ASP.NET Mobile Controls QuickStart
The ASP.NET Mobile Controls QuickStart Tutorial is a set of samples and supporting documentation designed to quickly acquaint you with the ASP.NET mobile controls. The QuickStart Tutorial samples are designed to be short, easy-to-understand illustrations of features of the mobile controls. By the time you complete the QuickStart Tutorial, you will be able to build fully functioning ASP.NET mobile Web pages.
The ASP.NET mobile controls are part of the Microsoft ASP.NET page framework. Before you begin, familiarize yourself with writing ASP.NET Web applications by completing the ASP.NET 2.0 QuickStart Tutorial.
The QuickStart Tutorial samples are best experienced in the presented sequence. Each section assumes that you are familiar with concepts presented in earlier sections. The topic How to: Work with Emulators and Browsers provides more information on how to obtain and use device browser emulators.
To browse the QuickStart Tutorial, enter the following in your browser:
The Mobile Controls QuickStart Tutorial is available only if you have installed it on your computer.
To browse the Mobile Controls QuickStart Tutorial on the Internet, browse to the Mobile Internet QuickStart Tutorial Web site.
The Mobile Internet Toolkit QuickStart Tutorial contains the following information:
Getting Started
The Mobile Internet Toolkit
Viewing the Samples
Mobile Web Form Basics
Introducing Mobile Web Forms
Handling User Input
List Controls
Advanced Topics
Styles and Style Sheets
Automatic Pagination
Device-Specific Content
Image, AdRotator, Calendar, and PhoneCall
Writing Your Own Controls
Writing Mobile Applications
Managing Application State
Using Mobile Capabilities
Localizing Mobile Applications
Samples and Resources
Writing an E-Mail Control
Writing a TimerForm Control
FM Expense Reporting
IBuySpy Mobile Portal
Other Resources