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Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Client Namespace

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

This namespace contains types that are used for client and server synchronization in Sync Services for ADO.NET. The following namespaces are used in client and server synchronization: Microsoft.Synchronization, Microsoft.Synchronization.Data, Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Client, Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Common, Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server, and Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SqlServerCe.


Class Description
ClientSyncProvider Abstracts a client synchronization provider that communicates with the client data store and shields the synchronization agent from the specific implementation of the data store.
CreatingSchemaEventArgs Provides data for the CreatingSchema event.
DataSyncAgentStateChangedEventArgs Provides data for the StateChanged event.This class is not CLS-compliant.
DataSyncSessionProgressEventArgs Provides data for the SessionProgress event.This class is not CLS-compliant.
SchemaCreatedEventArgs Provides data for the SchemaCreated event.
SyncBatchProgress Represents progress information, including conflict information, for a batch of changes during a synchronization session.
SyncConfiguration Maintains the collections of tables and parameters that are required to configure the client and server synchronization providers.
SyncGroup Represents a group of SyncTable objects and provides a mechanism to ensure consistent application of changes for those tables.
SyncTable Represents the client settings for a table involved in synchronization.
SyncTableCollection Represents a collection of SyncTable objects.


Enumeration Description
TableCreationOption Defines the options that are available for creating a table in the client database.