

A world of thanks goes out to Darren Shaffer, Erik Ejlskov Jensen, Nick Randolph and Andy Wigley for all their help with technical editing. Their expertise in pointing out things that I missed only makes this a better book for everyone.

A big thanks also goes out to Darren Flatt, Ginny Caughey, Darren Shaffer, Loke Uei Tan, Dave Bottomley, Michael Jimenez, Rabi Satter, and Steve Hegenderfer for staffing my Merge Replication booth at MEDC, Tech Ed and Dev Connections in 2007. You all did a great job teaching the hundreds of curious attendees how to build out a scalable mobile line of business infrastructure. Also, thank you to John Dietz for supporting the notion that “seeing is believing,” thus allowing me to purchase and assemble this travelling road show of enterprise mobility. Watching my 1,600-pound portable data center replicate 7,000,000 rows of data per hour is truly something to behold.