Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 2 of 2)
Summary: Explore Windows SharePoint Services solutions, solution architecture, and techniques for creating, deploying, maintaining, and upgrading Windows SharePoint Services solutions. This article is part 2 of 2. (26 printed pages)
Patrick Tisseghem, U2U
June 2007
Applies to: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Deploying Windows SharePoint Services Solutions
Manually Packaging a Windows SharePoint Services Solution
Code Access Security and Web Part Solutions
Managing Solutions
About the Author
Additional Resources
This article is a continuation of Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 1 of 2).
The deployment of a Windows SharePoint Services solution to a front-end Web server or an application server is performed in two phases, as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Steps for deploying a SharePoint solution
A SharePoint solution must be added to the solution store that is available in the server farm. The solution store is part of the configuration database and stores the various .wsp files. You add the solution to the store via the Stsadm.exe command-line utility or by using a programmatic approach.
Using Stsadm.exe
You can call Stsadm.exe with the addsolution operation by specifying the relative path to the .wsp file. Following is a sample.
stsadm –o addsolution –filename mysolution.wsp
If you are localizing the solution, you can also use a third parameter: lcid.
Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Object Model
In another approach, you can create a .NET Framework application that talks to the object model that is exposed by Windows SharePoint Services. You can add a SharePoint solution to the solution store by using one line of code as follows.
SPSolution solution = SPFarm.Local.Solutions.Add(@"C:\Package\MySol.wsp");
The SPFarm class in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace that enables you to connect to the server farm (either one that is created locally or one you joined remotely). You can populate an SPSolutionCollection object with new solutions by calling the Add method, as long as it is either an instance of an SPSolution class or the path to the SharePoint solution file. An SPSolution instance is returned. Numerous properties and methods are exposed at this level.
Your next step is to actually deploy the solution on one or more Web servers that are Windows SharePoint Services–enabled, either as front-end Web servers or as application servers. You can deploy the solution in three ways:
By using Stsadm.exe
By using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 object model
By using the SharePoint Central Administration Web Site
These deployment methods are described in the following sections.
Using Stsadm.exe
Stsadm.exe has an option, deploysolution, which you can use to deploy the solution via a command prompt. The name of the solution in the solution store is one of the parameters and the URL of the site collection you are targeting. The following is an example.
stsadm –o deploysolution –name mysolution.wsp
Instead of targeting one site collection, you also have the option to push your solution to every site collection available within the server farm. You use the allcontenturls parameter for this as follows.
stsadm –o deploysolution –name mysolution.wsp –allcontenturls
By default, the solution is immediately deployed, but you can also schedule the deployment by using the time parameter.
The allowgacdeployment and allowcaspolicies parameters are also very important and are discussed later in more detail. In short, allowgacdeployment is true by default and enables Windows SharePoint Services to deploy the assemblies in the global assembly cache. The allowcaspolicies parameter enables the creation of a custom code access security (CAS) policy file and the activation of it in the Web.config file of the targeted site collection.
Deploying a Solution via the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Object Model
At the level of the SPSolution instance, you can use two methods to programmatically deploy your solution: Deploy and DeployLocal. Both can accept a collection of SPWebApplication objects populated with the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web applications that you want to target with the deployment. You populate the collection as follows.
Collection<SPWebApplication> webapps = new Collection<SPWebApplication>();
SPWebApplication webapp =
SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri(""));
Both methods also allow for the deployment of the assemblies included in the Web Part solutions to the global assembly cache. The difference between the two methods is that you can call Deploy with a DateTime parameter that stores the exact moment you want the solution to be deployed, as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20. SharePoint solution scheduled for deployment
Following is a code example that uses the Deploy method.
solution.Deploy(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), true, webapps, true);
Following is a sample of the call for the DeployLocal method.
solution.DeployLocal(true, webapps, true);
Deploying a Solution via the SharePoint Central Administration Web Site
Administrators can also navigate to the Operations page in Central Administration and use Solution Management to deploy the Windows SharePoint Services solution to an IIS Web application either immediately or at a specific time in the future.
Administrators receive a warning when the manifest file that is part of the solution requires assemblies to be deployed in the global assembly cache.
Developers of Windows SharePoint Services solutions will very often create SharePoint solution packages in a manual way. This is the case when there is a need to:
Deploy .NET assemblies in the private application folder instead of the global assembly cache.
Add code access security permissions to the solution that must be applied during the deployment.
Deviate from the names used by default for the Feature folders.
Localize the Windows SharePoint Services solution.
Associate Feature event handlers to certain types of Windows SharePoint Services solutions, such as Web Part solutions.
Add resources (XML files, pictures, and so on) to the solution package.
To manually create a solution file, you perform these basic steps:
Collect all individual solution files in a folder. There are no concrete guidelines about how you should do this, but a best practice is to separate the different types of solution files into their own subfolders.
Create a .ddf file (abbreviation of Diamond Directive File) that defines the structure of the Windows SharePoint Services solution file. This file contains the list of individual solution files that determine the output .wsp file.
Execute the command-line utility MakeCab.exe with the .ddf file as input and the .wsp file as output.
The following short walkthrough demonstrates all of the steps.
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 offers developers the option to execute custom code when a Feature is installed, activated, deactivated, or uninstalled. An example is a Web Part that is dependent on a specific task list. When the Web Part Feature is activated, custom code can check whether this task list is part of the lists within the site. If not, the code creates the list, and then removes the list when the Feature is deactivated. The custom code is wrapped into a .NET assembly referred to as the Feature Receiver Assembly.
This walkthrough assumes you have a Web Part project created, as discussed in Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 1 of 2). When the Web Part Feature is installed, activated, deactivated, or uninstalled, Windows SharePoint Services fires asynchronous events. You can handle these events in a custom .NET assembly by creating a .NET class that inherits from the abstract Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFeatureReceiver class. Following are the class from the sample and the four members to implement.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace MSDN.Samples
public class MSDNTaskListEventHandler: SPFeatureReceiver
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPSite sitecollection = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
SPWeb web = sitecollection.RootWeb;
// -- Check if list exists.
SPList list = web.Lists["MSDN Tasks"];
// -- If not, create the list.
web.Lists.Add("MSDN Tasks", "A custom list", SPListTemplateType.Tasks);
public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPSite sitecollection = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent;
SPWeb web = sitecollection.RootWeb;
// -- Check if list is there, and if so, delete it.
SPList list = web.Lists["MSDN Tasks"];
catch (Exception ex)
public override void FeatureInstalled(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
public override void FeatureUninstalling(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
The coding work results in two assemblies. One assembly contains the code delivering the Web Part. A second assembly contains the previous code. At the moment of writing, Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 does not allow you to connect the event handler with the Web Part Feature definition file. In addition, Web Part assembly must be deployed in the private application folder instead of the global assembly cache. Because of this, you must create the solution package manually.
In the following steps, the way you organize the different files representing the solution components can be adapted to your own preferences and can be part of the Visual Studio 2005 solution.
Create a folder with two subfolders to collect all of the solution components. A first subfolder stores the assemblies (named Assemblies in this article), and the second subfolder stores the different XML files defining the Features (named Features in this article). Copy the Web Part assembly and the event handler assembly into the Assemblies folder.
Create a subfolder under the Features folder for every Feature that must be included in the SharePoint solution. There is only one Feature for this walkthrough. Assume that it is called MSDNTaskCreator; the Features folder contains a subfolder with that name. At the root of this folder, add a feature.xml file that contains the following XML.
<Feature Title="MSDNTaskCreator"
Description="Small Web Part creating a custom task item"
Version="" Scope="Site" Hidden="FALSE"
ReceiverAssembly="MSDNFeatureEventhandlers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5e5a470a5445a8f1"
DefaultResourceFile="core" xmlns="">
<ElementManifest Location="elementManifest.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="MSDNTaskCreator.webpart" />
How does this XML deviate from the XML that is generated with Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0? Two additional attributes are added to the feature.xml file:
The ReceiverAssembly attribute contains the full strong name of the .NET assembly that contains the event handler code.
The ReceiverClass attribute stores the full name of the class within that assembly.
You must create a manifest file in the root folder. It is different from the one that is generated by Visual Studio Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Following are the contents.
<Solution SolutionId="d63d0395-96a4-449e-83ce-5f7239bbd3ad" xmlns="" >
<FeatureManifest Location="MSDNTaskCreator\feature.xml" />
<Assembly Location="MSDNTaskCreator.dll" DeploymentTarget="WebApplication" >
<SafeControl Assembly="MSDNTaskCreator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5" Namespace="MSDN.Samples" TypeName="MSDNTaskCreator" Safe="True" />
<Assembly Location="MSDNFeatureEventHandlers.dll" DeploymentTarget="GlobalAssemblyCache" />
Notice that the name of the Feature no longer includes a GUID. The first assembly element has an attribute named DeploymentTarget, with the value WebApplication instead of GlobalAssemblyCache. A second assembly element with the definition of the .NET assembly contains the event handler code to deploy in the global assembly cache.
Now we can create the .ddf file named, in this case, .wsp_structure.ddf. Create it directly in the DeploymentFiles folder. First, add the following header information.
; *** .ddf file for generating SharePoint solution.
.OPTION EXPLICIT ; Generate errors
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp
.set DiskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM ; All cabinets go in a single directory
.Set CompressionType=MSZIP;** All files are compressed in cabinet files
.Set UniqueFiles="ON"
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set DiskDirectory1=Package
The header contains two fairly dynamic parts:
CabinetNameTemplate is set to the name of the SharePoint solution file (MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp).
DiskDirectory1 is set to Package. This is the directory containing the generated .wsp file.
The second part of the .ddf file defines the structure of the package.
; *** the manifest file
manifest.xml manifest.xml
; *** the feature files
Features\MSDNTaskCreator\feature.xml MSDNTaskCreator\feature.xml
Features\MSDNTaskCreator\elementManifest.xml MSDNTaskCreator\elementManifest.xml
Features\MSDNTaskCreator\MSDNTaskCreator.webpart MSDNTaskCreator\MSDNTaskCreator.webpart
; *** the assemblies
Assemblies\MSDNTaskCreator.dll MSDNTaskCreator.dll
Assemblies\MSDNFeatureEventhandlers.dll MSDNFeatureEventhandlers.dll
The .ddf file is input for MakeCab.exe, a tool you can get by installing the Microsoft Cabinet SDK (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Cabinet SDK) and it is also part of the Smart Devices SDK (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\SDKTools).
You can download the Microsoft Cabinet SDK from Internet Client SDK: Microsoft Cabinet SDK.
To facilitate the packaging and deployment, create a batch file with the following content.
set MakeCabTool=c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\SDKTools\makecab.exe
set SPAdminTool=%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\stsadm.exe
"%MakeCabTool%" /f wsp_structure.ddf
"%SPAdminTool%" -o addsolution -filename package\ MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp
"%SPAdminTool%" -o deploysolution -name MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp -immediate -allowGACDeployment -url
The first two lines are the settings of the paths to the Makecab and Stsadm command-line tools. Next, there is the line creating the solution package.
makecab.exe /f wsp_structure.ddf
As a result of the execution, MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp appears in the Package folder. The next line adds the MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp to the solution store in your server farm by executing the following command.
stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename Package\MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp
The final line in the batch file is the deployment of the solution to one of your site collections. You can use the Solution Management page under the Operations tab in Central Administration, or open a Command Prompt window again and execute the following command line.
stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name MSDNTaskCreatorWebPart.wsp -local -allowGACDeployment -url
The Web Part Feature is installed but not activated. To activate the Feature, open the Site Collection Features page, and then click the Activate button. Because there is code that executes when the FeatureActivated event fires, the MSDN Task list is created. Deactivating this feature removes this task list from the root site of the site collection.
In many locked-down environments, administrators do not allow custom code components to have Full trust. Administrators might choose to deploy a solution to the Web application \bin folder, where permissions must be specifically granted. Let’s look at the steps that are involved.
We can show all of this with a small Web Part that connects to a Web service that returns weather information for a specific city. If you build and deploy this Web Part by using Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, the .NET assembly is deployed in the global assembly cache. You cannot intervene in this process on your development computer to configure the solution generation process and deployment differently. Because of the deployment in the global assembly cache, your Web Part gets full trust and does not have any security problems connecting to the Web service.
This scenario works if administrators allow your Web Part assemblies to be deployed in the global assembly cache. However, your Web Part assembly can often end up in the private \bin folder of the IIS Web application. As a Web Part developer, you then depend on the trust level set in the web.config file by administrators. In the end, you can encounter security problems with Web Parts that perform functions similar to our weather Web Part, as described in the following walkthrough.
Let’s assume you have a small Web service that returns the weather for a city, and that there is a Web Part that consumes the information, as shown in Figure 21. (You can work out an example with any type of Web service.)
Figure 21. Web Part consuming a weather Web service
To deploy the Web Part assembly in the private application folder of the IIS Web application instead of the global assembly cache (which is the default when using Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0), you can make a change in the manifest file that will enforce this. You can set the DeploymentTarget attribute at the level of the Assembly element to WebApplication instead of GlobalAssemblyCache, as shown in the following example.
<Solution SolutionId="1de3b0fc-78e9-4fe6-ae63-51ea50109982" xmlns="" >
<FeatureManifest Location="WeatherWebPart\feature.xml" />
<Assembly Location="WeatherWebPart.dll"
DeploymentTarget="WebApplication" >
<SafeControl Assembly="WeatherWebPart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5" Namespace="WeatherWebPart" TypeName="WeatherWebPart" Safe="True" />
Next, you must create the Windows SharePoint Services solution manually. The following .ddf file shows how to package the different components that make up the Web Part solution.
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=WeatherWebPart.wsp
.set DiskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM ; All cabinets go in a single directory
.Set CompressionType=MSZIP ;** All files are compressed in cabinet files
.Set UniqueFiles="OFF"
.Set Cabinet=on
.Set DiskDirectory1=Package
manifest.xml manifest.xml
assemblies\WeatherWebPart.dll WeatherWebPart.dll
Features\WeatherWebPart\feature.xml WeatherWebPart\feature.xml
Features\WeatherWebPart\elementManifest.xml WeatherWebPart\elementManifest.xml
Features\WeatherWebPart\WeatherWebPart.webpart WeatherWebPart\WeatherWebPart.webpart
A simple call to Makecab.exe with the .ddf file as input generates the Windows SharePoint Services solution.
makecab.exe /f WeatherWebPart.ddf
You can add the solution to the solution store by executing the following command in a Command Prompt window.
stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename package\weatherwebpart.wsp
Now, navigate to Central Administration and the Solution Management page. From here you can deploy the solution. Notice that there is no warning because the manifest file does not require the assembly to be deployed in the global assembly cache. Proceed and deploy the solution to one of your IIS Web applications. It’s a good idea to verify in the physical folder that is associated with the IIS Web application (which is located, by default, in Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\IIS Web application name) that the assembly is available in the \bin folder.
Assuming the trust level in the web.config file is not set to Full, you get an exception if you try to run your weather Web Part, as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22. Weather Web Part deployed in private application folder
The Weather Web Part deployed in the private application folder causes unexpected problems. However, the error is not unexpected. Open the Windows Event Viewer (located in Administration Tools) and you find the full details of the error: "Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed."
In other words, your Web Part is not granted the permission to communicate with the Web service. How do you solve this? One way is to raise the trust level in the web.config file to Full, but this is risky. From the moment you raise the trust level, all of the privately deployed assemblies get the same basic permissions as the assemblies that are deployed in the global assembly cache. A better solution is to request the permissions that are needed to run the Web Part correctly in SharePoint pages and include that demand inside the manifest file. Administrators who deploy the solution will receive a notification that specific requests for permissions are pending, and they can decide whether to grant these permissions. When proceeding, a copy is made of the policy file that is currently activated, and the requested permissions for the Web Part are added. This new policy file becomes the one activated in the web.config file. Now we can examine all of these steps in more detail.
One piece of information is already available. You have the full details of the required permission (discussed previously). Another piece of information is the full public key blob of the assembly you’re working with. To retrieve this information, open a Command Prompt window, and execute the following command.
Secutil.exe –hex –s WeatherWebPart.dll > keyblob.txt
The result is a text file with the full public key of the assembly in question. The tool used is secutil.exe, which is part of the .NET Framework SDK.
Next, open the manifest file, and add the following CodeAccessSecurity element (a good location is between the FeatureManifests and the Assemblies elements).
<PermissionSet class="NamedPermissionSet" version="1"
Description="My webpart's permission set">
<IPermission class="AspNetHostingPermission" version="1"
<IPermission class="SecurityPermission" version="1"
Flags="Execution" />
<IPermission version="1" Unrestricted="True"
class="Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePointPermission, Microsoft.SharePoint.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" />
<IPermission class="System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" Unrestricted="True" version="1"> <ConnectAccess> <URI uri="$OriginHost$"/> <URI uri="http://moss:95/webservices/.*"/> </ConnectAccess> </IPermission>
<Assembly Name="WeatherwebPart" Version="" PublicKeyBlob="0x00240000048000009400000006020000002400005253413100040000010001000DAF8ED8D945CD2ABB2EE7953A6039B791A725F11B4588AC6D70B3E0648F955E9ED4C3C43CB044B8B0E8A6FF4D4FFBE9E3B9297D45F688A7264534E12414E17539305207EC961DA94DF294E7722CCD9BDBFC95A896E996F57156705D281EC39280BD604E87724556AF5807D146963F19F5B43DB69E1F22695463153A553260D2" />
In the previous code, the IPermission and Assembly element areas are important to review. First, the IPermission element asks for permission to communicate with the Web service (we assume that this Web service is hosted on http://moss:95 IIS Web Application). Next, the Assembly element contains the details of the assembly in question: the name, version, and blob you must retrieve from the keyblob.txt file that is generated via the secutil.exe utility.
When these changes are applied to the manifest file, you must regenerate the Windows SharePoint Services solution and re-add it to the solution store. When you deploy the solution, you will notice a warning at the bottom of the page (see Figure 23) that indicates that the solution contains a code access security policy that will take effect if you continue to deploy the solution. If the administrators do not see a problem with this, they can continue and the Web Part is made available.
Figure 23. Deploying a Web Part solution with a code access security policy
If you followed all of the earlier steps correctly, the weather Web Part works again as before. Behind the scenes, you notice a new entry in the securityPolicy element of the web.config file that looks like the following.
<trustLevel name="WSS_Medium" policyFile="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\config\wss_mediumtrust.config" />
<trustLevel name="WSS_Minimal" policyFile="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\config\wss_minimaltrust.config" />
<trustLevel name="WSS_Custom" policyFile="C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\config\wss_custom_wss_minimaltrust.config" />
The new level—WSS_Custom—is now the active trust level in the web.config file.
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 also offers support for managing SharePoint solutions. You can retract solutions, remove solutions from the solution store, and upgrade solutions in several ways.
When you retract a SharePoint solution, Windows SharePoint Services physically removes all of the solution components from the location where they were deployed. Retracting a solution can be completed in three ways:
By using Stsadm.exe
By using Central Administration
By using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 object model
These methods are described in the following sections.
Using Stsadm.exe
The option named retractsolution accepts several parameters. The name of the solution is a required parameter. Optionally, you can specify the URL for a specific IIS Web application and site collection, or remove the solution from all places where it was deployed via the allcontenturls parameter. The time parameter schedules the retraction for a job definition. You use the immediate parameter when you want to perform actions directly.
Following is a typical command for retracting a solution.
stsadm.exe –o retractsolution –name hellowebpart.wsp -immediate
Using Central Administration
After the solution is available in the solution store, you access it via the solution management page in Central Administration. From here you can start the process of retracting a solution, as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Retracting a Web Part from an IIS Web application
Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Object Model
A final approach to retracting a solution is through the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 object model. The SPSolution class exposes the Retract and RetractLocal methods. You can use Retract to schedule the retracting of the solution. Both methods offer the option to retract the solution from all or from only a specific collection of SPWebApplication objects. The following code example retracts a Web Part solution from all IIS Web applications that are available on a local computer.
SPSolution solution = SPFarm.Local.Solutions["hellowebpart.wsp"];
Retracting Web Part Solutions
You can retract a solution that delivers Web Parts by using one of the previously mentioned options. However, you should notice that retracting the Web Part does not remove the .webpart entry from the Web Part gallery. As a consequence, the Web Part remains advertised in the Add a Web Part dialog box, and users can still see it. However, when users add the Web Part to a page, errors are shown because the Web Part is no longer registered as a safe control, and the assembly is removed from either the local bin folder or the global assembly cache. Also notice that retracting a Web Part solution causes existing Web Part instances to stop working and displays an error in the SharePoint pages. To solve this, you can have a deactivation callout that deletes the .webpart file from the Web Part Gallery.
Retracting Schema-based Solutions
You must take care when retracting schema-based solutions, such as custom list definitions. Many instances can exist, and you probably don't want to break them. Therefore, best practice when instances of these types of solutions are available is to make the Feature invisible to the user rather than retracting the solutions. A small walkthrough in the section on upgrading solutions, later in the article, shows the different steps.
Windows SharePoint Services solutions that are no longer deployed can be removed from the solution store. You can do this in three ways:
By using Stsadm.exe
By using Central Administration
By using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 object model
The following sections describe these methods.
Using Stsadm.exe
Administrators can now launch the command-line utility Stsadm.exe, and then execute the deletesolution option. The name parameter is the name of the solution and is required. Use the following command to remove a solution.
stsadm.exe –o deletesolution –name hellowebpart.wsp
Using Central Administration
On the solution management page, which is accessible via the Operations tab in Central Administration, you can remove a solution that is no longer deployed. Just click the solution name and use the Remove Solution button on the toolbar.
Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Object Model
You can also remove the solution by calling the Remove method at the level of the SPSolutionCollection object. This collection is exposed via the SPFarm class, either for the local farm or from the joined farm. The following code removes a solution from the solution store.
The last option for managing SharePoint solutions is to upgrade deployed solutions to new versions. It is important to understand that the versioning is not performed at the level of the Windows SharePoint Services solution. The actual versioning is performed at the level of the solution components (the Feature, the assemblies, and so on).
Figure 25 summarizes how to perform a solution upgrade.
Figure 25. Upgrading the SharePoint solution
Assume that version of the MySolution.wsp is added to the solution store and deployed to one or more IIS Web applications. A second version of the Windows SharePoint Services solution must have the same SolutionID for an upgrade to succeed. The second version is upgraded by calling the Stsadm.exe command-line utility with the option upgradesolution. In the solution store, you provide the name of the solution to upgrade, the new version of the solution, and then specify the options to either schedule the upgrade or have it upgrade immediately. You also specify the options to allow deployment in the global assembly cache and allow for custom code access security policies.
Guidelines for Upgrading SharePoint Solutions
When discussing guidelines for upgrading SharePoint solutions, we must make the distinction between code-based solutions (such as Web Parts) and schema-based solutions (such custom list definitions).
Upgrading Web Part solutions Web Parts are typical examples of code-based solutions. Upgrading a code-based solution often involves replacing the assembly in the private application folder of the IIS Web application or the global assembly cache with an updated version of the assembly. Figure 26 summarizes the possible upgrade paths.
Figure 26. Upgrading Web Parts
If you do not change the version number of the .NET assembly, the upgrade process proceeds smoothly. By leaving the version number of the assembly unchanged, you ensure that the metadata stored and made available, for example, in the form of a .webpart registration in the Web Part gallery, does not need to be changed. All the existing instances of the Web Parts on pages upgrade easily.
The upgrade process is a bit more complex when the strong name of the assembly is changed, typically by upgrading the version number from perhaps to If no Web Part instances have been created within the sites, you will not have a problem. The entry in the Web Part gallery is updated with the new .webpart file, and the new version of the assembly is dropped in either the bin folder or the global assembly cache. New additions of the Web Part to the pages reflect the new functionality.
However, users can experience errors when there are existing instances of the older version of the Web Part on the pages, and you decide to perform an upgrade. These instances are still looking for the first version of the assembly. When using the upgradesolution option, the older version of the assembly is actually removed, as well as the entry in the safeControls section of the web.config file.
So your approach is a combination of upgrading the Web Part solution with a new version of the assembly combined with two additions in the web.config of the IIS Web application hosting the SharePoint site. These two additions are, first a SafeControl element for the first version of the assembly, and second, a bindingRedirect ordering ASP.NET to bind to the second version of the assembly, in case there is the request for the first version.
Walkthrough: Upgrading a Web Part Project
To upgrade a Web Part project
Start by building a small Web Part project that outputs a string that displays, for example, the version information. You can use Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to get started, but you must perform the packaging and deployment manually. We advise a project structure such as the one depicted in Figure 27. All of the techniques previously discussed regarding the manual packaging of a SharePoint solution are used here.
Figure 27. Project structure for a Web Part solution
Deploy the solution and activate the Feature in the site collection so that you can add the Web Part to one of your pages (see Figure 28).
Figure 28. First version of the Web Part
Assume that there is the request to update the Web Part. Users want to see a slightly different string in the Web Part. Start by changing the rendering of the content in the Web Part and follow up with a change of the version number of the assembly from to using the properties of the Web Part project. Build the project.
Open the .webpart file and update the version number for the type element.
Build the project and rebuild the SharePoint solution file. Upgrade the solution by calling the following from either a batch file or a command prompt.
Stsadm -o upgradesolution -name VersionDemo.wsp -filename VersionDemo.wsp -immediate -allowgacdeployment
Refresh the page with the Web Part instance. Figure 29 shows the error displayed as well as a new instance nicely reflecting the change in the output.
Figure 29. Web Part displaying error and rendering correctly
Solve the error that is displayed:
Add the SafeControl element for version in the web.config file.
<SafeControl Assembly="VersionDemo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9f4da00116c38ec5" Namespace="MSDN.Samples" TypeName="VersionDemo" Safe="True" />
Add the following element in the web.config file under the assemblyBinding element for the redirect operation.
<runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="VersionDemo" publicKeyToken="9f4da00116c38ec5" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly> … </assemblyBinding> </runtime>
Refresh the page containing the two Web Part instances. Figure 30 shows the end result. The first version of the Web Part now also works against the version of the assembly.
Figure 30. Both Web Parts working correctly
Upgrading Schema-Based Solutions An example of a schema-based solution is a custom list definition. Generally, to upgrade these types of solutions when instances based on the schema definitions are present on SharePoint sites, you deploy a new version of the Feature and mark the older version as hidden for the user. This way, the instances do not break, and new instances follow the updated definitions.
Walkthrough: Upgrading Schema-Based Solutions
Let's return to the Employees list template we created and deployed as a SharePoint solution earlier in the article.
Assume that users have created many instances of this list. The decision has been made to make changes or possibly to completely remove the list definition. As mentioned, you cannot simply remove the solution files from the SharePoint computer. You need to keep them working, although invisible, for the administrators and users. Notice that this approach is also the one to take as an alternative to retracting the solution, as discussed earlier.
Here are the steps to accomplish upgrading a schema-based solution.
To upgrade a schema-based solution
Open the folder containing the solution components of the list definition, and then open the feature.xml file.
Change the Hidden attribute of the Feature element to the value TRUE.
<Feature Id="{489C77F1-B064-408e-9B85-029A33BDF9D7}" Title="Employees" Description="This feature provides support for creating an Employee List." Version="" Scope="Web" Hidden="TRUE" xmlns=""> <ElementManifests> <ElementManifest Location="ListTemplates\Employees.xml"/> <ElementFile Location="Employees\allitems.aspx" /> <ElementFile Location="Employees\dispform.aspx" /> <ElementFile Location="Employees\editform.aspx" /> <ElementFile Location="Employees\newform.aspx" /> <ElementFile Location="Employees\schema.xml" /> </ElementManifests> </Feature>
This hides the Feature from the administration pages, but you must also hide it on the Create page.
Open the employees.xml file and add the Hidden attribute.
<Elements xmlns=""> <ListTemplate Name="Employees" Type="10100" BaseType="0" OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" SecurityBits="11" DisplayName="Employees" Description="Employees List Type" Hidden="TRUE" Image="/_layouts/images/CHNGCOL.GIF"/> </Elements>
If you want to retract only the solution, the previous steps are enough.
If, however, you want to replace the list definition with a new version, you’ll need to add the following to the solution package:
A new version of the Feature (with all of the related files) marked with a different GUID.
An expanded manifest file with the installation steps for both the original (and soon hidden) version, and the new version of the Feature.
An expanded .ddf file containing the entries for packaging the new Feature and the previous version in the .wsp file.
In both scenarios, you must recreate the SharePoint solution file and deploy it by using the upgradesolution option for Stsadm, as discussed previously.
Stsadm.exe -o upgradesolution -filename package\Employees.wsp -name Employees.wsp –immediate
The concept of solutions in the world of Windows SharePoint Services is extremely important for developers and administrators to understand. Developers who build applications and extend SharePoint sites in numerous ways must package the solution components in SharePoint solution files and deliver those to administrators. Administrators have various options for delivering the solution to the users of the SharePoint sites. This article discusses new options that are available for pushing the solutions from a central solution store to the front-end Web servers and application servers. The article also discusses techniques for maintaining and upgrading the deployed solutions.
Patrick Tisseghem is a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MVP, and is highly focused on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and the Office SharePoint Server 2007. He created and delivered the ISV-focused early adopter material for Microsoft Redmond for the latest version of SharePoint and has toured many countries with his developer-focused workshops. He is a frequent speaker at major Microsoft conferences such as TechEd and SharePoint Connections, and is the author of numerous white papers published on MSDN. He is also the author of a book titled Inside MOSS 2007, published by Microsoft Press. More information about Patrick can be found on his blog.
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