Microsoft DirectShow 9.0 |
The ValidateBitmapInfoHeader function checks a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure for certain common errors that can cause buffer overruns or integer overflows.
- Note This function does not guarantee that the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure is valid or that code using the structure is secure.
inline BOOL ValidateBitmapInfoHeader( const BITMAPINFOHEADER * pbmi, DWORD cbSize );
Pointer to the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure to validate.
Size of the memory block that holds the structure, in bytes.
Return Value
Returns a Boolean value. If the value is FALSE, the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure is not valid.
This function guards against the following errors:
- Arithmetic overflow in the structure size or an invalid structure size.
- Invalid value for the biClrUsed member.
- Arithmetic overflow in the image size (biSizeImage).
- Invalid values for the image size (biSizeImage) for RGB formats.
The function does not check whether the structure describes a valid video format.
** Header:** Include checkbmi.h.
** Library:** None.
See Also