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Upload Delete Status State

Upload Delete Status State

This topic describes what happens during the upload delete status state of the replication state machine.

Quick Info

Related Data Structure: UPDEL
From this state: Upload table state
To this state: Upload table state
Bb905257.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
The replication state machine is a deterministic state machine. A client departing from one state to another must eventually return to the former from the latter.


This state initiates updating on a server those Outlook items (mail, calendar, contact, task, note, or journal) that have been deleted in a folder on a local store specified in a preceding upload table state. During this state, Outlook initializes members in the associated UPDEL data structure with information for the items that have been deleted or moved from the folder.

The client then deletes the specified items in the folder on the server. To distinguish items that have been moved as opposed to having been deleted, the client must check the pupmov members identified in the UPDEL structure.

When this state ends, Outlook clears the internal information indicating that the item has been deleted; consequently, Outlook will no longer have a record of the item. The local store returns to the upload table state.

See Also

About the Replication API

About the Replication State Machine

Constants for the Replication API