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Shape.GetWidth Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns the width of the shape or shape range as a Single in the specified units.



expression   A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Unit Required PbUnitType The units in which to return the width.

Return Value


The Unit parameter can be one of the PbUnitType constants declared in the Microsoft Office Publisher type library.

Use the GetHeight method to return the height of a shape or shape range.


The following example displays the height and width in inches (to the nearest hundredth) of the shape range consisting of all the shapes on the first page of the active publication.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.Range
    MsgBox "Height of all shapes: " _
        & Format(.GetHeight(Unit:=pbUnitInch), "0.00") _
        & " in" & vbCr _
        & "Width of all shapes: " _
        & Format(.GetWidth(Unit:=pbUnitInch), "0.00") _
        & " in"
End With

See Also