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Scenarios of Communicator Applications

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The following are a few examples of Office Communicator 2007 applications.

Manipulating Communicator Programmatically

  • Launching Communicator from a Web page: An application launches a local Communicator instance when it instantiates a Messenger object and, if necessary, calls the IMessenger::AutoSignin method.
  • Adding, finding, or removing contacts using an application: An application can add a user to the contact list, remove a user from the contact list, find a user or contact, display the presence status, and display contact information. For more information about this, see Building a Custom Contact List.

Providing Communicator Functionality in an Application

  • Displaying contacts and presence information in a scheduling application: The application uses the IMessengerContact and IMessengerContacts interfaces to manipulate contacts and their presence information. For an example, see Building a Custom Contact List.
  • Initiating IM conversations: A Web application displaying the organization charts of an enterprise can add a feature to let a user start an instant messaging session with a fellow employee when the co-worker's icon is clicked on the Web page. The application can do so by calling the IMessenger::InstantMessage method.

Extending and Customizing Communicator

  • Archiving the history of conversation: Conversation taking place in an instant messaging window between a customer and a support staff can be archived using the IMessengerConversationWnd interface. When the conversation window is closed, a Communicator application can retrieve the content by calling the IMessengerConversationWnd::History method and persist it in a data store.

See Also


About Office Communicator Automation API