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GrooveSubscriptions.CreateAggregated Operation

The CreateAggregated operation activates a new aggregated subscription for events. CreateAggregated provides less functionality than CreateAggregated2 and is provided for compatibility with previous versions of Groove. See the Remarks section for details on the differences between CreateAggregated2 and CreateAggregated.


The HTTP Post URL targets the service. This URI is a top-level HTTP Post URL that you supply directly; it is not returned as a value by another operation.

Input Message Header

GrooveRequestHeader specifies information common to all Groove Web Services, including the Groove Identity URL and the Groove Request key.

Input Message Parameters

<EventClass />
<Query />
<SourceURI />
<CallbackURI />
<TimeToLive />

See CreateAggregated2 for an explanation of these parameters.

Output Message Header

GrooveResponseHeader specifies the Response key.

Return Value

<CreateAggregatedResult />
Element Data type Description



Contains information about the subscription created and any sources found in the scope.


The only difference between CreateAggregated and CreateAggregated2 is the conditions under which new objects are added to the subscription. In CreateAggregated, new objects are added to the subscription only when you call the Update operation, whereas in CreateAggregated2, the new objects are included in the subscription immediately. For example, if you create an aggregated subscription for all Forms tools belonging to the identity and the user adds a new Forms tool to a workspace or accepts an invitation to a workspace with a Forms tool, with CreateAggregated, the new tool will not be added to the subscription until you Update the subscription. In contrast, with CreateAggregated2, the new tool will be added to subscription immediately. This more restrictive functionality is retained for compatibility with previous versions.

Note that this more restrictive functionality for CreateAggregated is not present when the Groove Web Services are provided by the Groove Data Bridge. On the Groove Data Bridge, CreateAggregated has the same functionality as CreateAggregated2, that is, objects are added to the subscription without the need for a call to Update.

See Also


GrooveEvents Web Service
GrooveSubscriptions Web Service
GrooveSubscriptions.CreateAggregated2 Operation
GrooveSubscriptions.Update Operation
AggregateData Complex Type


Handling Groove Web Services Events