of an instant messaging session. The class cannot be co-created.
UccInstantMessagingSessionParticipant Illustrates the implementation of an instant messaging session participant. The class cannot be co-created.
UccInvitationAcceptedEvent Illustrates the implementation of the invitation accepted event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccLocaleString Illustrates the implementation of the locale-specific string. The class cannot be co-created.
UccMediaChannelEvent Illustrates the implementation of the media channel event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccMediaConnectivityServer Illustrates the implementation of a media connectivity server. The class cannot be co-created.
UccMediaDeviceChangeEvent Illustrates the implementation of the media device change event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccOperationContext Represents a co-creatable class for an application-defined operational context. The class can be co-created.
UccOperationProgressEvent Illustrates the implementation of the operation progress event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccOutgoingInvitationEvent Illustrates the implementation of the outgoing invitation event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccOutgoingSessionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the outgoing session event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPlatform Represents a co-creatable class for the application framework in the UCC API. The class can be co-created.
UccPresenceActivity Illustrates the implementation of an activity as part of presence information. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceCalendarDataInstance Illustrates the implementation of a calendar data category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceCapabilities Illustrates the implementation of the capabilities to capture or rendner presence. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceCapabilityInfo Illustrates the implementation of a capability to capture or render presence. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceContactCardAddress Illustrates the implementation of an address in a contact card. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceContactCardIdentity Illustrates the implementation of a contact card identity. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceContactCardInstance Illustrates the implementation of a contact card category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceContactCardPhone Illustrates the implementation of a telephone number in a contact card. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceContactCardUrl Illustrates the implementation of a URL in a contact card. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceDeviceInstance Illustrates the implementation of a device category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceFreeBusyInformation Illustrates the implementation of the free/busy information. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceNoteData Illustrates the implementation of the presence note data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceNoteInstance Illustrates the implementation of a note category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresencePhoneLine Illustrates the implementation of the phone line information. The class can be co-created.
UccPresenceServiceElement Illustrates the implementation of a service element. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceServicesInstance Illustrates the implementation of a services category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceStateInstance Illustrates the implementation of a presence state category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceTimeZoneInformation Illustrates the implementation of the time zone information. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceWorkingHoursBlock Illustrates the implementation of a working hours block as part of presence. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresenceWorkingHoursInformation Illustrates the implementation of the working hours information for presence. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPresentity Illustrates the implementation of a presentity. The class cannot be co-created.
UccProperty Illustrates the implementation of a property. The class cannot be co-created.
UccPropertyCollection Represents a co-creatable class for a collection of properties supported by other Unified Communications Client API entities. The class can be co-created.
UccPropertyUpdateEvent Illustrates the implementation of the property update event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccProvisioningPolicyInstance Illustrates the implementation of a provisioning policy category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccProxyEndpoint Illustrates the implementation of a proxy endpoint. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRemoteCallControlAudioChannel Illustrates the implementation of a remote call control audio channel. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRemoteCallControlSession Illustrates the implementation of a remote call control. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRemoteCallControlSessionParticipant Illustrates the implementation of a remote call control session participant. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingPreamble Illustrates the implementation of a routing preamble as part of a routing rule. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingPreambleFlagsElement Illustrates the implementation of a Flags element of a routing preamble. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingPreambleListElement Illustrates the implementation of a List element of a routing preamble. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingPreambleWaitElement Illustrates the implementation of the Wait element of a routing preamble. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingRuleInstance Illustrates the implementation of a routing rule category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccRoutingTarget Illustrates the implementation of a target to which a request is rerouted. The class cannot be co-created.
UccServerConfigurationCategory Illustrates the implementation of the server configuration category instance. The class cannot be co-created.
UccServerEndpoint Illustrates the implementation of a server endpoint. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionOperationEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session operation event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionParticipantCollectionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session participant collection event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionParticipantEndpointCollectionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session participant endpoint collection event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionParticipantOperationEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session participant operation event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionParticipantStateChangedEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session participant state changed event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSessionTransferProgressEvent Illustrates the implementation of the session transfer progress event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSignalingChannel Illustrates the implementation of a signaling channel. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSignalingHeaderField Illustrates the implementation of a signaling header. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSignalingHeaderFieldParameter Illustrates the implementation of a signaling header parameter. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSignalingRequest Represents a co-creatable class for a signaling request. The class can be co-created.
UccSignalingResponse Represents a co-creatable class for a signaling response. The class can be co-created.
UccSubscription Illustrates the implementation of a category subscription. The class cannot be co-created.
UccSubscriptionEvent Illustrates the implementation of the subscription event data. The class cannot be co-created.
UccUri Illustrates the implementation of a URI. The class cannot be co-created.
UccUriManager Represents a co-creatable class for constructing a URI supported by the Unified Communications Client API. The class can be co-created.
UccUserSearchQuery Illustrates the implementation of the user search query. The class cannot be co-created.
UccUserSearchResultRecord Illustrates the implementation of the user search result record. The class cannot be co-created.
UccVideoMediaChannel Illustrates the implementation of a video media channel. The class cannot be co-created.
UccVideoMediaDevice Illustrates the implementation of a video media device. The class cannot be co-created.


Interface Description
_IUccApplicationSessionParticipantEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccApplicationSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccAudioMediaChannelEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccAudioMediaChannel instance.
_IUccAudioVideoMediaChannelEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccAudioVideoMediaChannel instance.
_IUccAudioVideoSessionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccAudioVideoSession instance.
_IUccAudioVideoSessionParticipantEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccAudioVideoSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccCategoryContextEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccCategoryContext instance.
_IUccCategoryInstanceEvents Encapsulates the events raised by an IUccCategoryInstance instance.
_IUccConferenceEntityViewCollectionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceEntityView instance.
_IUccConferenceEntityViewEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceEntityView instance.
_IUccConferenceManagerSessionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceManagerSession instance.
_IUccConferenceMediaChannelCollectionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpoint instance.
_IUccConferenceMediaChannelEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceMediaChannel instance.
_IUccConferenceSessionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceSession instance.
_IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpointEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpoint instance.
_IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccConferenceSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccContactEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccContact instance.
_IUccContainerEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccContainer instance.
_IUccContainerMemberEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccContainerMember instance.
_IUccEndpointEvents Defines events raised by an IUccEndpoint instance.
_IUccGroupEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccGroup instance.
_IUccInstantMessagingSessionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccInstantMessagingSession instance.
_IUccInstantMessagingSessionParticipantEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccInstantMessagingSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccMediaChannelCollectionEvents Defines the events about a media channel collection maintained by an IUccAudioVideoSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccMediaChannelEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccMediaChannel instance
_IUccMediaDeviceManagerEvents Defines the events raise by an IUccDeviceManager instance.
_IUccMediaEndpointEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccMediaEndpointSettings instance.
_IUccOperationManagerEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccOperationManager instance.
_IUccPlatformEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccPlatform instance.
_IUccPresentityEvents Encapsulates the events raised by an IUccPresentity instance.
_IUccPublicationEvent Represents events raised by an IUccPublication instance.
_IUccPublicationManagerEvents Defines events raised by an IUccPublicationManager instance.
_IUccServerSignalingSettingsEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccServerSignalingSettings instance.
_IUccSessionCallControlEvents Encapsulates events related to the session call control.
_IUccSessionDescriptionEvaluator Encapsulates the callback function, implemented by an application and called by the UCC API, to determine whether a session is an application session.
_IUccSessionEvents Encapsulates the events raised by an IUccSession instance.
_IUccSessionManagerEvents Defines the events raised by an IUccSessionManager instance.
_IUccSessionParticipantCollectionEvents Encapsulates those events associated with the collection of participants in a session.
_IUccSessionParticipantEndpointCollectionEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccSessionParticipantEvents Encapsulates events raised by an IUccSessionParticipant instance.
_IUccSignalingChannelEvents Encapsulates the events raised by an IUccSignalingChannel instance.
_IUccSubscriptionEvents Encapsulates the events raised by an IUccSubscription instance.
_IUccUserSearchQueryEvents _IUccUserSearchQueryEvents Interface
IUccApplicationSessionParticipant Encapsulates a participant features specific to an application session participant.
IUccArray This is an overload of the IUccCollection interface.
IUccAudioMediaChannel Exposes the properties of an audio media channel associated with an audio video session participant.
IUccAudioMediaDevice Encapsulates an audio device.
IUccAudioSignalLevelChangedEvent Represents the event data of an audio signal changed event.
IUccAudioVideoMediaChannel Exposes stream-level properties for media channels.
IUccAudioVideoMediaChannelSourceEvent Represents the event data of an audio or video media source changed event.
IUccAudioVideoMediaChannelStreamsEvent Represents the event data of a media stream changed event.
IUccAudioVideoSession Encapsulates an audio and video session.
IUccAudioVideoSessionParticipant Encapsulates the features specific to an audio and video session participant.
IUccCategoryContext Encapsulates a collection of category instances of a given category name published by a particular presentity.
IUccCategoryContextEvent Encapsulates the event data for events defined in the _IUccPresentityEvents dispinterface.
IUccCategoryInstance Encapsulates a category instance of the generic type.
IUccCategoryInstanceEvent Encapsulates the event data for events defined in the _IUccCategoryContextEvents dispinterface.
IUccCollection Represents an enumerable collection of items.
IUccConferenceEntityView Encapsulates a conference entity view.
IUccConferenceEntityViewCollectionEvent Encapsulates the event data for the events defined in the _IUccConferenceEntityViewEvents dispinterface.
IUccConferenceInformation Encapsulates the conference information.
IUccConferenceManager Encapsulates a confeference manager for conference scheduling.
IUccConferenceManagerSession Encapsulates a conference manager session for scheduling a conference and its management thereafter.
IUccConferenceMediaChannel Exposes the features of a media channel associated with a participant's endpoint in a conference session.
IUccConferenceSession Encapsulates a conference session.
IUccConferenceSessionParticipant Encapsulates a conference participant.
IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpoint Encapsulates a media endpoint for a conference participant.
IUccConferenceSessionParticipantEndpointStateChangedEvent Represents the event data of events indicating a change of the state of a participant endpoint in a conference session.
IUccConferenceView Encapsulates a conference view.
IUccContact Encapsulates a contact of the local user.
IUccContactCollectionEvent Defines the interface for OnContactAdded and OnContactRemoved event data.
IUccContainer Encapsulates a container of category instance and member scope.
IUccContainerMember Encapsulates a container member representing an access control entry.
IUccContainerMemberCollectionEvent Encapsulates the event data for the events when a member is added to or removed from a container.
IUccContainerMembershipEvent Encapsulates the event data for the OnContainerAdded or OnContainerRemoved event defined in the _IUccContainerMemberEvents dispinterface.
IUccContainerMembershipManager Encapsulates a container membership manager for managing access control entries for contained category instances.
IUccContext Represents the context associated with new object instances.
IUccCredential Defines the interface used to represent a user credential.
IUccCredentialCache Encapsulates the management of the credentials associated with an endpoint.
IUccDiagnosticInfo Encapsulates the diagnostic information as an entry in an error report.
IUccDiagnosticReportingSettings Encapsulates the settings for diagnostic report.
IUccEndpoint Encapsulates an entity engaged in the real-time communications and collaborations from a particular communications device or using a particular media.
IUccFindMediaConnectivityServersEvent Defines the events in response to the FindMediaConnectivityServers method call on an IUccMediaEndpointSettings instance.
IUccFindServerEvent Defines the event data of an event as the response to the IUccServerSignalingSettings.FindServer request.
IUccGroup Encapsulates a group used to organize the contacts of a local user.
IUccGroupMembershipEvent Encapsulates the group related event data when a contact is added to or removed from a group.
IUccIncomingInstantMessageEvent Encapsulates the event data as part of an incoming invitation of an instant messaging session.
IUccIncomingInvitationEvent Encapsulates the event data used for custom media negotiation as part of an incoming invitation for an application session.
IUccIncomingMediaRequestEvent Represents the data for an incoming media request event.
IUccIncomingRequestEvent Encapsulates the event data of an incoming request event.
IUccIncomingSessionEvent Represents the data common to all incoming session events.
IUccIncomingSessionTransferEvent Represents the data of an event indicating that an incoming session is transferred.
IUccIncomingSignalingMessageEvent Represents the event data of an incoming message event raised by an IUccSignalingChannel instance.
IUccInstantMessagingComposingEvent Encapsulates the event data of events indicating changes of the composing state.
IUccInstantMessagingSession Encapsulates an instant messaging session.
IUccInstantMessagingSessionParticipant Encapsulates features specific to an instant messaging session participant.
IUccInvitationAcceptedEvent Represents data of an event acknowledging the acceptance of an invitation to an application session with custom media negotiation.
IUccLocaleString Represents a locale-specific string.
IUccMediaChannel Encapsulates a media channel.
IUccMediaChannelCollectionEvent Represents the event data of the events as defined in the _IUccMediaChannelCollectionEvents dispinterface.
IUccMediaChannelDevices Exposes device management capabilities for media channels.
IUccMediaChannelEvent Represents the event data of a negotiated media changed event.
IUccMediaConnectivityServer Encapsulates a media connectivity server to support interactive connectivity establishment.
IUccMediaConnectivityServerConfiguration Encapsulates the media connectivity server configuration.
IUccMediaDevice Encapsulates a media device.
IUccMediaDeviceChangeEvent Represents the event data of an event in which a media device is changed.
IUccMediaDeviceManager Encapsulates the media device manager used to set up default devices for audio and video sessions as well as related global settings for audio and video.
IUccMediaDeviceSettings Encapsulates the device settings and its operations for the preferred media devices.
IUccMediaEndpointSettings Encapsulates the configuration for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) to maintain audio and video media sessions between endpoints across firewalls.
IUccOperationContext Encapsulates the metadata associated with an asynchronous operation and its progress.
IUccOperationManager Encapsulates an operation to cancel a pending asynchronous request.
IUccOperationProgressEvent Represents the event data of an event as the response to an asynchronous request.
IUccOutgoingInvitationEvent Encapsulates the event data of events indicating that an outgoing session invitation is to be sent to a remote participant.
IUccOutgoingSessionEvent Represents the data of an event indicating that a new outgoing session is received.
IUccPlatform The singleton instance of the application framework of the UCC API.
IUccPresenceActivity Encapsulates a presence-related activity.
IUccPresenceCalendarDataInstance Encapsulates a calendarData category instance.
IUccPresenceCapabilities Encapsulate a set of capabilities an endpoint has to render presence and related information.
IUccPresenceCapabilityInfo Encapsulates a capability information item.
IUccPresenceContactCardAddress Encapsulates an address entry in a contact card of a user.
IUccPresenceContactCardIdentity Encapsulates the identity of a user described by a contact card.
IUccPresenceContactCardInstance Encapsulates a category instance as a contact card.
IUccPresenceContactCardUrl Represents a URL of a contact card.
IUccPresenceDeviceInstance Encapsulates a presence device category instance.
IUccPresenceFreeBusyInformation Encapsulates a piece of free/busy information as part of a user's presence description.
IUccPresenceNoteData Encapsulates an individual note provided by a given user. IUccPresenceNoteInstance is obtained by a cast from IUccCategoryInstance where the category instance name is "note".
IUccPresenceNoteInstance Encapsulates a note category instance providing descriptions of a user's presence.
IUccPresencePhoneLine Encapsulates a phone line used as part of presence information.
IUccPresenceServiceElement Encapsulates a service element.
IUccPresenceServicesInstance Encapsulates a services category instance.
IUccPresenceStateInstance Encapsulates a user's presence state category instance.
IUccPresenceTimeZoneInformation Encapsulates the time when the transition between the standard time and the daylight savings time takes place in a user's time zone.
IUccPresenceWorkingHoursBlock Encapsulates a working-hours block as part of a contact's working hours.
IUccPresenceWorkingHoursInformation Encapsulates a user’s working hours.
IUccPresentity Encapsulates a publisher of category instances.
IUccProperty Encapsulates a property as a name-value pair.
IUccPropertyCollection Encapsulates a read/write property collection.
IUccPropertyUpdateEvent Represents the event data for events in which a property of a conference or a session participant is updated.
IUccProvisioningPolicyInstance Encapsulate a provisioning policy category instance.
IUccPublication Encapsulates a publication operation with which category instances are added, removed, or modified.
IUccPublicationManager Encapsulates a publication manager for publishing category instances.
IUccReadOnlyPropertyCollection Represents a read-only property collection.
IUccRoutingPreamble Encapsulates the preamble of a routing rule.
IUccRoutingPreambleElement Encapsulates the preamble routing element.
IUccRoutingPreambleFlagsElement Encapsulates a Flags element in the routing preamble.
IUccRoutingPreambleListElement Encapsulates a list of targets to which a request is rerouted.
IUccRoutingPreambleWaitElement Encapsulates the Wait element of the routing preamble.
IUccRoutingRuleElement Encapsulates a routing rule element.
IUccRoutingRuleInstance Encapsulates a routing rule as a routing category instance.
IUccRoutingTarget Encapsulates a target to which a request should be routed.
IUccServerConfigurationCategory Encapsulates a server configuration category instance.
IUccServerSignalingSettings Encapsulates the signaling settings needed for registering a user's endpoint with Office Communications Server.
IUccSession Encapsulates a communication and collaboration session.
IUccSessionCallControl Encapsulates the maintenance of the media connection state of an active session.
IUccSessionManager Encapsulates the session management for a communication and collaboration session.
IUccSessionOperationEvent Represents the results of an operation involving multiple participants in a session.
IUccSessionParticipant Encapsulates a participant member of a session.
IUccSessionParticipantCollectionEvent Represents the event data of the events as defined in the _IUccSessionParticipantCollectionEvents interface.
IUccSessionParticipantEndpoint Encapsulates a session participant endpoint.
IUccSessionParticipantEndpointCollectionEvent Represents the event data of the events as defined in the _IUccSessionParticipantEndpointCollectionEvents dispinterface.
IUccSessionParticipantOperationEvent Represents the results of an operation involving a particular participant in a session.
IUccSessionParticipantStateChangedEvent Represents the event data of events indicating a change of the state of a participant in a session.
IUccSessionTransferProgressEvent Represents the event data of an event indicating the progress of a session transfer.
IUccSignalingChannel Encapsulates the underlying signaling channel between a pair of endpoints in an existing session.
IUccSignalingChannelManager Encapsulates a signaling channel manager as a factory object to create a signaling channel.
IUccSignalingHeaderField Encapsulates a SIP message header field.
IUccSignalingHeaderFieldParameter Encapsulates a header field parameter of a signaling message.
IUccSignalingMessage Encapsulates a SIP message to carry custom information to be exchanged in a session.
IUccSignalingRequest Encapsulates a signaling request.
IUccSignalingResponse Encapsulates a SIP response message.
IUccSignalingServer Identifies an Office Communications Server host.
IUccSubscriber Encapsulates subscription acknowledgement functionality for the category instances published by the local user.
IUccSubscription Encapsulates a subscription.
IUccSubscriptionEvent Represents the event data of the events defined by the _IUccSubscriptionEvents dispinterface.
IUccSubscriptionManager Encapsulates the subscription manager. The subscription manager is the "factory class" used to create subscription objects.
IUccTraceSettings Encapsulates the functionalities for enabling and disabling tracing.
IUccUri Encapsulate a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
IUccUriManager Encapsulates a URI manager for constructing, parsing, or converting a URI.
IUccUserSearchManager IUccUserSearchManager Interface, QI from IUccServerEndpoint
IUccUserSearchQuery Encapsulates a query for user search.
IUccUserSearchQueryEvent IUccUserSearchQueryEvent Interface
IUccUserSearchResultRecord IUccUserSearchResultRecord Interface
IUccVideoMediaChannel Exposes the properties for the video media channel.
IUccVideoMediaDevice Encapsulates a video device.


Enumeration Description
UCC_AUDIO_VIDEO_DEVICE_CATEGORY Enumerates the audio and video device categories.
UCC_AUTHENTICATION_MODES Enumerates available authentication modes used for signing in an endpoint into an Office Communications Server host.
UCC_CATEGORY_CONTEXT_EVENT_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the application-specified properties that are returned in an IUccCategoryContextEvent instance.
UCC_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_EVENT_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the application-specified properties that are returned in an IUccCategoryInstanceEvent instance.
UCC_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_EXPIRE_TYPE Enumerates the expiration types of a category instance.
UCC_CATEGORY_REMOVAL_EVENT_REASON Enumerates the reasons for the removal of a category context or a category instance.
UCC_CATEGORY_REMOVAL_REASON Enumerates the reasons of the removal of a category context or a category instance.
UCC_CHANNEL_CONTEXT Enumerates the API-supported extended properties as channel context.
UCC_CONFERENCE_ADMISSION_TYPE Enumerates the conference admission types.
UCC_CONFERENCE_ENTITY_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference entity that includes an MCU and the focus.
UCC_CONFERENCE_ENTITY_SETTING_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the conference entity setting.
UCC_CONFERENCE_ENTITY_STATE_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the state of a conference entity.
UCC_CONFERENCE_ENTITY_TYPE Enumerates the conference entity types.
UCC_CONFERENCE_INFORMATION_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the conference information used by a conference manager.
UCC_CONFERENCE_MANAGER_OPERATION_COMPLETED_EVENT_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the operation completed events raised by a conference manager.
UCC_CONFERENCE_MEDIA_CHANNEL_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference media channel.
UCC_CONFERENCE_MEDIA_FILTERS_RULE_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the conference media filters rules.
UCC_CONFERENCE_MEDIA_JOIN_TYPE Enumerates possible ways a participant can connect to a conference MCU.
UCC_CONFERENCE_MEDIUM_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference medium.
UCC_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANT_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE Enumerates ways that a conference participant is authenticated.
UCC_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANT_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT Enumerates the API-supported extended properties as the context of a conference participant endpoint.
UCC_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANT_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference participant endpoint.
UCC_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANT_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference participant.
UCC_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANT_ROLE Enumerates the conference participant roles.
UCC_CONFERENCE_RECORDED_MEDIA_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties describing the conference recorded media.
UCC_CONFERENCE_SESSION_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a conference session.
UCC_CONFERENCE_VIDEO_SWITCHING_MODE Enumerates the conference video switching modes specifying how a presenter video stream is broadcast to the conference participants.
UCC_CONTACT_CARD_ADDRESS_TYPE Enumerates the API-supported address types appearing in a contact card.
UCC_CONTACT_CARD_PHONE_TYPE Enumerates the API-supported phone types appearing in a contact card.
UCC_CONTACT_CARD_URL_TYPE Enumerates the API-supported URL types for a contact card category instance.
UCC_CONTAINER_MEMBER_COMPARE_RESULT Enumerates possible results from comparing one IUccContainerMember to another.
UCC_CONTAINER_MEMBER_MATCHING_TYPE Enumerates the container member matching type.
UCC_CONTAINER_MEMBERSHIP_SCOPE Enumerates the container membership scope of a container member.
UCC_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO_TYPE Enumerates the types of possible IUccDiagnosticInfo objects.
UCC_DIAGNOSTIC_REPORTING_METHODS Enumerates the type of diagnostic reporting supported by the UCC API.
UCC_DTMF Enumerates the dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tones used for telephone signaling over a public switched telephone network (PSTN).
UCC_ENDPOINT_SIGNALING_CAPABILITIES Enumerates the signaling capabilities of an endpoint.
UCC_ENDPOINT_TYPE Enumerates the types of endpoints supported by this API.
UCC_FIND_MEDIA_CONNECTIVITY_SERVER_REQUEST_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the properties for media connectivity server configurations.
UCC_FIND_SERVER_CONTEXT Enumerates the ID of the extended properties describing a FindServer operation.
UCC_GROUP_TYPE Enumerates the types of groups for organizing contacts.
UCC_INCOMING_REQUEST_EVENT_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the extended properties describing the event an incoming request event.
UCC_MEDIA_CONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the extended properties of a media connectivity server configuration.
UCC_MEDIA_CONNECTIVITY_SERVER_LOCATION Enumerates possible media connectivity server locations.
UCC_MEDIA_CONNECTIVITY_SERVER_TYPE Enumerates the types of media connectivity servers supported by the UCC API.
UCC_MEDIA_DEVICE_CHANGE_REASON Enumerates the reasons for a device change.
UCC_MEDIA_DEVICE_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties of a media device.
UCC_MEDIA_DEVICE_SETTING_PROPERTY Enumerates the IDs of the properties as the device setting.
UCC_MEDIA_DIRECTIONS Enumerates the directions of a media transmission.
UCC_MEDIA_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL Enumerates the media security level supported by the UCC API.
UCC_MEDIA_ENCRYPTION_MODES Enumerates the media encryption modes supported by the UCC API.
UCC_MEDIA_STREAM_STATE Enumerates the states of a media stream.
UCC_MEDIA_STREAM_STATE_CHANGE_REASON Enumerates the reasons for changes of an active media state.
UCC_MEDIA_TYPES Enumerates the media types supported by the UCC API.
UCC_OPERATION_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the extended properties describing a signaling operation.
UCC_OPERATION_PROGRESS_EVENT_CONTEXT Enumerates the API-supported extended properties as the context of an operation completed event.
UCC_PARTICIPANT_STATE_CHANGE_REASON Enumerates the reasons of a change in a participant state.
UCC_PLATFORM_CONTEXT Enumerates the API-supported extended properties as the context for a platform object.
UCC_PRESENCE_AVAILABILITY Enumerates presence availability values supported by the UCC API.
UCC_PRESENCE_CATEGORY_TYPE Enumerates presence-related category types supported by the UCC API.
UCC_PRESENCE_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES Enumerates the capabilities of a presence device.
UCC_PRESENCE_NOTE_TYPE Enumerates the types of presence note category instances.
UCC_PRESENCE_PHONE_LINE_TYPE Enumerates the possible phone line types for a user.
UCC_PRESENCE_STATE_TYPE Enumerates possible types of a presence state.
UCC_PRESENCE_WORKING_HOURS_DAYS Enumerates the week days used for the working hours appearing in a presence category instance.
UCC_PRESENCE_WORKING_HOURS_TIMEZONE_TYPE Enumerates the types of time zone to show the working hours as part of a contact's presence information.
UCC_PROPERTY_ACCESSIBILITY Enumerates the property accessibility bit encoded in a property identifier.
UCC_PROPERTY_CLASS Enumerates the property class encoded in a property identifier.
UCC_PROPERTY_MASK Enumerates the property ID masks used to determine metadata of a property value of a given property ID.
UCC_PROPERTY_MASK_INDEX Enumerates the indices indicating the starting bits of the property ID masks.
UCC_PROPERTY_TYPE Enumerates the property type encoded in a property identifier.
UCC_PROXY_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT_EXTENSIONS Enumerates the endpoint extended properties used to support a consultation call in the remote call control.
UCC_PUBLICATION_OPERATION_TYPE Enumerates the operations used for publishing a category instance.
UCC_REJECT_OR_TERMINATE_REASON Enumerates the reasons for rejection of an incoming request or terminating a session.
UCC_ROUTING_PREAMBLE_ELEMENT_TYPE Enumerates the types of routing preamble elements.
UCC_ROUTING_RULE_ELEMENT_TYPE Enumerates the types of routing elements.
UCC_SERVER_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT Enumerates the server endpoint context extensions.
UCC_SERVER_ENDPOINT_FLAGS Enumerates the options to initialize a server endpoint.
UCC_SESSION_CONTEXT Enumerates the API-supported extended properties as a session context.
UCC_SESSION_ENTITY_STATE Enumerates the states of a session entity.
UCC_SESSION_REDIRECT_METHOD Enumerates the ways for redirecting an incoming session.
UCC_SESSION_TYPE Enumerates the types of a UCC API session.
UCC_SIGNALING_MESSAGE_TYPE Enumerates possible subtypes of an IUccSignalingMessage object.
UCC_SIGNALING_REQUEST_TYPE Enumerates signaling messages supported by Office Communications Server and the UCC API.
UCC_SOURCE_NETWORK_TYPE Enumerates possible source network types.
UCC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of the extended properties of a subscription.
UCC_TELEPHONY_DEVICE_SUB_TYPES Enumerates the telephony device subtypes.
UCC_TRANSFER_CONTEXT Enumerates the IDs of properties describing an incoming session transfer request.
UCC_TRANSPORT_MODE Enumerates available transport modes supported by the UCC API.
UCC_TUNING_WIZARD_PAGE Enumerates the Media Device Tuning Wizard pages.
UCC_URI_COMPARISON_OPTION Enumerates the options for URI comparisons.
UCC_URI_SCHEME Enumerates the URI scheme supported by the UCC API.
UCC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN Enumerates user search result fields in a record
UCC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE Enumerates the user search preferences specifying how the search result is to be returned.
UCC_VIDEO_TYPE Enumerates video types of a media.