FullScreenChanged Event

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Occurs whenever the FullScreen property of the WPF/E control changes.

You cannot use this property in HTML.

wpfeObject.fullScreenChanged = eventhandlerFunction

Event Handler Parameters

sender Object

Identifies the object that invoked the event.

eventArgs Object

This parameter is always set to null.

Event Information

The FullScreenChanged event occurs whenever the WPF/E control changes between embedded mode and full-screen mode:

  • embedded mode --control displays within the Web browser.
  • full-screen mode--control displays on top of all other applications.


When the WPF/E control displays in embedded mode, the control is contained within the browser window. When WPF/E control displays in full-screen mode, the control resizes to the current resolution of the display and overlays all other applications, including the browser*.* The following images show the differences between embedded mode and full-screen mode:

* * Embedded mode and full-screen mode
**                                             WPF/E control displaying as embedded and full-screen mode

The following JavaScript example shows how to define a FullScreenChanged event for a WPF/E control.

var control;
function onLoaded(sender, args)
    // Retrieve a reference to the WPF/E control.
    control = sender.getHost();
    // Set the event handler function to the FullScreenChanged event.
    control.fullScreenChanged = "javascript:onFullScreenChanged";
    // Do initial layout of the app based on initial size.
    updateLayout(control.actualWidth, control.actualHeight);
function onFullScreenChanged(sender, eventArgs)
    // Do layout resizing of the app whenever the FullScreen property changes.
    updateLayout(control.actualWidth, control.actualHeight);
// Resize and reposition application elements.
function updateLayout(width, height)
    // Perform layout tasks based on width and height.

Note  WPF/E does not support automatic layout of control elements. This means that applications have to provide logic to resize themselves appropriately when the control's size changes.

Applies To

WPF/E Control

See Also

ActualHeight, ActualWidth, OnResized, WPF/E Full Screen Support, Resizing a WPF/E Control