VSPackage Load Keys
To prevent unauthenticated VSPackages from running in Visual Studio, each VSPackage to be loaded in a deployed application must have a valid package load key (PLK).
The Visual Studio SDK provides a developer load key (DLK) that makes it possible for VSPackages to load without a PLK during development.
How to: Obtain a PLK for a VSPackage
Explains how to obtain a PLK for VSPackages that you want to deploy.How to: Add a PLK to a VSPackage Project (C#)
Explains how to install a PLK in a VSPackage that you want to deploy.How to: Troubleshoot a PLK Load Failure
Contains guidance about how to resolve PLK load failures.
VSPackage Tutorial 1: How to Create a VSPackage
Shows how to use managed code to attach a PLK to a VSPackage.Releasing a Visual Studio Integration Product
Discusses how to prepare a VSPackage for final deployment.VSPackages
VSPackages extend the IDE by providing UI elements, services, projects, editors, and designers.License Keys and Load Keys
Describes the license and load keys that the Visual Studio shell uses to authenticate VSPackages and isolated shell-based applications.