Operating System Classes
The Operating System category groups classes that represent operating system related objects. They denote the various configurations and settings that define a computing environment. Examples include: the boot configuration, Component Object Model (COM) settings, desktop environment settings, drivers, security settings, user settings, and registry settings.
The Operating System category is grouped into the following subcategories:
- Desktop
- Drivers
- Event log
- File system
- Job objects
- Memory and page files
- Multimedia audio or visual
- Networking
- Operating system events
- Operating system settings
- Processes
- Registry
- Scheduler jobs
- Security
- Services
- Shares
- Start menu
- Storage
- Users
- Windows product activation
The COM subcategory groups classes that represent COM and DCOM settings, classes, and client application settings.
Class | Description |
Win32_ClassicCOMApplicationClasses | Association class Relates a DCOM application and a COM component grouped under it. |
Win32_ClassicCOMClass | Instance class
Represents the properties of a COM component. |
Win32_ClassicCOMClassSettings | Association class
Relates a COM class and the settings used to configure instances of the COM class. |
Win32_ClientApplicationSetting | Association class
Relates an executable and a DCOM application that contains the DCOM configuration options for the executable file. |
Win32_COMApplication | Instance class
Represents a COM application. |
Win32_COMApplicationClasses | Association class
Relates a COM component and the COM application where it resides. |
Win32_COMApplicationSettings | Association class
Relates a DCOM application and its configuration settings. |
Win32_COMClass | Instance class
Represents the properties of a COM component. |
Win32_ComClassAutoEmulator | Association class
Relates a COM class and another COM class that it automatically emulates. |
Win32_ComClassEmulator | Association class
Relates two versions of a COM class. |
Win32_ComponentCategory | Instance class
Represents a component category. |
Win32_COMSetting | Instance class
Represents the settings associated with a COM component or COM application. |
Win32_DCOMApplication | Instance class
Represents the properties of a DCOM application. |
Win32_DCOMApplicationAccessAllowedSetting | Association class
Relates the Win32_DCOMApplication instance and the user security identifications (SID) that can access it. |
Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting | Association class
Relates the Win32_DCOMApplication instance and the user SIDs that can launch it. |
Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting | Instance class
Represents the settings of a DCOM application. |
Win32_ImplementedCategory | Association class
Relates a component category and the COM class using its interfaces. |
The Desktop subcategory groups classes that represent objects that define a specific desktop configuration.
Class | Description |
Win32_Desktop | Instance class
Represents the common characteristics of a user's desktop. |
Win32_Environment | Instance class
Represents an environment or system environment setting on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_TimeZone | Instance class
Represents the time zone information for a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_UserDesktop | Association class
Relates a user account and the desktop settings that are specific to it. |
The Drivers subcategory groups classes that represent virtual device drivers and system drivers for base services.
Class | Description |
Win32_DriverVXD | Instance class
Represents a virtual device driver on a Windows computer system. |
Win32_SystemDriver | Instance class
Represents the system driver for a base service. |
The File System subcategory groups classes that represent the way a hard disk is logically arranged. This includes the type of file system used, the directory structure, and way the disk is partitioned.
Class | Description |
Win32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDataFile | Association class
Relates logical devices and data files, indicating the driver files used by the device. |
Win32_Directory | Instance class
Represents a directory entry on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_DirectorySpecification | Instance class
Represents the directory layout for the product. |
Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition | Association class
Relates a disk drive and a partition existing on it. |
Win32_DiskPartition | Instance class
Represents the capabilities and management capacity of a partitioned area of a physical disk on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_DiskQuota | Association class
Tracks disk space usage for NTFS file system volumes. |
Win32_LogicalDisk | Represents a data source that resolves to an actual local storage device on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_LogicalDiskRootDirectory | Association class
Relates a logical disk and its directory structure. |
Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | Association class
Relates a logical disk drive and the disk partition it resides on. |
Win32_MappedLogicalDisk | Represents network storage devices that are mapped as logical disks on the computer system running Windows. |
Win32_OperatingSystemAutochkSetting | Association class
Represents the association between a CIM_ManagedSystemElement instance and the settings defined for it. |
Win32_QuotaSetting | Instance class
Contains setting information for disk quotas on a volume. |
Win32_ShortcutFile | Instance class
Represents files that are shortcuts to other files, directories, and commands. |
Win32_SubDirectory | Association class
Relates a directory (folder) and one of its subdirectories (subfolders). |
Win32_SystemPartitions | Association class
Relates a computer system and a disk partition on that system. |
Win32_Volume | Instance class
Represents an area of storage on a hard disk. |
Win32_VolumeQuota | Association class
Relates a volume to the per volume quota settings. |
Win32_VolumeQuotaSetting | Association class
Relates disk quota settings with a specific disk volume. |
Win32_VolumeUserQuota | Association class
Relates per user quotas to quota-enabled volumes. |
The Job Objects subcategory groups classes that represent classes that provide the means of instrumenting named job objects. An unnamed job object cannot be instrumented.
Class | Description |
Win32_CollectionStatistics | Association class
Relates a managed system element collection and the class representing statistical information about the collection. |
Win32_LUID | Instance class
Represents a locally unique identifier (LUID) |
Win32_LUIDandAttributes | Instance class
Represents a LUID and its attributes. |
Win32_NamedJobObject | Instance class
Represents a kernel object that is used to group processes for the sake of controlling the life and resources of the processes within the job object. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectActgInfo | Instance class
Represents the I/O accounting information for a job object. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectLimit | Instance class
Represents an association between a job object and the job object limit settings. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectLimitSetting | Instance class
Represents the limit settings for a job object. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectProcess | Instance class
Relates a job object and the process contained in the job object. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimit | Instance class
Relates a job object and the job object security limit settings. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectSecLimitSetting | Instance class
Represents the security limit settings for a job object. |
Win32_NamedJobObjectStatistics | Instance class
Represents an association between a job object and the job object I/O accounting information class. |
Win32_SIDandAttributes | Instance class
Represents a security identifier (SID) and its attributes. |
Win32_TokenGroups | Event class
Represents information about the group SIDs in an access token. |
Win32_TokenPrivileges | Event class
Represents information about a set of privileges for an access token. |
The Memory and Page files subcategory groups classes that represent page file configuration settings.
Class | Description |
Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration | Instance class
This class is obsolete and has been replaced by the Win32_OperatingSystem class. |
Win32_PageFile | Instance class
Represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a Windows system. |
Win32_PageFileElementSetting | Association class
Relates the initial settings of a page file and the state of those settings during normal use. |
Win32_PageFileSetting | Instance class
Represents the settings of a page file. |
Win32_PageFileUsage | Instance class
Represents the file used for handling virtual memory file swapping on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_SystemLogicalMemoryConfiguration | Association class
This class is obsolete because the properties existing in the Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration class are now a part of the Win32_OperatingSystem class. |
The class in the Multimedia Audio or Visual subcategory represents properties of the audio or video codec installed on the computer system.
Class | Description |
Win32_CodecFile | Instance class
Represents the audio or video codec installed on the computer system. |
The Networking subcategory groups classes that represent network connections, network clients, and network connection settings such as the protocol used.
Class | Description |
Win32_ActiveRoute | Association class
Relates the current IP4 route to the persisted IP route table. |
Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTable | Instance class
Represents persisted IP routes. |
Win32_IP4RouteTable | Instance class
Represents information that governs the routing of network data packets. |
Win32_IP4RouteTableEvent | Event class
Represents IP route change events. |
Win32_NetworkClient | Instance class
Represents a network client on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_NetworkConnection | Instance class
Represents an active network connection in a Windows environment. |
Win32_NetworkProtocol | Instance class
Represents a protocol and its network characteristics on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_NTDomain | Instance class
Represents a Windows NT domain. |
Win32_PingStatus | Instance class
Represents the values returned by the standard ping command. |
Win32_ProtocolBinding | Association class
Relates a system-level driver, network protocol, and network adapter. |
The Operating System Events subcategory groups classes that represent events in the operating system related to processes, threads, and system shutdown.
Class | Description |
Win32_ComputerShutdownEvent | Event class
Represents computer shutdown events. |
Win32_ComputerSystemEvent | Event class
Represents events related to a computer system. |
Win32_DeviceChangeEvent | Event class
Represents device change events resulting from the addition, removal, or modification of devices on the computer system. |
Win32_ModuleLoadTrace | Event class
Indicates that a process has loaded a new module. |
Win32_ModuleTrace | Event class
Base event for module events. |
Win32_ProcessStartTrace | Event class
Indicates that a new process has started. |
Win32_ProcessStopTrace | Event class
Indicates that a process has terminated. |
Win32_ProcessTrace | Event class
Base event for process events. |
Win32_SystemConfigurationChangeEvent | Event class
Indicates that the device list on the system has been refreshed (a device has been added or removed, or the configuration changed). |
Win32_SystemTrace | Event class
Base class for all system trace events, including module, process, and thread traces. |
Win32_ThreadStartTrace | Event class
Indicates a new thread has started. |
Win32_ThreadStopTrace | Event class
Indicates that a thread has stopped. |
Win32_ThreadTrace | Event class
Base event class for thread events. |
Win32_VolumeChangeEvent | Event class
Represents a network-mapped drive event resulting from the addition of a network drive letter or mounted drive on the computer system. |
The Operating System Settings subcategory groups classes that represent the Operating System and its settings.
Class | Description |
Win32_BootConfiguration | Instance class
Represents the boot configuration of a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_ComputerSystem | Instance class
Represents a computer system operating in a Windows environment. |
Win32_ComputerSystemProcessor | Association class
Relates a computer system and a processor running on that system. |
Win32_ComputerSystemProduct | Instance class
Represents a product. |
Win32_DependentService | Association class
Relates two interdependent base services. |
Win32_LoadOrderGroup | Instance class
Represents a group of system services that define execution dependencies. |
Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceDependencies | Instance class
Represents an association between a base service and a load order group that the service depends on to start running. |
Win32_LoadOrderGroupServiceMembers | Association class
Relates a load order group and a base service. |
Win32_OperatingSystem | Instance class
Represents an operating system installed on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_OperatingSystemQFE | Association class
Relates an operating system and product updates applied as represented in Win32_QuickFixEngineering. |
Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration | Instance class
Represents the types of information that will be gathered from memory when the operating system fails. |
Win32_QuickFixEngineering | Instance class
Represents system-wide Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) or updates that have been applied to the current operating system. |
Win32_StartupCommand | Instance class
Represents a command that runs automatically when a user logs onto the computer system. |
Win32_SystemBootConfiguration | Association class
Relates a computer system and its boot configuration. |
Win32_SystemDesktop | Association class
Relates a computer system and its desktop configuration. |
Win32_SystemDevices | Association class
Relates a computer system and a logical device installed on that system. |
Win32_SystemLoadOrderGroups | Association class
Relates a computer system and a load order group. |
Win32_SystemNetworkConnections | Association class
Relates a network connection and the computer system on which it resides. |
Win32_SystemOperatingSystem | Association class
Relates a computer system and its operating system. |
Win32_SystemProcesses | Association class
Relates a computer system and a process running on that system. |
Win32_SystemProgramGroups | Association class
Relates a computer system and a logical program group. |
Win32_SystemResources | Association class
Relates a system resource and the computer system it resides on. |
Win32_SystemServices | Association class
Relates a computer system and a service program that exists on the system. |
Win32_SystemSetting | Association class
Relates a computer system and a general setting on that system. |
Win32_SystemSystemDriver | Association class
Relates a computer system and a system driver running on that computer system. |
Win32_SystemTimeZone | Association class
Relates a computer system and a time zone. |
Win32_SystemUsers | Association class
Relates a computer system and a user account on that system. |
The Processes subcategory groups classes that represent system processes and threads.
Class | Description |
Win32_Process | Instance class
Represents a sequence of events on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_ProcessStartup | Instance class
Represents the startup configuration of a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_Thread | Instance class
Represents a thread of execution. |
The class in the Registry subcategory represents the contents of the Windows registry.
Class | Description |
Win32_Registry | Instance class
Represents the system registry on a computer system running Windows. |
The Scheduler Jobs subcategory groups classes that represent scheduled job settings.
Class | Description |
Win32_CurrentTime | Abstract class
Represents an instance in time as component seconds, minutes, day of the week, and so on. |
Win32_ScheduledJob | Instance class
Represents a job scheduled using the Windows schedule service. |
Win32_LocalTime | Instance class
Represents a point in time returned as Win32_LocalTime objects that result from a query. The Hour property is returned as the local time in a 24-hour clock. |
Win32_UTCTime | Instance class
Represents a point in time that is returned as Win32_UTCTime objects that result from a query. The Hour property is returned as the coordinated universal time (UTC) time in a 24–hour clock. |
The Security subcategory groups classes that represent system security settings.
Class | Description |
Win32_AccountSID | Association class
Relates a security account instance with a security descriptor instance. |
Win32_ACE | Instance class
Represents an access control entry (ACE). |
Win32_LogicalFileAccess | Association class
Relates the security settings of a file or directory and one member of its discretionary access control list (DACL). |
Win32_LogicalFileAuditing | Association class
Relates the security settings of a file or directory one member of its system access control list (SACL). |
Win32_LogicalFileGroup | Association class
Relates the security settings of a file or directory and its group. |
Win32_LogicalFileOwner | Association class
Relates the security settings of a file or directory and its owner. |
Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting | Instance class
Represents security settings for a logical file. |
Win32_LogicalShareAccess | Association class
Relates the security settings of a share and one member of its DACL. |
Win32_LogicalShareAuditing | Association class
Relates the security settings of a share and one member of its SACL. |
Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting | Instance class
Represents security settings for a logical file. |
Win32_PrivilegesStatus | Instance class
Represents information about the privileges required to complete an operation. |
Win32_SecurityDescriptor | Instance class
Represents a structural representation of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. |
Win32_SecuritySetting | Instance class
Represents security settings for a managed element. |
Win32_SecuritySettingAccess | Instance class
Represents the rights granted and denied to a trustee for a given object. |
Win32_SecuritySettingAuditing | Instance class
Represents the auditing for a given trustee on a given object. |
Win32_SecuritySettingGroup | Association class
Relates the security of an object and its group. |
Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalFile | Instance class
Represents security settings of a file or directory object. |
Win32_SecuritySettingOfLogicalShare | Instance class
Represents security settings of a shared object. |
Win32_SecuritySettingOfObject | Association class
Relates an object to its security settings. |
Win32_SecuritySettingOwner | Association class
Relates the security settings of an object and its owner. |
Win32_SID | Instance class
Represents an arbitrary SID. |
Win32_Trustee | Instance class
Represents a trustee. |
The Services subcategory groups classes that represent services and base services.
Class | Description |
Win32_BaseService | Instance class
Represents executable objects that are installed in a registry database maintained by the Service Control Manager. |
Win32_Service | Instance class
Represents a service on a computer system running Windows. |
The Shares subcategory groups classes that represent details of shared resources, such as printers and folders.
Class | Description |
Win32_DFSNode | Association class
Represents a root or junction node of a domain-based or stand-alone distributed file system (DFS). |
Win32_DFSNodeTarget | Association class
Represents the relationship of a DFS node to one of its targets. |
Win32_DFSTarget | Association class
Represents the target of a DFS node. |
Win32_ServerConnection | Instance class
Represents the connections made from a remote computer to a shared resource on the local computer. |
Win32_ServerSession | Instance class
Represents the sessions that are established with the local computer by users on a remote computer. |
Win32_ConnectionShare | Association class
Relates a shared resource on the computer and the connection made to the shared resource. |
Win32_PrinterShare | Association class
Relates a local printer and the share that represents it as it is viewed over a network. |
Win32_SessionConnection | Association class
Represents an association between a session established with the local server by a user on a remote machine, and the connections that depend on the session. |
Win32_SessionProcess | Association class
Represents an association between a logon session and the processes associated with that session. |
Win32_ShareToDirectory | Association class
Relates a shared resource on the computer system and the directory to which it is mapped. |
Win32_Share | Instance class
Represents a shared resource on a computer system running Windows. |
The Start Menu subcategory groups classes that represent program groups.
Class | Description |
Win32_LogicalProgramGroup | Instance class
Represents a program group in a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupDirectory | Association class
Relates logical program groups (groupings in the Start menu), and the file directories in which they are stored. |
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem | Instance class
Represents an element contained by a Win32_ProgramGroup instance, that is not itself another Win32_ProgramGroup instance. |
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItemDataFile | Association class
Relates the program group items of the Start menu, and the files in which they are stored. |
Win32_ProgramGroup | Instance class
Deprecated. Represents a program group in a Windows computer system. This class has been deprecated in favor of the Win32_LogicalProgramGroup class. |
Win32_ProgramGroupContents | Association class
Relates a program group order and an individual program group or item contained in it. |
Win32_ProgramGroupOrItem | Instance class
Represents a logical grouping of programs on the user's Start|Programs menu. |
The Users subcategory groups classes that represent storage information.
Class | Description |
Win32_ShadowBy | Association class
Represents the association between a shadow copy and the provider that creates the shadow copy. |
Win32_ShadowContext | Association class
Specifies how a shadow copy is to be created, queried, or deleted. |
Win32_ShadowCopy | Instance class
Represents a duplicate copy of the original volume at a previous time. |
Win32_ShadowDiffVolumeSupport | Association class
Represents an association between a shadow copy provider and a storage volume. |
Win32_ShadowFor | Association class
Represents an association between a shadow copy and the volume for which the shadow copy is created. |
Win32_ShadowOn | Association class
Represents an association between a shadow copy and where the differential data is written. |
Win32_ShadowProvider | Association class
Represents a component that creates and represents volume shadow copies. |
Win32_ShadowStorage | Association class
Represents an association between a shadow copy and where the differential data is written. |
Win32_ShadowVolumeSupport | Association class
Represents an association between a shadow copy provider with a supported volume. |
Win32_Volume | Instance class
Represents an area of storage on a hard disk. |
Win32_VolumeUserQuota | Association class
Represents a volume to the per volume quota settings. |
The Users subcategory groups classes that represent user account information, such as group membership details.
Class | Description |
Win32_Account | Instance class
Represents information about user accounts and group accounts known to the computer system running Windows. |
Win32_Group | Instance class
Represents data about a group account. |
Win32_GroupInDomain | Association class
Identifies the group accounts associated with a Windows NT domain. |
Win32_GroupUser | Association class
Relates a group and an account that is a member of that group. |
Win32_LogonSession | Instance class
Describes the logon session or sessions associated with a user logged on to Windows. |
Win32_LogonSessionMappedDisk | Instance class
Represents the mapped logical disks associated with the session. |
Win32_NetworkLoginProfile | Instance class
Represents the network login information of a specific user on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_SystemAccount | Instance class
Represents a system account. |
Win32_UserAccount | Instance class
Represents information about a user account on a computer system running Windows. |
Win32_UserInDomain | Association class
Relates a user account and a Windows NT domain. |
The Windows Event Log subcategory groups classes that represent events, event log entries, event log configuration settings, and so on.
Class | Description |
Win32_NTEventlogFile | Instance class
Represents data stored in a Windows Event log file. |
Win32_NTLogEvent | Instance class
Represents Windows events. |
Win32_NTLogEventComputer | Association class
Relates instances of Win32_NTLogEvent and Win32_ComputerSystem. |
Win32_NTLogEventLog | Association class
Relates instances of Win32_NTLogEvent and Win32_NTEventlogFile classes. |
Win32_NTLogEventUser | Association class
Relates instances of Win32_NTLogEvent and Win32_UserAccount. |
Windows Product Activation (WPA) is an antipiracy technology to reduce the casual copying of software.
Class | Description |
Win32_ComputerSystemWindowsProductActivationSetting | Association class
Relates instances of Win32_ComputerSystem and Win32_WindowsProductActivation. |
Win32_Proxy | Instance class
Contains properties and methods to query and configure an Internet connection related to WPA. |
Win32_WindowsProductActivation | Instance class
Contains properties and methods related to WPA. |