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DocumentWindow Object

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Represents a document window. The DocumentWindow object is a member of the DocumentWindows collection. The DocumentWindows collection contains all the open document windows.


Use the Presentation property to return the presentation that's currently running in the specified document window.

Use the Selection property to return the selection.

Use the SplitHorizontal property to return the percentage of the screen width that the outline pane occupies in normal view.

Use the SplitVertical property to return the percentage of the screen height that the slide pane occupies in normal view.

Use the View property to return the view in the specified document window.


Use Windows(index), where index is the document window index number, to return a single DocumentWindow object. The following example activates document window two.

Visual Basic for Applications

The first member of the DocumentWindows collection, Windows(1), always returns the active document window. Alternatively, you can use the ActiveWindow property to return the active document window. The following example maximizes the active window.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ActiveWindow.WindowState = ppWindowMaximized

Use Panes(index), where index is the pane index number, to manipulate panes within normal, slide, outline, or notes page views of the document window. The following example activates pane three, which is the notes pane.

Visual Basic for Applications

Use the ActivePane property to return the active pane within the document window. The following example checks to see if the active pane is the outline pane. If not, it activates the outline pane.

Visual Basic for Applications
  mypane = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.ViewType
    If mypane <> 1 Then
    End If

See Also