Windows Mobile 6.5
Windows Mobile 6.5 developer documentation is an extension of the Windows Mobile 6 documentation. Almost all material in Windows Mobile 6 documentation also applies to Windows Mobile 6.5. New features and exceptions are described in the topic Programming for Windows Mobile 6.5.
Here is a point-and-click index to the key topics that make up this document set.
- Welcome to Windows Mobile 6.5 Documentation
Summarizes the Windows Mobile 6.5 documentation and provides links to major sections. Beginners start here!
- Development Tools and Resources for Windows Mobile
Lists tools and resources for Windows Mobile developers, including information about new tools, deployment documentation, and device management topics.
- Programming Techniques for Windows Mobile
Lists topics that contain practical advice on writing applications for Windows phones.
- Deploying Windows Mobile Applications
Describes the mechanism for installing applications developed for Windows phones.
- Managing Windows Mobile Devices
Describes configuration options for Windows phones.
- Windows Mobile Features (Managed)
Lists technical reference topics about the Microsoft.WindowsMobile class library.
- Windows Mobile Features (Native)
Describes the many features of Windows phones that can be modified according to specific user needs.
- Windows Mobile Dev Center
The home of Windows Mobile development on MSDN.