WCF Syndication
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides support to easily work with syndication feeds in Atom, RSS or other custom formats, which allows you to read and create them, as well as expose them on a service endpoint. The topics in this section describe this programming model for syndication in detail.
- WCF Syndication Overview
Provides an overview of syndication support provided by WCF.
- Architecture of Syndication
Describes the classes in the object model and the extensibility of syndication.
- How the WCF Syndication Object Model Maps to Atom and RSS
Describes how feeds are represented within the WCF Syndication Object Model and how they are converted to RSS and Atom feeds.
- How to: Create a Basic RSS Feed
Shows how to create a service that makes a basic RSS feed available.
- How to: Create a Basic Atom Feed
Shows how to create a service that makes a basic ATOM feed available.
- How to: Expose a Feed as both Atom and RSS
Shows how to create a service that makes the same feed available with ATOM and RSS.
- Syndication Extensibility
Describes the methods of adding custom elements and attributes to a syndication feed.
WCF REST Programming Model
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Last Published: 2010-03-21