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Shape.ConnectionSiteCount Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns a Long indicating the count of connection sites on the current Shape object. Read-only.



expression   A variable that represents a Shape object.


The number of connection sites varies depending on the shape geometry. Rectangular objects including tables and Web controls will most likely have four connection sites, one centered on each edge of the shape.


This example adds two rectangles to the active publication and joins them with two connectors. The beginnings of both connectors attach to connection site one on the first rectangle; the ends of the connectors attach to the first and last connection sites of the second rectangle. Then it counts the number of connections on the first rectangle.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub Connections()
Dim shpNew As Shapes
Dim shpFirstRect As Shape
Dim shpSecondRect As Shape
Dim intLastSite As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer

Set shpNew = Application.ActiveDocument _
Set shpFirstRect = shpNew.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _
   Left:=100, Top:=50, Width:=200, Height:=100)
Set shpSecondRect = shpNew.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _
    Left:=300, Top:=300, Width:=200, Height:=100)
varLastSite = shpSecondRect.<strong>ConnectionSiteCount</strong>

' Add the first connector from rectangle 1,
' site 1 to rectangle 2, site 1.
With shpNew.AddConnector(Type:=msoConnectorCurve, _
    BeginX:=0, BeginY:=0, EndX:=100, EndY:=100) _
    .BeginConnect ConnectedShape:=shpFirstRect, ConnectionSite:=1
    .EndConnect ConnectedShape:=shpSecondRect, ConnectionSite:=1
End With

' Add the second connector from rectangle 1,
' site 1 to rectangle 2, site 2.
With shpNew.AddConnector(Type:=msoConnectorCurve, _
    BeginX:=0, BeginY:=0, EndX:=100, EndY:=100) _
    .BeginConnect ConnectedShape:=shpFirstRect, ConnectionSite:=1
    .EndConnect ConnectedShape:=shpSecondRect, _
End With

intCount = shpFirstRect.<strong>ConnectionSiteCount</strong>

End Sub

See Also