Schema data queries use the SELECT statement with a syntax similar to that for data queries. The difference is the use of a special class called "meta_class", which identifies the query as a schema query.
The following example requests all class definitions that are within the current namespace.
SELECT * FROM meta_class
Schema queries only support "*". To narrow the scope of the definitions returned, a provider can add a WHERE clause that specifies a particular class.
The following example shows how to add a WHERE clause to specify a particular class.
SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __this ISA "Win32_LogicalDisk"
The special property called __this identifies the target class for a schema query. Note that the ISA operator must be used with the __this property to request definitions for the subclasses of the target class. The preceding query returns the definition for the Win32_LogicalDisk class and definitions for all of its subclasses.
The following example shows how to request a class definition for a single class by using the __Class system property.
SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __Class = "Win32_LogicalDisk"
The following VBScript code sample retrieves all child classes of a top level WMI class. The __Dynasty WMI system property holds the name of the top-level class from which a class is derived, which you can use to retrieve all classes in a namespace derived from a top level class, including that class.
' Retrieve immediate child classes for Cim_DataFile
Set objWmi = GetObject ("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set colClasses = objWmi.ExecQuery _
("Select * From meta_class " _
& "Where __Dynasty = 'Win32_CurrentTime'")
For Each objClass In colClasses
WScript.Echo objClass.SystemProperties_("__Class")
The following VBScript retrieves an immediate child classes for a WMI class.
' Retrieve immediate child classes for Cim_DataFile
Set objWmi = GetObject ("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set colClasses = objWmi.ExecQuery _
("Select * From meta_class " _
& "Where __Superclass = 'Cim_DataFile'")
For Each objClass In colClasses
WScript.Echo objClass.SystemProperties_("__Class")
The following VBScript retrieves top level classes. For all the top level classes in a WMI namespace, the __Superclass system property is Null. Therefore, it is possible to retrieve the top level classes by searching for a Null superclass.
Retrieve top level classes in root\cimv2
Set objWmi = GetObject ("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set colClasses = objWmi.ExecQuery _
("Select * From meta_class Where __Superclass Is Null")
For Each objClass In colClasses
WScript.Echo objClass.SystemProperties_("__Class")
This module explains the structure of the namespaces that contain classes and also how to query instances of a class. It covers how to query remote computers by using ad-hoc connections and CIM sessions.