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How to: Create a Dashboard Wizard Template

To create a dashboard wizard template, your extension must:

  • Reference the Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins DLL.

  • Reference the Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client DLL.

  • Inherit from the TemplateFactory or DashboardTemplateFactory class; both are in the ModelerPlugins DLL.

  • Override the GetTemplateTypeId, GetTemplateType, GetTemplateItems, and CreateTemplateItem methods.

The example in this topic inherits from the TemplateFactory class.

Implementing TemplateFactory to create a custom dashboard

The following code example creates a custom dashboard that contains user-specified zones.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Modeler.Framework;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.WizardFramework;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerWorkspace;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Templates;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Controls;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.DataSources;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Utilities;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.Dashboards;

namespace SampleDashboardTemplate
    public class SampleDashboardTemplateFactory : TemplateFactory
        #region Member Data
        // The identifier for the TemplateFactory class.
        public const string TemplateTypeId = "SampleDashboardTemplateFactory"; 

        #region Methods

        // Get the identifier for the TemplateFactory class. 
        public override string GetTemplateTypeId()
            return TemplateTypeId; 

        // Get the type of TemplateFactory.
        public override Type GetTemplateType()
            return typeof(SampleDashboardTemplateFactory);  

        // Get the available template items for the
        // creation wizard.
        public override List<TemplateItem> GetTemplateItems()
            List<TemplateItem> items = new List<TemplateItem>();

            // Create a template item.
            TemplateItem item1 = new TemplateItem();

            // Set properties for the item. 
            item1.Name = "Test Zone";
            item1.Folder = "All"; 

            // The image for the custom dashboard template. 
            // Change the image name to reference your custom image.
            item1.Image = DashboardContainer.BeanmanQuest; 
            item1.TemplateId = "TestZone"; 
            item1.TemplateTypeId = GetTemplateTypeId();
            item1.Description = "SampleDashboardTemplate Description"; 
            return items;

        // Create a new template item (dashboard) using the template 
        // specified in the "item" parameter.
        public override void CreateTemplateItem(TemplateItem item)
            if (item != null)
                switch (item.TemplateId)
                    case "TestZone":

        private void CreateDashboard(string templateId)
            WizardForm form = new WizardForm();
            form.Title = "Sample Dashboard Wizard"; 

            // Instantiate the wizard and set properties for it.
            CreateElementWizardPage pageElement = new CreateElementWizardPage(form, typeof(Dashboard)); 
            pageElement.Logo = DashboardContainer.BeanmanQuest;
            pageElement.Headline = "Sample Dashboard Wizard"; 
            pageElement.StepTitle = "Create Sample Dashboard"; 

            // Open the wizard.

            // Click finish to create the dashboard.
            if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) 

                // Create the dashboard and set dashboard properties.
                Dashboard dashboard = new Dashboard(); 
                dashboard.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                dashboard.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                dashboard.TemplateType = templateId;

                // Add the dashboard container to the dashboard.

                // Add the dashboard to the workspace.
                GeneralUtilities.AddToWorkspace(dashboard, true);


        // Create a new dashboard by using the specified template.
        public DashboardElementContainer CreateDashboardPage(string templateId) 

            // Create the dashboard container based on the
            // templateId, and return the container.
            DashboardElementContainer newContainer = null;
            switch ( templateId )
                case DashboardTemplateId.BlankTemplateId:
                newContainer = new DashboardElementContainer();

                case "TestZone":
                newContainer = CreateMultipleZones();

            newContainer.Owner.Login = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
            BpmPropertyDate createDate = new BpmPropertyDate();
            createDate.UniqueName = "UpdateDate";
            createDate.Date = DateTime.Now;
            return newContainer;

        private static DashboardElementContainer CreateMultipleZones()

            // Create the dashboard container and 
            // set properties for it.
            DashboardElementContainer page = new DashboardElementContainer(); 
            page.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            page.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.VerticalTopJustified;

            // Set the number of dashboard rows to create.
            DashboardElementContainer rows = CreateRows(4); 

            // Set row height and width, and add the 
            // rows to the dashboard.
            foreach (DashboardElementContainer childColumn in rows.DashboardElements) 
                 childColumn.Width.Measurement = 90;
            rows.Height.Measurement = 90;

            // Set the number of dashboard columns to create.
            DashboardElementContainer columns = CreateColumns(4); 

            // Set column height and width, and add the
            // columns to the dashboard.
            foreach (DashboardElementContainer childRow in columns.DashboardElements) 
                childRow.Height.Measurement = 90;
            columns.Height.Measurement = 90;

            return page;

        // Create the dashboard columns.
        private static DashboardElementContainer CreateColumns(int columns) 
            DashboardElementContainer page = new DashboardElementContainer();
            page.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            page.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.HorizontalLeftJustified;

            int width = 100 / columns;
            int totalWidth = 0;

            // Create the specified number of columns.
            for (int counter = 1; counter <= columns; counter++) 
                DashboardElementContainer column = new DashboardElementContainer();
                column.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

                if (columns > 3)
                    column.Name.Text =
"Many Columns" + " " + counter.ToString(Helper.GetCurrentUICulture());
                else if (columns == 3)
                    if (counter == 1)
                        column.Name.Text = "Many Columns; Left Column"; 
                    else if (counter == 2)
                        column.Name.Text = "Many Columns; center column"; 
                    else if (counter == 3)
                        column.Name.Text = "Many Columns"; 
                else if (columns == 2)
                    if (counter == 1)
                        column.Name.Text = "Many Columns"; 
                    else if (counter == 2)
                        column.Name.Text = "Many Columns"; 
            else if (columns == 1)
                column.Name.Text = "Many Columns"; 

            column.Width = new DashboardElementSize();
            column.Width.Measurement = width;
            column.Width.Units = SizeType.Percent;
            column.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.VerticalTopJustified;

            totalWidth += width;

        // Force width to equal 100.
        if (totalWidth != 100)
            page.DashboardElements[page.DashboardElements.Count - 1].Width.Measurement += 100 - totalWidth;
        return page;

    // Create the dashboard rows.
    private static DashboardElementContainer CreateRows(int rows) 
        DashboardElementContainer page = new DashboardElementContainer();
        page.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
        page.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.VerticalTopJustified;

        int height = 100 / rows;

        // Create the specified number of rows.
        for (int counter = 1; counter <= rows; counter++) 
            DashboardElementContainer row = new DashboardElementContainer();

        row.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();

        if (rows > 3)
            row.Name.Text =
"Many Rows" +" " + counter.ToString(Helper.GetCurrentUICulture());
        else if (rows == 3)
            if (counter == 1)
                row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 
            else if (counter == 2)
                row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 
            else if (counter == 3)
                row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 
        else if (rows == 2)
            if (counter == 1)
                row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 
            else if (counter == 2)
                row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 
        else if (rows == 1)
            row.Name.Text = "Many Rows"; 

        row.Height = new DashboardElementSize();
        row.Height.Measurement = height;
        row.Height.Units = SizeType.Percent;

        row.Orientation = LayoutOrientation.HorizontalLeftJustified;


    return page;



See Also


How to: Install a Wizard Template

Other Resources

Wizard Templates