Visual Studio Software Development Kit (SDK)
The Visual Studio SDK includes documentation, samples, and code to help you develop products that integrate with the Visual Studio product family.
Introducing the Visual Studio SDK
Introduces the Visual Studio SDK and describes the ways you can extend the Visual Studio development environment.Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers
Several Team Edition for Testers test types are integrated into Visual Studio 2008. This section shows you how to extend Team Edition for Testers to add new test types.Using the System Definition Model (SDM) SDK
By using SDM, system administrators and designers can create a live model of a system to diagnose problems such as compatibility issues.Team Foundation Server SDK
Provides resources, documentation, and samples that enable you to extend Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. This documentation supports the release versions of Visual Studio 2008 and Team Foundation Server.The intended audience includes tool vendors ISVs, early adopters, and evaluators who want to explore the extensibility and integration characteristics of various components of Team Foundation Server. However, the SDK programmer can be anyone who writes code against the Team Foundation Server object models.
Domain-Specific Language Tools
Descibes using Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Tools to construct and customize visual designers for your specific problem domain. For example, you might use a specialized language to describe a user interface, a business process, a database, or the flow of information. By using the toolkit, you can build customized modeling tools, define and implement a modeling language, and generate code from those descriptions.Visual Studio SDK Reference
Presents a list of reference topics.