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PropertyAccessor.GetProperty Method

Outlook Developer Reference

Returns an Object that represents the value of the property specified by



Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007



expression   A variable that represents a PropertyAccessor object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
SchemaName Required String The name of the property whose value is to be returned. The property is referenced by namespace. For more information, see Referencing Properties by Namespace.

Return Value
A Variant value that represents the value of the requested property as specified by




The type of the return value will be the same as the type of the underlying property. Certain raw property types such as PT_OBJECT are unsupported and will raise an error. If you require conversion of the raw property type, for example, from PT_BINARY to a string, or from PT_SYSTIME to a local time, use the helper methods PropertyAccessor.BinaryToString and PropertyAccessor.UTCToLocalTime.

For more information on getting properties using the PropertyAccessor object, see Best Practices for Getting and Setting Properties.


The following code sample demonstrates how to use the GetProperty method to read a MAPI property that belongs to a MailItem but which is not exposed in the Outlook object model, PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub DemoPropertyAccessorGetProperty()
    Dim PropName, Header As String
    Dim oMail As Object
    Dim oPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
    'Get first item in the inbox
    Set oMail = _
    PropName = ""
    'Obtain an instance of PropertyAccessor class
    Set oPA = oMail.PropertyAccessor
    'Call GetProperty
    Header = oPA.GetProperty(PropName)
    Debug.Print (Header)
End Sub

See Also