Multiple Language Resource Files
Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ allows your resource file to contain resources in multiple languages. This is useful if you work on a global application that supports multiple languages in its user interface. One requirement for using such resources on your computer is that you have the appropriate national language support (.nls) files. Since specific localized versions of Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000 may not contain the .nls files you may need, there are several .nls files on the OS CD-ROM which enable you to work with multiple language resource files.
As an example, consider an application that can be built so that its user interface elements (resources) are in Japanese or English. Typically, one person working on a US computer works on the English resources, while another person on a Japanese computer works on the Japanese resources. Since both the Japanese and English resources are in the same file, it is important that the US computer load up and edit the English resources without corrupting the Japanese resources. In order to do this, the US computer must have the Japanese .nls files installed. It is important to distinguish between being able to load up a resource file which contains resources that are not in the primary language of the computer, and actively working on these resources. Actively working on the Japanese resources does require a Japanese computer, since input of Japanese characters requires an input method editor (IME), and you must have the correct fonts in order to display these characters appropriately, and for correct caret placement. However, just by having the Japanese .nls file on the US computer you can load up your .rc file, work on the US resources, and save it back while maintaining the integrity of the Japanese resources section.
The following .nls files are available on the Windows NT and Windows 98 OS CD-ROMs. The code pages on a Windows 2000 computer are listed in Regional Options in Control Panel, described under Installing the National Language Support Files on Windows2000.
Code Page |
Language (script) |
Filename (Windows 95/98) | Filename (Windows NT) |
932 | Japanese | cp_932.nls | c_932.nls |
936 | Simplified Chinese | cp_936.nls | c_936.nls |
949 | Unified Hangul | cp_949.nls | c_949.nls |
950 | Traditional Chinese | cp_950.nls | c_950.nls |
1250 | Central / Eastern European | cp_1250.nls | c_1250.nls |
1251 | Cyrillic | cp_1251.nls | c_1251.nls |
1252 | Latin I | cp_1252.nls | c_1252.nls |
1253 | Greek | cp_1253.nls | c_1253.nls |
1254 | Turkish | cp_1254.nls | c_1254.nls |
1255 | Hebrew | cp_1255.nls | c_1255.nls |
1256 | Arabic | cp_1256.nls | c_1256.nls |
1257 | Baltic | cp_1257.nls | c_1257.nls |
Installing the National Language Support Files on Windows 98
- Run the registry editor (RegEdit):
The key My Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ control \ Nls \ Codepage lists all the code pages that are installed, and can be installed on your system. Note that in this key, the value name specifies the code page, and the value data specifies the file that contains the code page information. Installed code pages have an entry for value data, whereas code pages that are not installed do not specify an entry in the value data field.
To install additional code pages, first copy the appropriate .nls file(s) from your OS CD-ROM into the Windows system directory. This is the SYSTEM subdirectory under your Windows directory.
Second, in the appropriate registry key (see above), select the codepage entry for the file you just copied. Choose Modify on the Edit menu (or double click the codepage entry) to bring up the Edit String dialog box. Enter the name of the file you just copied in the value data field. Click the OK button.
Close the registry editor. You have completed the installation of the additional code pages.
Installing the National Language Support Files on Windows NT
- Run the registry editor (regedt32):
The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Nls \ Codepage key lists all the code pages that are installed, and can be installed on your system. Note that in this key, the value name specifies the code page, and the value data specifies the file which contains the code page information. The value data is of type REG_SZ. Installed code pages have an entry for value data, whereas code pages that are not installed do not specify an entry in the value data field.
To install additional code pages, first copy the appropriate .nls file(s) from your OS CD-ROM into the Windows system directory. This is the SYSTEM32 subdirectory under your Windows directory.
Second, in the appropriate registry key (see above), select the codepage entry for the file you just copied. Choose String on the Edit menu (or double click the codepage entry) to bring up the String Editor. Enter the name of the file you just copied in the string edit field. Click the OK button.
Close the registry editor. You have completed the installation of the additional code pages.
Installing the National Language Support Files on Windows 2000
The Windows 2000 code conversion tables are also specified in the registry as described for Windows NT. However, to configure language support and install files, you can use Regional Options in Control Panel. Use the following procedure to install the files.
Open Regional Options in Control Panel.
On the General tab, under Language settings for the system, select the check box next to the language group you want to install.
Choose the Advanced button to view, add or remove code page conversion tables installed on your computer.
Choose Apply or OK to save your changes.
To complete the installation of language groups, you must insert the Windows 2000 CD-ROM or have access to the system files from the network. Once the languages are installed, Windows 2000 prompts you to restart your computer.
You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure. If your computer is connected to the network, network policy settings may also prevent you from completing this procedure.