OnLoad Event

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Occurs when the Silverlight control has loaded.

<OBJECT/EMBED OnLoad='eventhandlerFunction' .../>
Cannot be used in scripting.

Event Handler Parameters

sender Object

Identifies the Silverlight control that invoked the event.

eventArgs Object

This parameter is always set to null.

Event Information

The OnLoadevent occurs after the XAML content in the Silverlight control has completely loaded.


The OnLoad event occurs after any Loaded event for a UIElement-derived class, such as Canvas, TextBlock, or Rectangle. The read-only IsLoaded property, which is set before the Onload event occurs, indicates whether the Silverlight control is loaded.

JavaScript provides a set of events that you can use to respond to changes in the Web page, including the onload event. You can use the Silverlight control OnLoad eventand the page's onload event on the same page. In this case, the OnLoad event occurs before the page's onload event.

Applies To

Silverlight Control

See Also

IsLoaded, Loaded