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IExtensibilityApplications::GetFilteredEntryPoints Method

Gets entry points that were set when applications were registered.

Note   This method has been deprecated.


  HRESULT GetFilteredEntryPoints(
  BSTR  strCategory,
  VARIANT_BOOL  fEnabledOnly,
  IEnumVARIANT**  pRetVal



[in]  Category of entry points to retrieve. For more information, see category Element.


[in]  true if only enabled entry points are to be returned; otherwise, false.


[out]  Address of a variable that receives a pointer to a collection of entry points. Each VARIANT contains a pointer to an IExtensibilityEntryPoint instance.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If null is specified in strCategory, pRetVal points to a list of entry points registered in all categories.

If a category substring is specified in strCategory, pRetVal points to a list of entry points registered in categories that contain the substring. The substring must be delimited by a "\" using registry syntax.


The entry points returned are limited to those that match the capabilities specified by put_Capabilities.


Assembly: Ehextcom.dll

Platform: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 and later

See Also