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CrmService Classes

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The classes exposed in the CrmService Web Service are shown in the following table:

Class Description
account Specifies the class that represents the account entity.
AccountStateInfo Contains state information for the account entity.
activitymimeattachment Specifies the class that represents the activity MIME attachment (e-mail attachment) entity.
activityparty Specifies the class that represents the activity party entity.
activitypointer Specifies the class that represents any activity entity.
ActivityPointerStateInfo Contains state information for the activity pointer entity.
AddDeploymentLicensesRequest Specifies the response class for the AddDeploymentLicenses message.
AddDeploymentLicensesResponse Specifies the response class for the AddDeploymentLicenses message.
AddItemCampaignActivityRequest Specifies the request class for the AddItemCampaignActivity message.
AddItemCampaignActivityResponse Specifies the response class for the AddItemCampaignActivity message.
AddItemCampaignRequest Specifies the request class for the AddItemCampaign message.
AddItemCampaignResponse Specifies the response class for the AddItemCampaign message.
AddMemberListRequest Specifies the request class for the AddMemberList message.
AddMemberListResponse Specifies the response class for the AddMemberList message.
AddMembersTeamRequest Specifies the request class for the AddMembersTeam message.
AddMembersTeamResponse Specifies the response class for the AddMembersTeam message.
AddPrivilegesRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the AddPrivilegesRole message.
AddPrivilegesRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the AddPrivilegesRole message.
AddProductToKitRequest Specifies the request class for the AddProductToKit message.
AddProductToKitResponse Specifies the response class for the AddProductToKit message.
AddSubstituteProductRequest Specifies the request class for the AddSubstituteProduct message.
AddSubstituteProductResponse Specifies the response class for the AddSubstituteProduct message.
AllColumns Specifies that all attributes of an entity instance should be retrieved.
annotation Specifies the class that represents the annotation (note) entity.
annualfiscalcalendar Specifies the class that represents the annual fiscal calendar entity.
appointment Specifies the class that represents the appointment entity.
AppointmentProposal Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the Search message.
AppointmentRequest Specifies the details of an appointment request for the Search message.
AppointmentStateInfo Contains state information for the appointment entity.
AppointmentsToIgnore Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request in the Search message.
AssignRequest Specifies the request class for the Assign message.
AssignResponse Specifies the response class for the Assign message.
AssignUserRolesRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the AssignUserRolesRole message.
AssignUserRolesRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the AssignUserRolesRole message.
BookRequest Specifies the request class for the Book message.
BookResponse Specifies the response class for the Book message.
bulkoperation Specifies the class that represents the bulk operation entity.
bulkoperationlog Specifies the class that represents the bulk operation log entity.
BulkOperationStateInfo Contains state information for the bulk operation entity.
BusinessEntity Represents the abstract base class for all entities.
BusinessEntityCollection Represents a collection of entity instances.
businessunit Specifies the class that represents the business unit entity.
businessunitnewsarticle Specifies the class that represents the business unit news article (announcement)entity.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the CalculateActualValueOpportunity message.
CalculateActualValueOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the CalculateActualValueOpportunity message.
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentRequest Specifies the request class for the CalculateTotalTimeIncident message.
CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse Specifies the response class for the CalculateTotalTimeIncident message.
calendar Specifies the class that represents the calendar entity.
calendarrule Specifies the class that represents the calendar rule entity.
CallerId Specifies the ID of the user under whose context the code is executed.
campaign Specifies the class that represents the campaign entity.
campaignactivity Specifies the class that represents the campaign activity entity.
campaignactivityitem Specifies the class that represents the campaign activity item entity.
CampaignActivityStateInfo Contains state information for the campaign activity entity.
campaignitem Specifies the class that represents the campaign item entity.
campaignresponse Specifies the class that represents the campaign response entity.
CampaignResponseStateInfo Contains state information for the campaign response entity.
CampaignStateInfo Contains state information for the campaign entity.
CancelSalesOrderRequest Specifies the request class for the CancelSalesOrder message.
CancelSalesOrderResponse Specifies the response class for the CancelSalesOrder message.
CheckIncomingEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the CheckIncomingEmail message.
CheckIncomingEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the CheckIncomingEmail message.
CheckPromoteEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the CheckPromoteEmail message.
CheckPromoteEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the CheckPromoteEmail message.
CloneContractRequest Specifies the request class for the CloneContract message.
CloneContractResponse Specifies the response class for the CloneContract message.
CloseIncidentRequest Specifies the request class for the CloseIncident message.
CloseIncidentResponse Specifies the response class for the CloseIncident message.
CloseQuoteRequest Specifies the request class for the CloseQuote message.
CloseQuoteResponse Specifies the response class for the CloseQuote message.
ColumnSet Specifies the attributes for which non-null values are returned from the query.
ColumnSetBase Represents the abstract base class for the ColumnSet and AllColumns classes.
competitor Specifies the class that represents the competitor entity.
CompoundCreateRequest Specifies the request class for the CompoundCreate message.
CompoundCreateResponse Specifies the response class for the CompoundCreate message.
CompoundUpdateRequest Specifies the request class for the CompoundUpdate message.
CompoundUpdateResponse Specifies the response class for the CompoundUpdate message.
ConditionExpression Specifies a condition expression used to filter the results of the query.
constraintbasedgroup Specifies the class that represents the constraint based group (resource group) entity.
ConstraintRelation Specifies additional constraints to be applied when selecting resources for appointments.
contact Specifies the class that represents the contact entity.
ContactStateInfo Contains state information for the contact entity.
contract Specifies the class that represents the contract entity.
contractdetail Specifies the class that represents the contract detail entity.
ContractDetailStateInfo Contains state information for the contract detail entity.
ContractStateInfo Contains state information for the contract entity.
contracttemplate Specifies the class that represents the contract template entity.
ConvertKitToProductRequest Specifies the request class for the ConvertKitToProduct message.
ConvertKitToProductResponse Specifies the response class for the ConvertKitToProduct message.
ConvertProductToKitRequest Specifies the request class for the ConvertProductToKit message.
ConvertProductToKitResponse Specifies the response class for the ConvertProductToKit message.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderRequest Specifies the request class for the ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder message.
ConvertQuoteToSalesOrderResponse Specifies the response class for the ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder message.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceRequest Specifies the request class for the ConvertSalesOrderToInvoice message.
ConvertSalesOrderToInvoiceResponse Specifies the response class for the ConvertSalesOrderToInvoice message.
CreateActivitiesListRequest Specifies the request class for the CreateActivitiesList message.
CreateActivitiesListResponse Specifies the response class for the CreateActivitiesList message.
CreateRequest Specifies the request class for the Create message.
CreateResponse Specifies the response class for the Create message.
CreateUoMScheduleRequest Specifies the request class for the CreateUoMSchedule message.
CreateUoMScheduleResponse Specifies the response class for the CreateUoMSchedule message.
CrmBoolean Represents a Boolean attribute.
CrmBooleanProperty Represents a Boolean attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmDateTime Represents a date/time attribute.
CrmDateTimeProperty Represents a date/time attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmDecimal Represents a decimal attribute.
CrmDecimalProperty Represents a decimal attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmFloat Represents a float attribute.
CrmFloatProperty Represents a float attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmMoney Represents a money attribute.
CrmMoneyProperty Represents a money attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmNumber Represents a number (integer) attribute.
CrmNumberProperty Represents a number attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
CrmReference Represents an attribute that refers to another entity.
CrmService Contains the common methods for the CrmService Web service.
Customer Represents an attribute that refers to a customer.
customeraddress Specifies the class that represents the customer address entity.
customeropportunityrole Specifies the class that represents the customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship) entity.
CustomerProperty Represents a customer attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
customerrelationship Specifies the class that represents the customer relationship entity.
DeleteRequest Specifies the request for the Delete message.
DeleteResponse Specifies the response class for the Delete message.
DeliverIncomingEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the DeliverIncomingEmail message.
DeliverIncomingEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the DeliverIncomingEmail message.
DeliverPromoteEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the DeliverPromoteEmail message.
DeliverPromoteEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the DeliverPromoteEmail message.
DetachFromQueueEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the DetachFromQueueEmail message.
DetachFromQueueEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the DetachFromQueueEmail message.
discount Specifies the class that represents the discount entity.
discounttype Specifies the class that represents the discount type entity.
DiscountTypeStateInfo Contains state information for the discount type entity.
displaystring Specifies the class that represents the display string entity.
DynamicEntity Represents an instance of an entity.
DynamicEntityArrayProperty Specifies a set of dynamic entities.
email Specifies the class that represents the e-mail entity.
EmailStateInfo Contains state information for the e-mail entity.
EntityNameReference Specifies the name of an entity.
EntityNameReferenceProperty Represents an entity name attribute in an entity using the DynamicEntity class.
equipment Specifies the class that represents the equipment (facility/equipment) entity.
ErrorInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the Validate, Book, or Reschedule message.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryRequest Specifies the request class for the ExecuteByIdSavedQuery message.
ExecuteByIdSavedQueryResponse Specifies the response class for the ExecuteByIdSavedQuery message.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryRequest Specifies the request class for the ExecuteByIdUserQuery message.
ExecuteByIdUserQueryResponse Specifies the response class for the ExecuteByIdUserQuery message.
ExecuteCampaignActivityRequest Specifies the request class for the ExecuteCampaignActivity message.
ExecuteCampaignActivityResponse Specifies the response class for the ExecuteCampaignActivity message.
ExecuteFetchRequest Specifies the request class for the ExecuteFetch message.
ExecuteFetchResponse Specifies the response class for the ExecuteFetch message.
ExecuteWFProcessRequest Specifies the request class for the ExecuteWFProcess message.
ExecuteWFProcessResponse Specifies the response class for the ExecuteWFProcess message.
ExpandCalendarRequest Specifies the request class for the ExpandCalendar message.
ExpandCalendarResponse Specifies the response class for the ExpandCalendar message.
ExportAllXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the ExportAllXml message.
ExportAllXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the ExportAllXml message.
ExportXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the ExportXml message.
ExportXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the ExportXml message.
fax Specifies the class that represents the fax entity.
FaxStateInfo Contains state information for the fax entity.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionRequest Specifies the request class for the FetchXmlToQueryExpression message.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse Specifies the response class for the FetchXmlToQueryExpression message.
FilterExpression Specifies complex condition and logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of the query.
FindParentResourceGroupRequest Specifies the request class for the FindParentResourceGroup message.
FindParentResourceGroupResponse Specifies the response class for the FindParentResourceGroup message.
fixedmonthlyfiscalcalendar Specifies the class that represents the fixed monthly fiscal calendar entity.
FulfillSalesOrderRequest Specifies the request class for the FulfillSalesOrder message.
FulfillSalesOrderResponse Specifies the response class for the FulfillSalesOrder message.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunity message.
GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunity message.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GenerateQuoteFromOpportunity message.
GenerateQuoteFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GenerateQuoteFromOpportunity message.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunity message.
GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunity message.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GetInvoiceProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetQuantityDecimalRequest Specifies the request class for the GetQuantityDecimal message.
GetQuantityDecimalResponse Specifies the response class for the GetQuantityDecimal message.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GetQuoteProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the GetSalesOrderProductsFromOpportunity message.
GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the GetTrackingTokenEmail message.
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the GetTrackingTokenEmail message.
GrantAccessRequest Specifies the request class for the GrantAccess message.
GrantAccessResponse Specifies the response class for the GrantAccess message.
HandleRequest Specifies the request class for the Handle message.
HandleResponse Specifies the response class for the Handle message.
ImportAllXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the ImportAllXml message.
ImportAllXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the ImportAllXml message.
ImportXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the ImportXml message.
ImportXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the ImportXml message.
incident Specifies the class that represents the incident entity.
incidentresolution Specifies the class that represents the incident resolution entity.
IncidentResolutionStateInfo Contains state information for the incident resolution entity.
IncidentStateInfo Contains state information for the incident entity.
InitializeFromRequest Specifies the request class for the InitializeFrom message.
InitializeFromResponse Specifies the response class for the InitializeFrom message.
InstantiateTemplateRequest Specifies the request class for the InstantiateTemplate message.
InstantiateTemplateResponse Specifies the response class for the InstantiateTemplate message.
invoice Specifies the class that represents the invoice entity.
invoicedetail Specifies the class that represents the invoice detail entity.
InvoiceStateInfo Contains state information for the invoice entity.
IsBackOfficeInstalledRequest Specifies the request class for the IsBackOfficeInstalled message.
IsBackOfficeInstalledResponse Specifies the response class for the IsBackOfficeInstalled message.
kbarticle Specifies the class that represents the knowledge base article entity.
kbarticlecomment Specifies the class that represents the knowledge base article comment entity.
KbArticleStateInfo Contains state information for the knowledge base article entity.
kbarticletemplate Specifies the class that represents the knowledge base article template entity.
Key Represents an attribute that refers to the primary key of an entity.
KeyProperty Represents a key attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
lead Specifies the class that represents the lead entity.
LeadStateInfo Contains state information for the lead entity.
letter Specifies the class that represents the letter entity.
LetterStateInfo Contains state information for the letter entity.
license Specifies the class that represents the license entity.
LinkEntity Specifies the links between multiple entity types used in creating complex queries.
list Specifies the class that represents the list entity.
listmember Specifies the class that represents the list member entity.
ListStateInfo Contains state information for the list entity.
LockInvoicePricingRequest Specifies the request class for the LockInvoicePricing message.
LockInvoicePricingResponse Specifies the response class for the LockInvoicePricing message.
LockSalesOrderPricingRequest Specifies the request class for the LockSalesOrderPricing message.
LockSalesOrderPricingResponse Specifies the response class for the LockSalesOrderPricing message.
Lookup Represents an attribute that refers to another entity .
LookupProperty Represents a lookup attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
LoseOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the LoseOpportunity message.
LoseOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the LoseOpportunity message.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Specifies the request class for the MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplate message.
MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Specifies the response class for the MakeAvailableToOrganizationTemplate message.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateRequest Specifies the request class for the MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplate message.
MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplateResponse Specifies the response class for the MakeUnavailableToOrganizationTemplate message.
MergeRequest Specifies the request class for the Merge message.
MergeResponse Specifies the response class for the Merge message.
ModifyAccessRequest Specifies the request class for the ModifyAccess message.
ModifyAccessResponse Specifies the response class for the ModifyAccess message.
Moniker Specifies an instance of an entity.
monthlyfiscalcalendar Specifies the class that represents the monthly fiscal calendar entity.
ObjectiveRelation Specifies the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest, overriding the default contraints.
opportunity Specifies the class that represents the opportunity entity.
opportunityclose Specifies the class that represents the opportunity close entity.
OpportunityCloseStateInfo Contains state information for the opportunity close entity.
opportunityproduct Specifies the class that represents the opportunity product entity.
OpportunityStateInfo Contains state information for the opportunity entity.
orderclose Specifies the class that represents the order close entity.
OrderCloseStateInfo Contains state information for the order close entity.
OrderExpression Specifies the order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
organization Specifies the class that represents the organization entity.
Owner Represents an attribute that refers to the owner of an entity instance.
OwnerProperty Represents an owner attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
PagingInfo Specifies a number of pages and a number of entity instances per page to return from the query.
phonecall Specifies the class that represents the phone call entity.
PhoneCallStateInfo Contains state information for the phone call entity.
Picklist Represents a picklist attribute in an entity instance.
PicklistProperty Represents a picklist attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
plugintype Specifies the class that represents the plug-in type entity.
pricelevel Specifies the class that represents the price level (price list) entity.
PriceLevelStateInfo Contains state information for the price level entity.
PrincipalAccess Contains the security principal (user or team) access rights information.
privilege Specifies the class that represents the privilege entity.
product Specifies the class that represents the product entity.
productpricelevel Specifies the class that represents the product price level (price list item) entity.
ProductStateInfo Contains state information for the product entity.
Property Represents the abstract base class for properties represented in the DynamicEntity class.
ProposalParty Specifies a party (user or resource) needed for the proposed appointment.
PublishAllXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the PublishAllXml message.
PublishAllXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the PublishAllXml message.
PublishXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the PublishXml message.
PublishXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the PublishXml message.
quarterlyfiscalcalendar Specifies the class that represents the quarterly fiscal calendar entity.
QueryBase Represents the abstract base class for constructing a query.
QueryByAttribute Retrieves instances of a specific entity type by specifying a set of attribute and value pairs.
QueryExpression Retrieves instances of a specific entity type by using a complex query.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest Specifies the request class for the QueryExpressionToFetchXml message.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse Specifies the response class for the QueryExpressionToFetchXml message.
QueryMultipleSchedulesRequest Specifies the request class for the QueryMultipleSchedules message.
QueryMultipleSchedulesResponse Specifies the response class for the QueryMultipleSchedules message.
QueryScheduleRequest Specifies the request class for the QuerySchedule message.
QueryScheduleResponse Specifies the response class for the QuerySchedule message.
queue Specifies the class that represents the queue entity.
queueitem Specifies the class that represents the queue item entity.
quote Specifies the class that represents the quote entity.
quoteclose Specifies the class that represents the quote close entity.
QuoteCloseStateInfo Contains state information for the quote close entity.
quotedetail Specifies the class that represents the quote detail entity.
QuoteStateInfo Contains state information for the quote entity.
ReassignObjectsSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the ReassignObjectsSystemUser message.
ReassignObjectsSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the ReassignObjectsSystemUser message.
relationshiprole Specifies the class that represents the relationship role entity.
relationshiprolemap Specifies the class that represents the relationship role map entity.
RelationshipRoleStateInfo Contains state information for the relationship role entity.
RemoveBinaryDataActivityMimeAttachmentRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveBinaryDataActivityMimeAttachment message.
RemoveBinaryDataActivityMimeAttachmentResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveBinaryDataActivityMimeAttachment message.
RemoveBinaryDataAnnotationRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveBinaryDataAnnotation message.
RemoveBinaryDataAnnotationResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveBinaryDataAnnotation message.
RemoveBinaryDataSalesLiteratureItemRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveBinaryDataSalesLiteratureItem message.
RemoveBinaryDataSalesLiteratureItemResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveBinaryDataSalesLiteratureItem message.
RemoveDeploymentLicenseRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveDeploymentLicense message.
RemoveDeploymentLicenseResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveDeploymentLicense message.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveItemCampaignActivity message.
RemoveItemCampaignActivityResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveItemCampaignActivity message.
RemoveItemCampaignRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveItemCampaign message.
RemoveItemCampaignResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveItemCampaign message.
RemoveMemberListRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveMemberList message.
RemoveMemberListResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveMemberList message.
RemoveMembersTeamRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveMembersTeam message.
RemoveMembersTeamResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveMembersTeam message.
RemovePrivilegeRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the RemovePrivilegeRole message.
RemovePrivilegeRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the RemovePrivilegeRole message.
RemoveProductFromKitRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveProductFromKit message.
RemoveProductFromKitResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveProductFromKit message.
RemoveRelatedRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveRelated message.
RemoveRelatedResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveRelated message.
RemoveSubstituteProductRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveSubstituteProduct message.
RemoveSubstituteProductResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveSubstituteProduct message.
RemoveUserRolesRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the RemoveUserRolesRole message.
RemoveUserRolesRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the RemoveUserRolesRole message.
RenewContractRequest Specifies the request class for the RenewContract message.
RenewContractResponse Specifies the response class for the RenewContract message.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the ReplacePrivilegesRole message.
ReplacePrivilegesRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the ReplacePrivilegesRole message.
Request Represents the abstract base class for all request classes used in the Execute method.
RequiredResource Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
RescheduleRequest Specifies the request class for the Reschedule message.
RescheduleResponse Specifies the response class for the Reschedule message.
resource Specifies the class that represents the resource entity.
resourcegroup Specifies the class that represents the resource group (scheduling group) entity.
ResourceInfo Specifies information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
resourcespec Specifies the class that represents the resource specification entity.
Response Represents the abstract base class for all response classes used in the Execute method.
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUser message.
RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveAllChildUsersSystemUser message.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnitResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveBusinessHierarchyBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveByGroupResourceRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveByGroupResource message.
RetrieveByGroupResourceResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveByGroupResource message.
RetrieveByObjectWFProcessRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveByObjectWFProcess message.
RetrieveByObjectWFProcessResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveByObjectWFProcess message.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveByResourceResourceGroup message.
RetrieveByResourceResourceGroupResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveByResourceResourceGroup message.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveByResourcesService message.
RetrieveByResourcesServiceResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveByResourcesService message.
RetrieveDeploymentLicensesRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveDeploymentLicenses message.
RetrieveDeploymentLicensesResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveDeploymentLicenses message.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseType message.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseType message.
RetrieveLicenseCountRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveLicenseCount message.
RetrieveLicenseCountResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveLicenseCount message.
RetrieveMembersTeamRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveMembersTeam message.
RetrieveMembersTeamResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveMembersTeam message.
RetrieveMultipleRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveMultiple message.
RetrieveMultipleResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveMultiple message.
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroup message.
RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroupResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveParentGroupsResourceGroup message.
RetrievePrincipalAccessRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrievePrincipalAccess message.
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrievePrincipalAccess message.
RetrievePrivilegeSetRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrievePrivilegeSet message.
RetrievePrivilegeSetResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrievePrivilegeSet message.
RetrieveRequest Specifies the request class for the Retrieve message.
RetrieveResponse Specifies the response class for the Retrieve message.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRole message.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRole message.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess message.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess message.
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroup message.
RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroupResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveSubGroupsResourceGroup message.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnitResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveSubsidiaryTeamsBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnitResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveSubsidiaryUsersBusinessUnit message.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveTeamsSystemUser message.
RetrieveTeamsSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveTeamsSystemUser message.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveUserPrivileges message.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveUserPrivileges message.
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUser message.
RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the RetrieveUserSettingsSystemUser message.
ReviseQuoteRequest Specifies the request class for the ReviseQuote message.
ReviseQuoteResponse Specifies the response class for the ReviseQuote message.
RevokeAccessRequest Specifies the request class for the RevokeAccess message.
RevokeAccessResponse Specifies the response class for the RevokeAccess message.
role Specifies the class that represents the role entity.
RolePrivilege Contains the role privilege information.
RollupRequest Specifies the request class for the Rollup message.
RollupResponse Specifies the response class for the Rollup message.
RouteRequest Specifies the request class for the Route message.
RouteResponse Specifies the response class for the Route message.
salesliterature Specifies the class that represents the sales literature entity.
salesliteratureitem Specifies the class that represents the sales literature item (document) entity.
salesorder Specifies the class that represents the sales order (order) entity.
salesorderdetail Specifies the class that represents the sales order detail (order product) entity.
SalesOrderStateInfo Contains state information for the sales order (order) entity.
savedquery Specifies the class that represents the saved query (view) entity.
SearchByBodyKbArticleRequest Specifies the request class for the SearchByBodyKbArticle message.
SearchByBodyKbArticleResponse Specifies the response class for the SearchByBodyKbArticle message.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleRequest Specifies the request class for the SearchByKeywordsKbArticle message.
SearchByKeywordsKbArticleResponse Specifies the response class for the SearchByKeywordsKbArticle message.
SearchByTitleKbArticleRequest Specifies the request class for the SearchByTitleKbArticle message.
SearchByTitleKbArticleResponse Specifies the response class for the SearchByTitleKbArticle message.
SearchRequest Specifies the request class for the Search message.
SearchResponse Specifies the response class for the Search message.
SearchResults Specifes the results from the Search message.
SecurityPrincipal Contains the security principal (user or team) information.
semiannualfiscalcalendar Specifies the class that represents the semiannual fiscal calendar entity.
SendEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the SendEmail message.
SendEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the SendEmail message.
SendFaxRequest Specifies the request class for the SendFax message.
SendFaxResponse Specifies the response class for the SendFax message.
SendTemplateRequest Specifies the request class for the SendTemplate message.
SendTemplateResponse Specifies the response class for the SendTemplate message.
service Specifies the class that represents the service entity.
serviceappointment Specifies the class that represents the service appointment entity.
ServiceAppointmentStateInfo Contains state information for the service appointment entity.
SetBusinessEquipmentRequest Specifies the request class for the SetBusinessEquipment message.
SetBusinessEquipmentResponse Specifies the response class for the SetBusinessEquipment message.
SetBusinessSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the SetBusinessSystemUser message.
SetBusinessSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the SetBusinessSystemUser message.
SetParentBusinessUnitRequest Specifies the request class for the SetParentBusinessUnit message.
SetParentBusinessUnitResponse Specifies the response class for the SetParentBusinessUnit message.
SetParentSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the SetParentSystemUser message.
SetParentSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the SetParentSystemUser message.
SetParentTeamRequest Specifies the request class for the SetParentTeam message.
SetParentTeamResponse Specifies the response class for the SetParentTeam message.
SetRelatedRequest Specifies the request class for the SetRelated message.
SetRelatedResponse Specifies the response class for the SetRelated message.
SetStateAccountRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateAccount message.
SetStateAccountResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateAccount message.
SetStateAppointmentRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateAppointment message.
SetStateAppointmentResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateAppointment message.
SetStateBusinessUnitRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateBusinessUnit message.
SetStateBusinessUnitResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateBusinessUnit message.
SetStateCampaignActivityRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateCampaignActivity message.
SetStateCampaignActivityResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateCampaignActivity message.
SetStateCampaignResponseRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateCampaignResponse message.
SetStateCampaignResponseResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateCampaignResponse message.
SetStateContactRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateContact message.
SetStateContactResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateContact message.
SetStateContractDetailRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateContractDetail message.
SetStateContractDetailResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateContractDetail message.
SetStateContractRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateContract message.
SetStateContractResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateContract message.
SetStateDiscountTypeRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateDiscountType message.
SetStateDiscountTypeResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateDiscountType message.
SetStateDynamicEntityRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateDynamicEntity message.
SetStateDynamicEntityResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateDynamicEntity message.
SetStateEmailRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateEmail message.
SetStateEmailResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateEmail message.
SetStateFaxRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateFax message.
SetStateFaxResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateFax message.
SetStateIncidentRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateIncident message.
SetStateIncidentResolutionRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateIncident message.
SetStateIncidentResolutionResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateIncidentResolution message.
SetStateIncidentResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateIncidentResolution message.
SetStateInvoiceRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateInvoice message.
SetStateInvoiceResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateInvoice message.
SetStateKbArticleRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateKbArticle message.
SetStateKbArticleResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateKbArticle message.
SetStateLeadRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateLead message.
SetStateLeadResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateLead message.
SetStateLetterRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateLetter message.
SetStateLetterResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateLetter message.
SetStateListRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateList message.
SetStateListResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateList message.
SetStateOpportunityCloseRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateOpportunityClose message.
SetStateOpportunityCloseResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateOpportunityClose message.
SetStateOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateOpportunity message.
SetStateOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateOpportunity message.
SetStateOrderCloseRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateOrderClose message.
SetStateOrderCloseResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateOrderClose message.
SetStatePhoneCallRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStatePhoneCall message.
SetStatePhoneCallResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStatePhoneCall message.
SetStatePriceLevelRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStatePriceLevel message.
SetStatePriceLevelResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStatePriceLevel message.
SetStateProductRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateProduct message.
SetStateProductResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateProduct message.
SetStateQuoteCloseRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateQuoteClose message.
SetStateQuoteCloseResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateQuoteClose message.
SetStateQuoteRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateQuote message.
SetStateQuoteResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateQuote message.
SetStateRelationshipRoleRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateRelationshipRole message.
SetStateRelationshipRoleResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateRelationshipRole message.
SetStateSalesOrderRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateSalesOrder message.
SetStateSalesOrderResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateSalesOrder message.
SetStateServiceAppointmentRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateServiceAppointment message.
SetStateServiceAppointmentResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateServiceAppointment message.
SetStateSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateSystemUser message.
SetStateSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateSystemUser message.
SetStateTaskRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateTask message.
SetStateTaskResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateTask message.
SetStateUserQueryRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateUserQuery message.
SetStateUserQueryResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateUserQuery message.
SetStateWFProcessInstanceRequest Specifies the request class for the SetStateWFProcessInstance message.
SetStateWFProcessInstanceResponse Specifies the response class for the SetStateWFProcessInstance message.
site Specifies the class that represents the site entity.
StateProperty Represents a state attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
Status Represents a status attribute in an entity instance.
StatusProperty Represents a status attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
StringProperty Represents a string attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
subject Specifies the class that represents the subject entity.
systemuser Specifies the class that represents the system user (user) entity.
TargetCompound Represents the abstract base class for messages regarding compound entities and their related detail entities.
TargetCompoundDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to create an instance of an entity and related detail instances.
TargetCompoundInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to create an instance of an invoice and related invoice detail instances.
TargetCompoundQuote Specifies the parameters needed to create an instance of a quote and related quote detail instances.
TargetCompoundSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to create an instance of a sales order (order) and related sales order detail (order product) instances.
TargetCreate Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for a create operation using the Create message.
TargetCreateAccount Specifies the parameters needed to create an account.
TargetCreateActivityMimeAttachment Specifies the parameters needed to create an activity MIME attachment (e-mail attachment).
TargetCreateAnnotation Specifies the parameters needed to create an annotation (note).
TargetCreateAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create an annual fiscal calendar.
TargetCreateAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to create an appointment.
TargetCreateBusinessUnit Specifies the parameters needed to create a business unit.
TargetCreateBusinessUnitNewsArticle Specifies the parameters needed to create a business unit news article (announcement).
TargetCreateCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create a calendar.
TargetCreateCampaign Specifies the parameters needed to create a campaign.
TargetCreateCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed to create a campaign activity.
TargetCreateCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed to create a campaign response.
TargetCreateCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed to create a competitor.
TargetCreateConstraintBasedGroup Specifies the parameters needed to create a constraint based group (resource group).
TargetCreateContact Specifies the parameters needed to create a contact.
TargetCreateContract Specifies the parameters needed to create a contract.
TargetCreateContractDetail Specifies the parameters needed to create a contract detail (contract line).
TargetCreateContractTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to create a contract template.
TargetCreateCustomerAddress Specifies the parameters needed to create a customer address (address).
TargetCreateCustomerOpportunityRole Specifies the parameters needed to create a customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship).
TargetCreateCustomerRelationship Specifies the parameters needed to create a customer relationship.
TargetCreateDiscount Specifies the parameters needed to create a discount entity.
TargetCreateDiscountType Specifies the parameters needed to create a discount type (discount list).
TargetCreateDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to create an entity of any type.
TargetCreateEmail Specifies the parameters needed to create an e-mail.
TargetCreateEquipment Specifies the parameters needed to create an equipment (facility/equipment) entity.
TargetCreateFax Specifies the parameters needed to create a fax.
TargetCreateFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create a fixed monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetCreateIncident Specifies the parameters needed to create an incident (case).
TargetCreateIncidentResolution Specifies the parameters needed to create an incident resolution (case resolution).
TargetCreateInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to create an invoice.
TargetCreateInvoiceDetail Specifies the parameters needed to create an invoice detail (invoice product).
TargetCreateKbArticle Specifies the parameters needed to create a knowledge base article.
TargetCreateKbArticleComment Specifies the parameters needed to create a knowledge base article comment.
TargetCreateKbArticleTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to create a knowledge base article template.
TargetCreateLead Specifies the parameters needed to create a lead.
TargetCreateLetter Specifies the parameters needed to create a letter.
TargetCreateList Specifies the parameters needed to create a list (marketing list).
TargetCreateMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create a monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetCreateOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to create an opportunity.
TargetCreateOpportunityClose Specifies the parameters needed to create an opportunity close activity.
TargetCreateOpportunityProduct Specifies the parameters needed to create an opportunity product.
TargetCreateOrderClose Specifies the parameters needed to create an order close activity.
TargetCreatePhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed to create a phone call.
TargetCreatePluginType Specifies the parameters needed to create a plug-in type.
TargetCreatePriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to create a price level (price list).
TargetCreateProduct Specifies the parameters needed to create a product.
TargetCreateProductPriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to create a product price level (price list item).
TargetCreateQuarterlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create a quarterly fiscal calendar.
TargetCreateQueue Specifies the parameters needed to create a queue.
TargetCreateQuote Specifies the parameters needed to create a quote.
TargetCreateQuoteClose Specifies the parameters needed to create a quote close activity.
TargetCreateQuoteDetail Specifies the parameters needed to create a quote detail (quote product).
TargetCreateRelationshipRole Specifies the parameters needed to create a relationship role.
TargetCreateRelationshipRoleMap Specifies the parameters needed to create a relationship role map.
TargetCreateResourceSpec Specifies the parameters needed to create a resource specification.
TargetCreateRole Specifies the parameters needed to create a role.
TargetCreateSalesLiterature Specifies the parameters needed to create a sales literature entity.
TargetCreateSalesLiteratureItem Specifies the parameters needed to create a sales literature item (document).
TargetCreateSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to create a sales order (order).
TargetCreateSalesOrderDetail Specifies the parameters needed to create a sales order detail (order product).
TargetCreateSavedQuery Specifies the parameters needed to create a saved query (view).
TargetCreateSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to create a semiannual fiscal calendar.
TargetCreateService Specifies the parameters needed to create a service.
TargetCreateServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to create a service appointment (service activity).
TargetCreateSite Specifies the parameters needed to create a site.
TargetCreateSubject Specifies the parameters needed to create a subject.
TargetCreateSystemUser Specifies the parameters needed to create a system user (user).
TargetCreateTask Specifies the parameters needed to create a task.
TargetCreateTeam Specifies the parameters needed to create a team.
TargetCreateTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to create a template.
TargetCreateTerritory Specifies the parameters needed to create a territory.
TargetCreateUoM Specifies the parameters needed to create a unit of measure (unit).
TargetCreateUserQuery Specifies the parameters needed to create a user query (saved view).
TargetDelete Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for a delete operation using the Delete message.
TargetDeleteAccount Specifies the parameters needed to delete an account.
TargetDeleteActivityMimeAttachment Specifies the parameters needed to delete an activity MIME attachment (e-mail attachment).
TargetDeleteAnnotation Specifies the parameters needed to delete an annotation (note).
TargetDeleteAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete an annual fiscal calendar.
TargetDeleteAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to delete an appointment.
TargetDeleteBulkOperation Specifies the parameters needed to delete a bulk operation.
TargetDeleteBusinessUnitNewsArticle Specifies the parameters needed to delete a business unit news article (announcement).
TargetDeleteCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete a calendar.
TargetDeleteCampaign Specifies the parameters needed to delete a campaign.
TargetDeleteCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed to delete a campaign activity.
TargetDeleteCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed to delete a campaign response.
TargetDeleteCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed to delete a competitor.
TargetDeleteConstraintBasedGroup Specifies the parameters needed to delete a constraint based group (resource group).
TargetDeleteContact Specifies the parameters needed to delete a contact.
TargetDeleteContract Specifies the parameters needed to delete a contract.
TargetDeleteContractDetail Specifies the parameters needed to delete a contract detail (contract line).
TargetDeleteContractTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to delete a contract template.
TargetDeleteCustomerAddress Specifies the parameters needed to delete a customer address (address).
TargetDeleteCustomerOpportunityRole Specifies the parameters needed to delete a customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship).
TargetDeleteCustomerRelationship Specifies the parameters needed to delete a customer relationship.
TargetDeleteDiscount Specifies the parameters needed to delete a discount.
TargetDeleteDiscountType Specifies the parameters needed to delete a discount type (discount list).
TargetDeleteDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to delete an entity of any type.
TargetDeleteEmail Specifies the parameters needed to delete an e-mail.
TargetDeleteEquipment Specifies the parameters needed to delete an equipment instance.
TargetDeleteFax Specifies the parameters needed to delete a fax.
TargetDeleteFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete a fixed monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetDeleteIncident Specifies the parameters needed to delete an incident (case).
TargetDeleteIncidentResolution Specifies the parameters needed to delete an incident resolution (case resolution).
TargetDeleteInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to delete an invoice.
TargetDeleteInvoiceDetail Specifies the parameters needed to delete an invoice detail (invoice product).
TargetDeleteKbArticle Specifies the parameters needed to delete a knowledge base article.
TargetDeleteKbArticleComment Specifies the parameters needed to delete a knowledge base article comment.
TargetDeleteKbArticleTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to delete a knowledge base article template.
TargetDeleteLead Specifies the parameters needed to delete a lead.
TargetDeleteLetter Specifies the parameters needed to delete a letter.
TargetDeleteList Specifies the parameters needed to delete a list (marketing list).
TargetDeleteMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete a monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetDeleteOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to delete an opportunity.
TargetDeleteOpportunityClose Specifies the parameters needed to delete an opportunity close activity.
TargetDeleteOpportunityProduct Specifies the parameters needed to delete an opportunity product.
TargetDeleteOrderClose Specifies the parameters needed to delete an order close activity.
TargetDeletePhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed to delete a phone call.
TargetDeletePluginType Specifies the parameters needed to delete a plug-in type.
TargetDeletePriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to delete a price level (price list).
TargetDeleteProduct Specifies the parameters needed to delete a product.
TargetDeleteProductPriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to delete a product price level (price list item).
TargetDeleteQuarterlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete a quarterly fiscal calendar.
TargetDeleteQueue Specifies the parameters needed to delete a queue.
TargetDeleteQuote Specifies the parameters needed to delete a quote.
TargetDeleteQuoteClose Specifies the parameters needed to delete a quote close activity.
TargetDeleteQuoteDetail Specifies the parameters needed to delete a quote detail (quote product).
TargetDeleteRelationshipRole Specifies the parameters needed to delete a relationship role.
TargetDeleteRelationshipRoleMap Specifies the parameters needed to delete a relationship role map.
TargetDeleteResourceSpec Specifies the parameters needed to delete a resource specification.
TargetDeleteRole Specifies the parameters needed to delete a role.
TargetDeleteSalesLiterature Specifies the parameters needed to delete a sales literature instance.
TargetDeleteSalesLiteratureItem Specifies the parameters needed to delete a sales literature item (document).
TargetDeleteSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to delete a sales order (order).
TargetDeleteSalesOrderDetail Specifies the parameters needed to delete a sales order detail (order product).
TargetDeleteSavedQuery Specifies the parameters needed to delete a saved query (view).
TargetDeleteSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to delete a semiannual fiscal calendar.
TargetDeleteService Specifies the parameters needed to delete a service.
TargetDeleteServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to delete a service appointment (service activity).
TargetDeleteSite Specifies the parameters needed to delete a site.
TargetDeleteSubject Specifies the parameters needed to delete a subject.
TargetDeleteTask Specifies the parameters needed to delete a task.
TargetDeleteTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to delete a template.
TargetDeleteTerritory Specifies the parameters needed to delete a territory.
TargetDeleteUoM Specifies the parameters needed to delete a unit of measure (unit).
TargetDeleteUoMSchedule Specifies the parameters needed to delete a unit of measure schedule (unit group).
TargetDeleteUserQuery Specifies the parameters needed to delete a user query (saved view).
TargetDeleteWFProcessInstance Specifies the parameters needed to delete a workflow process instance (process instance).
TargetMerge Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for a merge operation using the Merge message.
TargetMergeAccount Specifies the parameters needed to merge the information from two account instances.
TargetMergeContact Specifies the parameters needed to merge the information from two contact instances.
TargetMergeDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to merge the information from two entity instances of the same type.
TargetMergeLead Specifies the parameters needed to merge the information from two lead instances.
TargetOwned Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for operations on entity instances that are owned by a security principal.
TargetOwnedAccount Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an account.
TargetOwnedAnnotation Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an annotation (note).
TargetOwnedAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an appointment.
TargetOwnedCampaign Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a campaign.
TargetOwnedCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a campaign activity.
TargetOwnedCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a campaign response.
TargetOwnedContact Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a contact.
TargetOwnedContract Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a contract.
TargetOwnedCustomerOpportunityRole Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship).
TargetOwnedCustomerRelationship Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a customer relationship.
TargetOwnedDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an instance of an entity.
TargetOwnedEmail Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an e-mail.
TargetOwnedFax Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a fax.
TargetOwnedIncident Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an incident (case).
TargetOwnedIncidentResolution Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an incident resolution (case resolution).
TargetOwnedInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an invoice.
TargetOwnedLead Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a lead.
TargetOwnedLetter Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a letter.
TargetOwnedList Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a list (marketing list).
TargetOwnedOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an opportunity.
TargetOwnedOpportunityClose Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an opportunity close activity.
TargetOwnedOrderClose Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an order close activity.
TargetOwnedPhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a phone call.
TargetOwnedQuote Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a quote.
TargetOwnedQuoteClose Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a quote close activity.
TargetOwnedSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a sales order (order).
TargetOwnedServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a service appointment (service activity).
TargetOwnedTask Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for an account.
TargetOwnedTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a template.
TargetOwnedUserQuery Specifies the parameters needed to execute security operations for a user query (saved view).
TargetQuantify Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for a quantify operation using the GetQuantityDecimal message.
TargetQuantifyDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to get the quantity of the product specified in the request class for the entity instance specified in this target class.
TargetQuantifyInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to get the quantity of the product specified in the request class for the invoice instance specified in this target class.
TargetQuantifyOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to get the quantity of the product specified in the request class for the opportunity instance specified in this target class.
TargetQuantifyQuote Specifies the parameters needed to get the quantity of the product specified in the request class for the quote instance specified in this target class.
TargetQuantifySalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to get the quantity of the product specified in the request class for the sales order (order) instance specified in this target class.
TargetQueued Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for operations that move or route the entity instances to specific queues using Handle or Route messages.
TargetQueuedAppointment Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with an appointment entity instance.
TargetQueuedCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a campaign activity entity instance.
TargetQueuedCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a campaign response entity instance.
TargetQueuedDynamic Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with an instance of an entity.
TargetQueuedEmail Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with an e-mail entity instance.
TargetQueuedFax Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a fax entity instance.
TargetQueuedIncident Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with an incident (case) entity instance.
TargetQueuedLetter Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a letter entity instance.
TargetQueuedPhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a phone call entity instance.
TargetQueuedServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a service appointment (service activity) entity instance.
TargetQueuedTask Specifies the parameters needed for executing Handle and Route messages with a task entity instance.
TargetRelated Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for operations that add or remove the relationship between two entities using SetRelated or RemoveRelated messages.
TargetRelatedDynamic Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between two entity instances.
TargetRelatedInvoiceToContact Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between contact and invoice entity instances.
TargetRelatedLeadToAccount Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between account and lead entity instances.
TargetRelatedLeadToContact Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between contact and lead entity instances.
TargetRelatedOpportunityToAccount Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between account and opportunity entity instances.
TargetRelatedOpportunityToCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between opportunity and competitor entity instances.
TargetRelatedOpportunityToContact Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between contact and opportunity entity instances.
TargetRelatedProductToCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between competitor and product entity instances.
TargetRelatedProductToLead Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between lead and product entity instances.
TargetRelatedQuoteToContact Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between contact and quote entity instances.
TargetRelatedSalesLiteratureToCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between competitor and sales literature entity instances.
TargetRelatedSalesLiteratureToProduct Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between product and sales literature entity instances.
TargetRelatedSalesOrderToContact Specifies the parameters needed for executing SetRelated and RemoveRelated to add or remove a relationship between contact and sales order (order) entity instances.
TargetRetrieve Represents the abstract base class to describe the target for a retrieve operation using the Retrieve message.
TargetRetrieveAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an account.
TargetRetrieveActivityMimeAttachment Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an activity MIME attachment (e-mail attachment).
TargetRetrieveActivityPointer Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an activity.
TargetRetrieveAnnotation Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an annotation (note).
TargetRetrieveAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an annual fiscal calendar.
TargetRetrieveAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an appointment.
TargetRetrieveBulkOperation Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a bulk operation.
TargetRetrieveBulkOperationLog Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a bulk operation log.
TargetRetrieveBusinessUnit Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a business unit.
TargetRetrieveBusinessUnitNewsArticle Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a business unit news article (announcement).
TargetRetrieveCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a calendar.
TargetRetrieveCampaign Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a campaign.
TargetRetrieveCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a campaign activity.
TargetRetrieveCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a campaign response.
TargetRetrieveCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a competitor.
TargetRetrieveConstraintBasedGroup Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a constraint based group (resource group).
TargetRetrieveContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a contact.
TargetRetrieveContract Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a contract.
TargetRetrieveContractDetail Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a contract detail (contract line).
TargetRetrieveContractTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a contract template.
TargetRetrieveCustomerAddress Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a customer address (address).
TargetRetrieveCustomerOpportunityRole Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship).
TargetRetrieveCustomerRelationship Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a customer relationship.
TargetRetrieveDiscount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a discount.
TargetRetrieveDiscountType Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a discount type (discount list).
TargetRetrieveDisplayString Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a display string.
TargetRetrieveDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an entity of any type.
TargetRetrieveEmail Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an e-mail.
TargetRetrieveEquipment Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an equipment instance.
TargetRetrieveFax Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a fax.
TargetRetrieveFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a fixed monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetRetrieveIncident Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an incident (case).
TargetRetrieveIncidentResolution Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an incident resolution (case resolution).
TargetRetrieveInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an invoice.
TargetRetrieveInvoiceDetail Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an invoice detail (invoice product).
TargetRetrieveKbArticle Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a knowledge base article.
TargetRetrieveKbArticleComment Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a knowledge base article comment.
TargetRetrieveKbArticleTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a knowledge base article template.
TargetRetrieveLead Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a lead.
TargetRetrieveLetter Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a letter.
TargetRetrieveList Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a list (marketing list).
TargetRetrieveMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetRetrieveOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an opportunity.
TargetRetrieveOpportunityClose Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an opportunity close activity.
TargetRetrieveOpportunityProduct Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an opportunity product.
TargetRetrieveOrderClose Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an order close activity.
TargetRetrieveOrganization Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve an organization.
TargetRetrievePhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a phone call.
TargetRetrievePluginType Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a plug-in type.
TargetRetrievePriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a price level (price list).
TargetRetrievePrivilege Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a privilege.
TargetRetrieveProduct Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a product.
TargetRetrieveProductPriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a product price level (price list item).
TargetRetrieveQuarterlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a quarterly fiscal calendar.
TargetRetrieveQueue Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a queue.
TargetRetrieveQueueItem Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a queue item.
TargetRetrieveQuote Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a quote.
TargetRetrieveQuoteClose Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a quote close activity.
TargetRetrieveQuoteDetail Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a quote detail (quote product).
TargetRetrieveRelationshipRole Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a relationship role.
TargetRetrieveRelationshipRoleMap Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a relationship role map.
TargetRetrieveResource Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a resource.
TargetRetrieveResourceGroup Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a resource group (scheduling group).
TargetRetrieveResourceSpec Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a resource specification.
TargetRetrieveRole Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a role.
TargetRetrieveSalesLiterature Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve sales literature.
TargetRetrieveSalesLiterature Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve sales literature.
TargetRetrieveSalesLiteratureItem Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a sales literature item (document).
TargetRetrieveSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a sales order (order).
TargetRetrieveSalesOrderDetail Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a sales order detail (order product).
TargetRetrieveSavedQuery Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a saved query (view).
TargetRetrieveSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a semiannual fiscal calendar.
TargetRetrieveService Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a service.
TargetRetrieveServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a service appointment (service activity).
TargetRetrieveSite Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a site.
TargetRetrieveSubject Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a subject.
TargetRetrieveSystemUser Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a system user (user).
TargetRetrieveTask Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a task.
TargetRetrieveTeam Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a team.
TargetRetrieveTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a template.
TargetRetrieveTerritory Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a territory.
TargetRetrieveUoM Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a unit of measure (unit).
TargetRetrieveUoMSchedule Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a unit of measure schedule (unit group).
TargetRetrieveUserQuery Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a user query (saved view).
TargetRetrieveWFProcess Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a workflow process (process).
TargetRetrieveWFProcessInstance Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve a workflow process instance (process instance).
TargetRollup Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for a rollup operation using the Rollup message.
TargetRollupActivityPointerByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all activities related to the specified account.
TargetRollupActivityPointerByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all activities related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupActivityPointerByOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all activities related to the specified opportunity.
TargetRollupAnnotationByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all annotations (notes) related to the specified account.
TargetRollupAnnotationByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all annotations (notes) related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupAnnotationByOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all annotations (notes) related to the specified opportunity.
TargetRollupContractByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all contracts related to the specified account.
TargetRollupContractByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all contracts related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all entities of the specified type related to the specified entity.
TargetRollupIncidentByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all incidents related to the specified account.
TargetRollupIncidentByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all incidents related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupInvoiceByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all invoices related to the specified account.
TargetRollupInvoiceByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all invoices related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupOpportunityByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all opportunities related to the specified account.
TargetRollupOpportunityByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all opportunities related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupQuoteByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all quotes related to the specified account.
TargetRollupQuoteByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all quotes related to the specified contact.
TargetRollupSalesOrderByAccount Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all sales orders (orders) related to the specified account.
TargetRollupSalesOrderByContact Specifies the parameters needed to retrieve all sales orders (orders) related to the specified contact.
TargetSchedule The abstract base class used to describe the target for a schedule operation using the Book message.
TargetScheduleAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to schedule or validate an appointment.
TargetScheduleDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to schedule or validate an appointment or service appointment represented as a dynamic entity.
TargetScheduleServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to schedule or validate a service appointment.
TargetUpdate Represents the abstract base class used to describe the target for an update operation using the Update message.
TargetUpdateAccount Specifies the parameters needed to update an account.
TargetUpdateActivityMimeAttachment Specifies the parameters needed to update an activity MIME attachment (e-mail attachment).
TargetUpdateAnnotation Specifies the parameters needed to update an annotation.
TargetUpdateAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update an annual fiscal calendar.
TargetUpdateAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to update an appointment.
TargetUpdateBusinessUnit Specifies the parameters needed to update a business unit.
TargetUpdateBusinessUnitNewsArticle Specifies the parameters needed to update a business unit news article (announcement).
TargetUpdateCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update a calendar.
TargetUpdateCampaign Specifies the parameters needed to update a campaign.
TargetUpdateCampaignActivity Specifies the parameters needed to update a campaign activity.
TargetUpdateCampaignResponse Specifies the parameters needed to update a campaign response.
TargetUpdateCompetitor Specifies the parameters needed to update a competitor.
TargetUpdateConstraintBasedGroup Specifies the parameters needed to update a constraint based group (resource group).
TargetUpdateContact Specifies the parameters needed to update a contact.
TargetUpdateContract Specifies the parameters needed to update a contract.
TargetUpdateContractDetail Specifies the parameters needed to update a contract detail (contract line).
TargetUpdateContractTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to update a contract template.
TargetUpdateCustomerAddress Specifies the parameters needed to update a customer address (address).
TargetUpdateCustomerOpportunityRole Specifies the parameters needed to update a customer opportunity role (opportunity relationship).
TargetUpdateCustomerRelationship Specifies the parameters needed to update a customer relationship.
TargetUpdateDiscount Specifies the parameters needed to update a discount.
TargetUpdateDiscountType Specifies the parameters needed to update a discount type (discount list).
TargetUpdateDisplayString Specifies the parameters needed to update a display string.
TargetUpdateDynamic Specifies the parameters needed to update an entity of any type.
TargetUpdateEmail Specifies the parameters needed to update an e-mail.
TargetUpdateEquipment Specifies the parameters needed to update an equipment entity.
TargetUpdateFax Specifies the parameters needed to update a fax.
TargetUpdateFixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update a fixed monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetUpdateIncident Specifies the parameters needed to update an incident (case).
TargetUpdateIncidentResolution Specifies the parameters needed to update an incident resolution (case resolution).
TargetUpdateInvoice Specifies the parameters needed to update an invoice.
TargetUpdateInvoiceDetail Specifies the parameters needed to update an invoice detail (invoice product).
TargetUpdateKbArticle Specifies the parameters needed to update a knowledge base article.
TargetUpdateKbArticleComment Specifies the parameters needed to update a knowledge base article comment.
TargetUpdateKbArticleTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to update a knowledge base article template.
TargetUpdateLead Specifies the parameters needed to update a lead.
TargetUpdateLetter Specifies the parameters needed to update a letter.
TargetUpdateList Specifies the parameters needed to update a list.
TargetUpdateMonthlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update a monthly fiscal calendar.
TargetUpdateOpportunity Specifies the parameters needed to update an opportunity.
TargetUpdateOpportunityClose Specifies the parameters needed to update an opportunity close activity.
TargetUpdateOpportunityProduct Specifies the parameters needed to update an opportunity product.
TargetUpdateOrderClose Specifies the parameters needed to update an order close activity.
TargetUpdateOrganization Specifies the parameters needed to update an organization.
TargetUpdatePhoneCall Specifies the parameters needed to update a phone call.
TargetUpdatePluginType Specifies the parameters needed to update a plug-in type.
TargetUpdatePriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to update a price level (price list).
TargetUpdateProduct Specifies the parameters needed to update a product.
TargetUpdateProductPriceLevel Specifies the parameters needed to update a product price level (price list item).
TargetUpdateQuarterlyFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update a quarterly fiscal calendar.
TargetUpdateQueue Specifies the parameters needed to update a queue.
TargetUpdateQuote Specifies the parameters needed to update a quote.
TargetUpdateQuoteClose Specifies the parameters needed to update a quote close activity.
TargetUpdateQuoteDetail Specifies the parameters needed to update a quote detail (quote product).
TargetUpdateRelationshipRole Specifies the parameters needed to update a relationship role.
TargetUpdateRelationshipRoleMap Specifies the parameters needed to update a relationship role map.
TargetUpdateResourceSpec Specifies the parameters needed to update a resource specification.
TargetUpdateRole Specifies the parameters needed to update a role.
TargetUpdateSalesLiterature Specifies the parameters needed to update a sales literature entity.
TargetUpdateSalesLiteratureItem Specifies the parameters needed to update a sales literature item (document).
TargetUpdateSalesOrder Specifies the parameters needed to update a sales order (order).
TargetUpdateSalesOrderDetail Specifies the parameters needed to update a sales order detail (order product).
TargetUpdateSavedQuery Specifies the parameters needed to update a saved query (view).
TargetUpdateSemiAnnualFiscalCalendar Specifies the parameters needed to update a semiannual fiscal calendar.
TargetUpdateService Specifies the parameters needed to update a service.
TargetUpdateServiceAppointment Specifies the parameters needed to update a service appointment (service activity).
TargetUpdateSite Specifies the parameters needed to update a site.
TargetUpdateSubject Specifies the parameters needed to update a subject.
TargetUpdateSystemUser Specifies the parameters needed to update a system user (user).
TargetUpdateTask Specifies the parameters needed to update a task.
TargetUpdateTeam Specifies the parameters needed to update a team.
TargetUpdateTemplate Specifies the parameters needed to update a template.
TargetUpdateTerritory Specifies the parameters needed to update a territory.
TargetUpdateUoM Specifies the parameters needed to update a unit of measure (unit).
TargetUpdateUoMSchedule Specifies the parameters needed to update a unit of measure schedule (unit group).
TargetUpdateUserQuery Specifies the parameters needed to update a user query (saved view).
task Specifies the class that represents the task entity.
TaskStateInfo Contains state information for the task entity.
team Specifies the class that represents the team entity.
template Specifies the class that represents the template (e-mail template) entity.
territory Specifies the class that represents the territory entity.
TimeInfo Specifies information about a block of time in a calendar.
TraceInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the Validate, Book, Reschedule, or Search message.
UniqueIdentifier Represents an attribute that is the ID (GUID) of another entity instance.
UniqueIdentifierProperty Represents a UniqueIdentifier attribute in an entity represented as a dynamic entity.
UnlockInvoicePricingRequest Specifies the request class for the UnlockInvoicePricing message.
UnlockInvoicePricingResponse Specifies the response class for the UnlockInvoicePricing message.
UnlockSalesOrderPricingRequest Specifies the request class for the UnlockSalesOrderPricing message.
UnlockSalesOrderPricingResponse Specifies the response class for the UnlockSalesOrderPricing message.
uom Specifies the class that represents the unit of measure entity.
uomschedule Specifies the class that represents the unit of measure schedule entity.
UpdateRequest Specifies the request class for the Update message.
UpdateResponse Specifies the response class for the Update message.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserRequest Specifies the request class for the UpdateUserSettingsSystemUser message.
UpdateUserSettingsSystemUserResponse Specifies the response class for the UpdateUserSettingsSystemUser message.
UploadFromBase64DataActivityMimeAttachmentRequest Specifies the request class for the UploadFromBase64DataActivityMimeAttachment message.
UploadFromBase64DataActivityMimeAttachmentResponse Specifies the response class for the UploadFromBase64DataActivityMimeAttachment message.
UploadFromBase64DataAnnotationRequest Specifies the request class for the UploadFromBase64DataAnnotation message.
UploadFromBase64DataAnnotationResponse Specifies the response class for the UploadFromBase64DataAnnotation message.
UploadFromBase64DataSalesLiteratureItemRequest Specifies the request class for the UploadFromBase64DataSalesLiteratureItem message.
UploadFromBase64DataSalesLiteratureItemResponse Specifies the response class for the UploadFromBase64DataSalesLiteratureItem message.
userquery Specifies the class that represents the user query (saved view) entity.
UserQueryStateInfo Contains state information for the user query entity.
usersettings Specifies the class that represents the user settings entity.
ValidateRequest Specifies the request class for the Validate message.
ValidateResponse Specifies the response class for the Validate message.
ValidateSavedQueryRequest Specifies the request class for the ValidateSavedQuery message.
ValidateSavedQueryResponse Specifies the response class for the ValidateSavedQuery message.
ValidationResult Specifies the result from the Validate, Book, or Reschedule message.
wfprocess Specifies the class that represents the workflow process entity.
wfprocessinstance Specifies the class that represents the workflow process instance entity.
WFProcessInstanceStateInfo Contains state information for the workflow process instance entity.
WFProcessStateInfo Contains state information for the workflow process entity.
WhoAmIRequest Specifies the request class for the WhoAmI message.
WhoAmIResponse Specifies the response class for the WhoAmI message.
WinOpportunityRequest Specifies the request class for the WinOpportunity message.
WinOpportunityResponse Specifies the response class for the WinOpportunity message.
WinQuoteRequest Specifies the request class for the WinQuote message.
WinQuoteResponse Specifies the response class for the WinQuote message.

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