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Precise Geocoding with MapPoint Web Service and Bing Maps



The content in this article may still be applicable to the current version of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3, but it uses a previous version of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3 which is no longer supported. More information about the current version of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3 is found in the Bing Map Control SDK.

The Bing Maps Find method provides a quick and easy way to obtain the latitude and longitude of a particular location. However, the geocoding engine uses one of the many common interpolation schemes to determine a street address. That is, the geocoding engine knows that the 1300 block of Main street starts at position (X1, Y1), and runs to position (X2, Y2). Finding house 1325 is therefore a matter of taking one quarter of the distance. Although this mechanism often produces "good enough" results, it can also fail when houses aren't spaced evenly.

Fortunately, by leveraging the Find service of the MapPoint Web Service, you can take advantage of a new type of more precise geocoding known as "rooftop geocoding". The rooftop geocoding engine uses the underlying imagery and much more complex algorithms to precisely locate a street address or a particular building. With rooftop geocoding, you get a very precise latitude and longitude value from a street address.

In this article, we will look at the mechanics necessary to leverage rooftop geocoding through MapPoint Web Service and Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3. This article also shows you a fairly standard approach for leveraging any external data source from inside Bing Maps.

Note: In order to use the code described in this article, you must have an active Bing Maps Platform account. To request a developer account, please go to the Bing Maps Developer Account Request page.


Since the basic VEMap.Find method doesn't leverage the same geocoding engine as MapPoint Web Service, we have to build three separate components:

  1. Geocoding Application - A mechanism for leveraging the MapPoint Web Service to perform rooftop geocoding. This mechanism should be a single method that accepts an address field and returns a latitude and longitude.

  2. AJAX - A mechanism for calling the geocoding application from a Bing Maps application.

  3. Bing Maps Client – A mechanism for using the geocoding information inside our Bing Maps application.

The second and third components are both client side JavaScript running on our user's browser. The first component is an ASP.NET web application running on our servers.

Component Communication

In order to get the three components to talk to each other (and Microsoft's MapPoint Web Service farm), we need to use two different communications strategies as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: System Architecture

The MapPoint Web Service component (our Geocoding Application) uses HTTP and SOAP to communicate with Microsoft's MWS servers.

The Server Side

On the server side, we need to build two components:

  • A geocoding class that uses MapPoint Web Service to perform the rooftop geocoding.

  • An HttpHandler to listen for requests from and return appropriate responses to the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3 Application.

It is easiest to put both components in a new ASP.NET web application.

Although the code in this article uses C#, you can perform very similar tasks using Visual Basic .NET. Also, you can use any other language you like for this service. You could, for example, write a Java web application that leverages AXIS or another Java Web Service API for the geocoding component. The HttpHandler component would be replaced by a Servlet.

The Geocoder

Assuming you have started a new ASP.NET 2.0 web application, then you will want to do the following to create the geocoder class:

  1. Add a web reference to the MapPoint Web Service. For this article, we will use the staging services at For a production system, you would use Name the reference "MapPointService".

  2. Create a new class called RooftopGeocoder. In an ASP.NET 2.0 application, this class should automatically be placed in the App_Code directory.

  3. In the constructor, create an instance of the FindServiceSoap class and set your MapPoint Web Service Credentials:

    private MapPointService.FindServiceSoap findService;
    public RooftopGeocoder()
        findService = new MapPointService.FindServiceSoap();
        findService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
        findService.PreAuthenticate = true;

    Listing 1: Initializing the Web Service

4.Next, we need to create a method to use rooftop geocoding on an address line. The method should look something like this:

public string GeocodePoint(string streetAddress)
    string latlong = "Unavailable";

    //Define the address specification for MWS
    MapPointService.Address myAddress = new MapPointService.Address();
    myAddress.FormattedAddress = streetAddress;

    //Set the search options
    MapPointService.FindOptions myFindOptions = new MapPointService.FindOptions();

    MapPointService.FindAddressSpecification findAddressSpec = 
     new MapPointService.FindAddressSpecification();
    findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress;
    findAddressSpec.Options = myFindOptions;
    findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";

    //Set the ResultMask to include the rooftop geocoding values
    findAddressSpec.Options.ResultMask =
        MapPointService.FindResultMask.RooftopFlag |
        MapPointService.FindResultMask.LatLongFlag |
        MapPointService.FindResultMask.EntityFlag | 
        MapPointService.FindResultMask.MatchDetailsFlag |

    //Call the MWS FindAddress method
    MapPointService.FindResults myFindResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec);

    //Parse the Results
    MapPointService.FindResult bestResult = myFindResults.Results[0];
    int matchcode = 0;

    MapPointService.EntityPropertyValue[] props = 
    //Find MatchedMethod property which tells you whether rooftop was used 
    for (int i =0; i< props.Length; i++)
        if (props[i].Name == "MatchedMethod")
            matchcode = System.Convert.ToInt32(props[i].Value);
    //Prepare result 
    if (matchcode == 7)
        latlong = "new VELatLong(" + bestResult.BestViewableLocation.LatLong.Latitude 
            + ", " + bestResult.BestViewableLocation.LatLong.Longitude + ")";

    return latlong;

Listing 2: Rooftop Geocoding

Our function uses the MapPoint Web Service FindAddress method to find a geocode for the address. If the MatchedMethod property equals "7" then the resulting latitude and longitude are from the rooftop geocoder. If we have a rooftop geocode, the method returns a string defining a VELatLong object containing the geocoded point.

The HttpHandler

The next step on the server side is to create an HttpHandler that will leverage the RooftopGeocoder class. In your ASP.NET application, add a new Generic Handler named "GeocodingHandler". This handler should expect one parameter (the address).

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
    RooftopGeocoder rg = new RooftopGeocoder();
    context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
    string result = rg.GeocodePoint(context.Request.QueryString["addr"]);
    context.Response.Write("CreatePin('Rooftop', "+result+ ")");

Listing 3: The HttpHandler

Notice that we pass the "addr" querystring parameter to an instance of RooftopGeocoder. We take the returned VELatLong object and pass it back to a JavaScript method called "CreatePin". We'll write that method in the next section.

The Client Side

On the client side, we need a basic HTML page with a Bing Maps map. We also need to perform two tasks:

  • Write a mechanism for connecting to the geocoder HttpHandler

  • Write a mechanism for users to enter and address and see the resulting geocode location.

We will also add another method for displaying a regular geocoded point in order to see the difference.

The Basic Page

Since you already have an ASP.NET web project, create a simple HTML page called Rooftop.html. Replace the contents of the page with the following:

<html xmlns="">
<title>Rooftop Geocoding</title>
<script type="text/javascript" 
<script type="text/javascript">
  var map;
  function OnPageLoad()
    map = new VEMap('myMap');
  //Add Additional Code Here
<body onload="OnPageLoad();">
  <div id="myMap" style="position:relative;width:600px;height:400px;"></div>

Listing 4: Rooftop.html basic page

This basic page will display a map. In addition to the map, we need a field for the user to input an address and several other functions to help display the pushpins.

Adding Controls

Adding a text input box to our map will give the user a place to enter an address. Add the following <div> tag to Listing 4:

<div id="SearchPanel">
  <table border=0 width='100%'>
    <tr><td bgcolor='#C0C0CF'><p align='center'>Search</p></td></tr>
    <tr><td><p align='left'>
      <INPUT id="txtWhere" type="text" value="" name="txtWhere" style="width: 225px">
    <tr><td bgcolor='#E0E0E0'><p align='center'>
      <input type="button" value="Geocode" onclick="Geocode();" 
        id="Geocode" name="Geocode" />

Listing 5: Adding the controls

Next, we need to add a CSS style section to make the control easier to see:

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
    width: 300px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-color: lightgray;
    background: white;

Listing 6: CSS Styling for Find Control

Finally, we need to change the OnPageLoad method in Listing 4 to register the SearchPanel div and position it properly. Add the following lines to the end of OnPageLoad:

var geocode = document.getElementById('SearchPanel');
map.AddControl(geocode); = "300px"; = "5px";

Listing 7: Registering the control

If we load up the HTML page, it should look like this:

Figure 2: The Basic Page with the Find Control

Working with Pushpins

When a user enters an address and presses the Geocode button, we want to create two pushpins. One pin will be generated using rooftop geocoding. The other will be generated using the default Bing Maps geocoding. We can start by creating a method to draw custom HTML pins for each of our pushpins. Our method will accept a string indicating the geocode method and a VELatLong indicating the point.

function CreatePin(type, point)
  if (point != 'Unavailable')
    var icon = "<div style='font-size:12px;font-weight:bold; 
      border:solid 2px Black;background-color:Aqua;width:200px;'>"
    icon += type + ":" + point.Latitude + " : " + point.Longitude;
    icon += "<div>";
    var spec = new VECustomIconSpecification();
    spec.CustomHTML = icon;

    var pin = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin, point);

Listing 8: Pin Generation

The next step is to add the methods for creating the default Bing Maps geocoded pin:

function AddRegularGeocode(address)
  map.Find(null, address, null, null, 0, 10, false, false, false, true, ProcessResults)

function ProcessResults(layer, results, places, hasmore)
  CreatePin("Default", places[0].LatLong);

Listing 9: Adding a default geocoded pushpin

We need one last method to link our text box to the geocoding methods. Add the following function to respond to when the user pushes the "geocode" button:

function Geocode()
  var where = document.getElementById('txtWhere').value;

Listing 10: The Geocode method

We now only need to figure out the AddRooftopGeocode method, which will be our link between the server side HttpHandler and the client side Bing Maps map.

The AJAX plumbing

In order to connect our client side JavaScript to our server side call to the MapPoint Web Service geocoder, we need to add three more methods:

  1. A mechanism for creating an XMLHttp Object to allow us to make HTTP calls.
  2. A callback method to handle the response from the HTTP request
  3. The AddRooftopGeocode method to make the HTTP request.

Creating an XMLHTTP object

Given that we want our application to run in several different types of browser, we can use a standard method for creating our XMLHttp object:

var xmlhttp=false;
function InitXmlHttp() {
  // Attempt to initialize xmlhttp object
    xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  catch (e)
    // Try to use different activex object
      xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    catch (E)
      xmlhttp = false;
  // If not initialized, create XMLHttpRequest object
  if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined')
    xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  // Define function call for when Request obj state has changed

Listing 11: Creating an XMLHttp Object

This object will allow us to submit HTTP requests from the client side. When the response comes back, it will be processed by the SearchHandler function.

The SearchHandler function

The SearchHandler function is fairly simple. All we need to do is ensure that we've received the full response and then simply evaluate the response:

function SearchHandler()
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)

Listing 12: The SearchHandler

The AddRoofTopGeocode Method

The last step is to use the XMLHttp object to call the GeocodingHandler in our server part of the application.

function AddRooftopGeocode(address)
  var msg = "GeoCodingHandler.ashx?addr="+escape(address);"GET", msg, true);

Listing 13: Calling the HTTPHandler

The handler will return a result containing a call to the CreatePin method we defined in Listing 8.

Using the Results

The next step in this application is to try it out with a few addresses. Currently, the MWS system provides rooftop geocodes for approximately 40% of all United States addresses, spread all across the country. The number of addresses is increased regularly as new data becomes available.

We can see the benefits of Rooftop geocoding with a couple of different examples:

Figure 3: Geocoding Results

In this first example (10880 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1101, Los Angeles, CA 90024-4112) we see a typical commercial scenario where several buildings share the same street address. In this case, the rooftop geocoding tells us that we want the second building rather than the first big building.

In another example (1300 Saratoga Ave Unit 701, Ventura, CA 93003-6407), we can see the results in a typical apartment complex:

Figure 4: Another Geocoding Example

A regular geocode may show us the address of the office, or the street entrance to the complex. The rooftop geocode shows us the exact location. Delivering a pizza to Unit 701 would be much easier with rooftop geocoding.


The sample code in this article illustrates two key points. First, you can use the AJAX framework illustrated here to connect your Bing Maps system to any data source. Whether you are connecting indirectly to MapPoint Web Service, or connect to your own database, or even a third party data service, you can display the data on your Bing Maps map.

Second, you can leverage the MapPoint Web Service advanced rooftop geocoding. All you need to do is:

  1. Set up a MapPoint Web Service account
  2. Create a class to perform the geocoding
  3. Write the AJAX plumbing for both the server side (HttpHandler) and client side.

Following these simple steps, you could also leverage other components of MapPoint Web Service, including alternate map views, "line drive" driving directions, and the extended points of interest data sets.