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VirtualList Class

Creates a collection of very large data sets, slow-acquiring data, or a combination of both. A virtual list is request based; the entire list is not loaded, but rather portions of it are loaded, allowing you to work with very large sets of data.

  public class VirtualList : ModelItem, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable

Public Instance Constructors

Constructor Description
VirtualList() Initializes a new instance of the VirtualList class.
VirtualList(ItemCountHandler) Initializes a new instance of the VirtualList class.
VirtualList(IModelItemOwner, ItemCountHandler) Initializes a new instance of the VirtualList class.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Add Adds an item to the end of the list.
Clear Empties the contents of the list.
Contains Determines whether a given item is in the list.
CopyTo Copies the contents of this list to an array.
GetEnumerator Gets an IEnumerator object for this collection.
IndexOf Determines the index of a specific item in the list.
Insert Inserts an item at the specified index.
IsItemAvailable Determines whether an item at the specified index is available for query (the item can be located by index).
Modified Indicates that the item at the given index has been modified, but the new value is not yet known.
Move Moves an item to a different location within the list.
Remove Removes the specified item from the list.
RemoveAt Removes the item at the specified index.
RequestItem Requests an item from the specified index.

Protected Instance Methods

Method Description
ContainsDataForIndex Determines whether a specified index has a corresponding data item in the list.
Dispose Releases all the resources used by VirtualList.
OnRequestItem Gets the item at the specified index.
OnRequestSlowData Gets an item that is slow to acquire.
OnVisualsCreated Notifies derived classes that the visual elements associated with the item in the specified index have been created.
OnVisualsReleased Notifies derived classes that the visual elements associated with the item in the specified index have been released.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Count Gets or sets the number of items in the VirtualList object.
EnableSlowDataRequests Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the slow data requests feature is enabled.
IsFixedSize Gets a value that indicates whether the VirtualList object is a fixed size.
IsReadOnly Gets a value that indicates whether the VirtualList object is read-only.
IsSynchronized Gets a value that indicates whether the VirtualList object is thread-safe.
Item Gets or sets an item from the VirtualList object.
RequestItemHandler Gets or sets the item query handler, which allows for customized "get" logic without deriving and overriding the OnRequestItem method.
RequestSlowDataHandler Gets or sets the event handler, which is raised when one of the items has been displayed on screen and is ready for deferred (partial) data updates.
StoreQueryResults Determines whether the result of a RequestItem query should be stored in the VirtualList, which causes future queries to be faster.
SyncRoot Gets the thread synchronization root.
UnavailableItem Gets the object from a RequestItem query to inform the caller that the item cannot be retrieved.
VisualReleaseBehavior Gets or sets the policy for data items after the visual items that were created for that item have been released.


This class also includes services for slow partial data loads.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also