MCML Basics

This section covers basic aspects of working with MCML.

Topic Description
Model-View Separation Describes the concept of separating the code and data of an application from its visual user interface.
MCML Syntax for Elements and Attributes Describes the syntax of MCML, including nested structures, and the option of using expanded and inline forms.
Markup Namespaces Explains how to reference namespaces.
Using Resources in MCML Lists the resource types that are supported.
Accessing MCML Libraries Describes how to access markup-defined resources.
Referencing Assemblies from Markup Explains how to reference assemblies.
Reserved Keywords Lists the keywords that are reserved in MCML.
Naming Elements Describes the restrictions to MCML names.
Using Object Paths Describes how to use object paths to access members of CLR objects.
Loading an MCML Page Describes how to load an MCML page using different methods.
Binding Code and Data to MCML Describes how to bind to members of .NET Framework objects, such as ModelItem objects and the types derived from it.

See Also