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The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common Information Model (CIM) classes are the parent classes upon which WMI classes are built. The following table lists the categories of CIM classes.
The DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) CIM (Common Information Model) classes are the parent classes upon which WMI classes are built. WMI currently supports only the CIM 2.x version schemas. For more information on CIM, see Common Information Model.
CIM Class | Description |
CIM_Action |
Creates a software element in its next state or eliminates the software element in the current state. |
CIM_ActionSequence |
Defines a series of operations that transition the software element (referenced by the CIM_SoftwareElementActions association) to its next state, or removes the software element from its current state. |
CIM_ActiveConnection |
Defines a connection that is currently communicating, or is configured to communicate, between two service access points. |
CIM_ActsAsSpare |
Indicates which elements can be spares or replace other aggregated elements. |
CIM_AdjacentSlots |
Describes the layout of slots on a hosting board or adapter card. |
CIM_AffectedJobElement |
AffectedJobElement represents an association between a CIM_Job and the CIM_ManagedElement(s) that may be affected by its execution. |
CIM_AggregatePExtent |
Provides summary information about addressable logical blocks, which are in the same storage redundancy group and located on the same physical media. |
CIM_AggregatePSExtent |
Defines the number of addressable logical blocks on a single storage device, excluding logical blocks mapped as check data. |
CIM_AggregateRedundancyComponent |
Describes the aggregate physical extent in a storage redundancy group. |
CIM_AlarmDevice |
Emits audible or visible indications related to a problem situation. |
CIM_AllocatedResource |
Represents an association between logical devices and system resources, and indicates that the resource is assigned to the device. |
CIM_AllocationCapabilities |
Extends the CIM_Capabilities class for the purposes of expressing the resource allocation capabilities of the associated managed element for the allocation of a specific resource type. |
CIM_ApplicationSystem |
Represents an application or software system that supports a particular business function that can be managed as an independent unit. |
CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature |
Represents an association that identifies the software features that make up a particular application system. |
CIM_AssociatedAlarm |
Associates an alarm with a logical device. |
CIM_AssociatedBattery |
Associates a battery with a logical device. |
CIM_AssociatedCooling |
Indicates when fans or other cooling devices are specific to a device. |
CIM_AssociatedMemory |
Associates installed or associated memory, such as cache memory with a logical device. |
CIM_AssociatedProcessorMemory |
Associates the processor and system memory, or a processor cache. |
CIM_AssociatedSensor |
Associates an installed sensor with a logical device. |
CIM_AssociatedSupplyCurrentSensor |
Associates a power supply with a current (amperage) sensor that monitors its input frequency. |
CIM_AssociatedSupplyVoltageSensor |
Associates a power supply with a voltage sensor that monitors its input voltage. |
CIM_BasedOn |
Describes how storage extents can be assembled from lower-level extents. |
CIM_Battery |
Represents the abilities and management of the battery logical device. |
CIM_BinarySensor |
Provides a boolean output. |
CIM_BindsTo |
This association establishes a CIM_ServiceAccessPoint as a requester of protocol services from a CIM_ProtocolEndpoint. |
CIM_BIOSElement |
Represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to start and configure a computer system. |
CIM_BIOSFeature |
Represents the abilities of the low-level software that is used to start and configure a computer system. |
CIM_BIOSFeatureBIOSElements |
Associates a BIOS feature and its aggregated BIOS elements. |
Associates a BIOS element and the non-volatile storage in which it is loaded. |
CIM_BootOSFromFS |
Associates the operating system and the file systems from which the operating system is loaded. |
Represents the access points of a boot service. |
CIM_BootService |
Represents the functionality provided by a device or software, or by a network, to load an operating system on a unitary computer system. |
CIM_BootServiceAccessBySAP |
Associates a boot service and its access points. |
CIM_CacheMemory |
Defines the abilities and management of cache memory. |
CIM_Capabilities |
An abstract class whose subclasses describe abilities and/or potential for use. |
CIM_Card |
Represents a type of physical container that can be plugged into another card or hosting board, or is itself a hosting board/motherboard in a chassis. |
CIM_CardInSlot |
Associates an adapter card with the container into which it is inserted. |
CIM_CardOnCard |
Describes relationships about cards that can be plugged into motherboards/baseboards, daughtercards of an adapter, or cards that support special card-like modules. |
Represents a CD-ROM drive on the computer. |
CIM_Chassis |
Represents the physical elements that enclose other elements and provide definable functionality, such as a desktop, processing node, UPS, disk or tape storage, or a combination of these. |
CIM_ChassisInRack |
Represents the "containing" relationship between a rack and a chassis that it contains. |
CIM_Check |
Represents a condition or characteristic that is expected to be true in an environment defined or scoped by an instance of a CIM_ComputerSystem class. |
CIM_Chip |
Represents the type of integrated circuit hardware, including ASICs, processors, memory chips, and so on. |
CIM_ClusteringSAP |
Represents the access points of a clustering service. |
CIM_ClusteringService |
Represents the functionality provided by a cluster. |
CIM_ClusterServiceAccessBySAP |
Represents the relationship between a clustering service and its access points. |
CIM_CollectedCollections |
Represents a collection of Managed System Elements (MSE) contained in a collection of MSEs. |
CIM_CollectedMSEs |
Represents the members of the grouping object, a CollectionOfMSEs class. |
CIM_CollectionOfMSEs |
Enable the grouping of CIM_ManagedSystemElement objects for the purpose of associating settings and configurations. |
CIM_CollectionOfSensors |
Represents the binary sensors that make up the multi-state sensor. |
CIM_CollectionSetting |
Represents the association between a CIM_CollectionOfMSEs and the setting class defined for them. |
CIM_CompatibleProduct |
Represents an association between products that conveys information, such as whether two referenced products are interoperable, can be installed together, or whether one can be the physical container for the other, and so on. |
CIM_Component |
Represents the parts of a relationship between MSEs. |
CIM_ComputerSystem |
Represents a special collection of CIM_ManagedSystemElement instances. |
CIM_ComputerSystemDMA |
Represents an association between a computer system and its available direct memory access (DMA) channels. |
CIM_ComputerSystemIRQ |
Represents an association between a computer system and its available interrupt request lines (IRQs). |
CIM_ComputerSystemMappedIO |
Represents an association between a computer system and its available memory-mapped I/O ports. |
CIM_ComputerSystemPackage |
Represents an association that explicitly defines the relationship between unitary computer systems and one or more physical packages. |
CIM_ComputerSystemResource |
Represents an association between a computer system and its available system resources. |
CIM_ConcreteComponent |
CIM_ConcreteComponent is a generic association used to establish 'part of' relationships between ManagedElements. |
CIM_ConcreteJob |
A concrete version of Job. |
CIM_Configuration |
Enables the grouping of parameter sets (defined in CIM_Setting objects) and dependencies for one or more managed system elements. |
CIM_ConnectedTo |
Represents an association that indicates that two or more physical connectors are connected. |
CIM_ConnectorOnPackage |
Represents an association that makes explicit the containment relationship between connectors and packages. |
CIM_Container |
Represents an association between a contained and a containing physical element. |
CIM_ControlledBy |
Indicates which devices are commanded by, or accessed through, the controller logical device. |
CIM_Controller |
Groups miscellaneous control-related devices. |
CIM_CoolingDevice |
Represents the abilities and management of cooling devices. |
CIM_CopyFileAction |
Represents moving or copying files from a computer system to a new location. |
CIM_CreateDirectoryAction |
Creates empty directories for software elements to be installed locally. |
CIM_CurrentSensor |
Exists for backward compatibility to earlier CIM Schema definitions. |
CIM_DataFile |
Represents a named collection of data or executable code. |
CIM_Dependency |
Represents an association that establishes dependency relationships between objects. |
CIM_DependencyContext |
Associates a CIM_Dependency class with one or more CIM_Configuration objects. |
CIM_DesktopMonitor |
Represents the abilities and management of the desktop monitor (CRT) logical device. |
CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile |
Specifies the logical device accessed by using the referenced CIM_DeviceFile class. |
CIM_DeviceConnection |
Represents two or more connected devices. |
CIM_DeviceErrorCounts |
Contains error-related counters for a logical device. |
CIM_DeviceFile |
Represents a type of logical file, which represents a device. |
CIM_DeviceSAPImplementation |
Represents an association between a service access point (SAP) and how it is implemented. |
CIM_DeviceServiceImplementation |
Represents an association between a service and how it is implemented. |
CIM_DeviceSoftware |
Identifies software that is associated with a device, such as drivers, configuration or application software, or firmware. |
CIM_Directory |
Represents a file type that logically groups the data files that it contains and provides path information for the grouped files. |
CIM_DirectoryAction |
Manages directories. |
CIM_DirectoryContainsFile |
Represents an association between a directory and files contained within that directory. |
CIM_DirectorySpecification |
Captures the major directory structure of a software element. |
CIM_DirectorySpecificationFile |
Represents the directory that contains the file being specified by referencing the CIM_DirectorySpecification class. |
CIM_DiscreteSensor |
Reports a set of legal string values. |
CIM_DiskDrive |
Represents a physical disk drive as seen by the operating system. |
CIM_DisketteDrive |
Represents the abilities and management of a diskette drive. |
CIM_DiskPartition |
Represents a contiguous range of logical blocks that is identifiable by the operating system by way of the partition type and subtype fields. |
CIM_DiskSpaceCheck |
Checks the amount of available system disk space. |
CIM_Display |
Groups miscellaneous display devices. |
CIM_DisplayController |
Represents the capabilities and management of the display controller. |
Represents computer architecture direct memory access (DMA). |
CIM_Docked |
Represents the relationship between two chassis. |
CIM_DVDDrive |
Represents the capabilities and management of a DVDDrive. |
CIM_DynamicForwardingEntry |
Represents an entry in the forwarding (filtering) database associated with the TransparentBridgingService. |
CIM_ElementAllocatedFromPool |
ElementAllocatedFromPool associates an instance of CIM_LogicalElement representing an allocated Resource with the CIM_ResourcePool from which it was allocated. |
CIM_ElementCapabilities |
ElementCapabilities represents the association between ManagedElements and their Capabilities. |
CIM_ElementCapacity |
Associates a CIM_PhysicalCapacity object with one or more physical elements. |
CIM_ElementConfiguration |
Relates a CIM_Configuration object to one or more managed system elements. |
CIM_ElementConformsToProfile |
Used to associate an instance of a subclass of CIM_ManagedElement with a corresponding instance of CIM_RegisteredProfile to which the managed element belongs. |
CIM_ElementSetting |
Represents the association between managed system elements and the setting class defined for them. |
CIM_ElementSettingData |
Represents the association between managed elements and applicable setting data. |
CIM_ElementsLinked |
Represents physical elements that are cabled together by a physical link. |
CIM_EnabledLogicalElement |
Abstracts the concept of an element that is enabled and disabled, such as a logical device or a service access point. |
CIM_Error |
CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data related to the failure of a CIM Operation. |
CIM_ErrorCountersForDevice |
Associates the CIM_DeviceErrorCounts class to the logical device to which it applies. |
CIM_EthernetPort |
Capabilities and management of an ethernet port. |
CIM_ExecuteProgram |
Represents files that can be executed on the system where the software element is installed. |
CIM_Export |
Represents an association between a local file system and its directories, which indicate that the specified directories are available for mount. |
CIM_ExtraCapacityGroup |
Indicates that the aggregated elements have more capacity or ability than is required. |
CIM_Fan |
Represents the abilities and management of a fan cooling device. |
CIM_FileAction |
Enable the author to locate files that already exist on a user computer, and then move or copy those files to a new location. |
CIM_FileSpecification |
Represents a file that is either on or off the system. |
CIM_FileStorage |
Links the file system and the logical files addressed through the file system. |
CIM_FileSystem |
Represents a file or data set local to a computer system or remotely mounted from a file server. |
CIM_FlatPanel |
Represents the abilities and management of the flat panel logical device. |
CIM_ForwardingService |
Represents the functions used in forwarding network traffic. |
CIM_ForwardsAmong |
Represents the dependency that exists between the protocol endpoints that are used to forward data and the forwarding service that is performing the forwarding of data. |
CIM_FromDirectoryAction |
Identifies the source directory for the file action. |
CIM_FromDirectorySpecification |
Identifies the source directory for the file action. |
Represents a vendor-defined collection of products and physical elements that are associated with a field replaceable unit (FRU) to support, maintain, or upgrade a product at the customer location. |
CIM_FRUIncludesProduct |
Indicates that a FRU can be composed of other products. |
CIM_FRUPhysicalElements |
Represents the physical elements that make up a FRU. |
CIM_HeatPipe |
Represents the abilities and management of a heat pipe cooling device. |
CIM_HostedAccessPoint |
Represents an association between a service access point (SAP) and the system on which it is provided. |
CIM_HostedBootSAP |
Defines the hosting unitary computer system for a CIM_BootSAP class. |
CIM_HostedBootService |
Associates a hosting system and a boot service. |
CIM_HostedDependency |
Defines a managed element in the context of another managed element in which it resides. |
CIM_HostedFileSystem |
Represents a link between the computer system and the file system hosted on the computer system. |
CIM_HostedJobDestination |
Represents an association between a job destination and the system on which it resides. |
CIM_HostedService |
Represents an association between a service and the system on which the functionality resides. |
CIM_IDEController |
Capabilities and management of an IDE controller. |
CIM_InfraredController |
Represents the abilities and management of an infrared controller. |
CIM_InstalledOS |
Represents a link between the computer system and the installed operating system. |
CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement |
Associates a computer system with an installed software element. |
Represents an Intel architecture interrupt request line (IRQ). |
CIM_Job |
Represents a unit of work for a system. |
CIM_JobDestination |
Represents where a job is submitted for processing. |
CIM_JobDestinationJobs |
Specifies where a job is submitted for processing. |
CIM_Keyboard |
Represents the abilities and management of the keyboard logical device. |
CIM_LANEndpoint |
A communication endpoint which, when its associated interface device is connected to a LAN, may send and receive data frames. LAN endpoints include Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI interfaces. |
CIM_LastAppliedSettingData |
An association between an object and another object which has been applied to it. |
CIM_LinkHasConnector |
Associates cables and links used as physical connectors, which connect the physical elements. |
CIM_LocalFileSystem |
Represents the file store controlled by a computer system through local means (for example, direct device-driver access). |
CIM_Location |
Represents the position and address of a physical element. |
CIM_LogicalDevice |
Represents a hardware entity that may or may not be realized in physical hardware. |
CIM_LogicalDisk |
Represents a contiguous range of logical blocks that is identifiable by a file system through the disk DeviceID (key) field. |
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition |
Associates a logical disk with the disk partition on which it resides. |
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnVolumeSet |
Relates logical disks with the volume on which they are found. |
CIM_LogicalElement |
Represents the parent class for all system components that represent abstract system components, such as profiles, processes, or system abilities, in the form of logical devices. |
CIM_LogicalFile |
Represents a named collection of data, which can be executable code, that is located in a file system on a storage extent. |
CIM_LogicalIdentity |
Indicates that two logical elements represent different aspects of the same underlying entity. |
CIM_LogicalPort |
The abstraction of a port or connection point of a device. |
CIM_MagnetoOpticalDrive |
Represents the abilities and management of a magneto-optical drive, a subtype of the media access device. |
CIM_ManagedElement |
Provides a common superclass (or top of the class hierarchy) for the non-association classes in the CIM Schema. |
CIM_ManagedSystemElement |
Represents the parent class for the system element hierarchy. |
CIM_ManagementController |
Represents the abilities and management of a management controller. |
CIM_MediaAccessDevice |
Represents the ability to access one or more media, and then use the media to store and retrieve data. |
CIM_MediaPresent |
Describes a relationship where a storage extent must be accessed through a media access device. |
CIM_Memory |
Represents the abilities and management of memory-related logical devices. |
CIM_MemoryCapacity |
Represents memory that can be installed on a physical element and its minimum and maximum configurations. |
CIM_MemoryCheck |
Specifies a condition for the minimum amount of memory that must be available on a system. |
CIM_MemoryMappedIO |
Represents computer architecture memory-mapped I/O. |
CIM_MemoryOnCard |
Associates physical memory located on hosting boards, adapter cards, and so on. |
CIM_MemoryWithMedia |
Associates physical memory with a physical media and its cartridge. |
CIM_ModifySettingAction |
Represents the information for modifying a specific setting file, for a specific entry, with a specific value. |
CIM_MonitorResolution |
Represents the relationship between horizontal and vertical resolutions and the refresh rate and scan mode for a desktop monitor. |
CIM_MonitorSetting |
Associates the monitor resolution with the desktop monitor to which it applies. |
CIM_Mount |
Represents an association between a file system and a directory to which it is attached. |
CIM_MultiStateSensor |
Represents a multi-member set of binary sensors where each binary sensor reports a Boolean result. |
CIM_NetworkAdapter |
Defines general networking hardware concepts. |
CIM_NetworkPort |
Represents network communications hardware such as a physical connector and the setup or operation of the network CPUs at the lowest layers of a network stack. |
CIM_NetworkService |
This is an abstract base class, derived from the Service class. It is deprecated in version 2.7 with the recommendation that the Service class be subclassed instead. |
Represents a remote file system that is mounted, using the network file system (NFS) protocol, from a computer system. |
CIM_NonVolatileStorage |
Represents the abilities and management of non-volatile storage. |
CIM_NumericSensor |
Represents a numeric sensor that returns numeric readings and optionally supports thresholds settings. |
CIM_OperatingSystem |
Represents a computer operating system, which is made up of software and firmware that make a computer system hardware usable, and implements and manages the resources, file systems, processes, user interfaces, services, and so on that are available on the computer system. |
CIM_OperatingSystemSoftwareFeature |
Represents the software features that make up the operating system. |
CIM_OSProcess |
Associates the operating system and one or more processes running in the context of the operating system. |
CIM_OSVersionCheck |
Specifies the versions of the operating system that can support a software element. |
CIM_PackageAlarm |
Represents the relationship in which an alarm device is installed as part of a package. |
CIM_PackageCooling |
Represents the relationship in which a cooling device is installed in a package, such as a chassis or rack, to assist with the package cooling. |
CIM_PackagedComponent |
Represents an explicit relationship in which a component is typically contained by a physical package, such as a chassis or card. |
CIM_PackageInChassis |
Represents the relationship in which a chassis can contain other packages, such as other chassis and cards. |
CIM_PackageInSlot |
Represents the ability of complex networking devices, which are often chassis-based, to enhance or augment the base functionality by accepting additional chassis devices (similar to accepting functionality in the form of adding cards). |
CIM_PackageTempSensor |
Represents the relationship in which a temperature sensor is often installed in a package, such as a chassis or a rack, to monitor the package environment. |
CIM_ParallelController |
Represents the abilities and management of the parallel port logical device. |
CIM_ParentChildSettingData |
An association between an instance of CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData and the CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData instance which represents the most recent snapshot upon which this object is based. |
CIM_ParticipatesInSet |
Identifies physical elements that should be replaced together. |
CIM_PCIController |
Represents the properties and management of a PCI controller. |
CIM_PCMCIAController |
Represents the abilities and management of a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) controller. |
CIM_PCVideoController |
Represents the abilities and management of a personal computer video controller, a subtype of a video controller. |
CIM_PExtentRedundancyComponent |
Represents the physical extents that participate in a storage redundancy group. |
CIM_PhysicalCapacity |
Represents the minimum and maximum requirements of a physical element and its ability to support different types of hardware. |
CIM_PhysicalComponent |
Represents a low-level or basic component within a package. |
CIM_PhysicalConnector |
Represents any physical element that is used to connect to other elements. |
CIM_PhysicalElement |
Defines any component of a system that has a distinct physical identity. |
CIM_PhysicalElementLocation |
Associates a physical element with a CIM_Location object for inventory or replacement purposes. |
CIM_PhysicalExtent |
Represents an SCC RAID implementation. |
CIM_PhysicalFrame |
Represents a parent class of rack, chassis, and other frame enclosures as they are defined in extension classes. |
CIM_PhysicalLink |
Represents the cabling of physical elements. |
CIM_PhysicalMedia |
Represents types of documentation and storage medium, such as tapes, CD ROMs, and so on. |
CIM_PhysicalMemory |
Represents low-level memory devices, such as SIMMS, DIMMs, raw memory chips, and so on. |
CIM_PhysicalPackage |
Represents physical elements that contain or host other components. |
CIM_PointingDevice |
Represents a device that points to regions on the display. |
CIM_PortOnDevice |
Associates a port or connection point with its device. |
Represents a device that translates binary data into wave modulations for sound-based transmission by connecting to the Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) network. |
CIM_PowerSupply |
Represents the abilities and management of the power supply logical device. |
CIM_PreviousSettingData |
An association between a virtual system and the setting data of the snapshot which is the parent to the virtual system. |
CIM_Printer |
Represents the abilities and management of the printer logical device. |
CIM_Process |
Represents a single instance of a running program. |
CIM_ProcessExecutable |
Represents a link between a process and data file, and indicates that the file participates in the execution of the process. |
CIM_Processor |
Represents the abilities and management of the processor logical device. |
CIM_ProcessThread |
Represents a link between a process and the threads running in the context of the process. |
CIM_Product |
Represents a collection of physical elements, software features and, other products, acquired as a unit. |
CIM_ProductFRU |
Represents an association between the product and a field replaceable unit (FRU), which provides information about product components that have been, or are being replaced. |
CIM_ProductParentChild |
Defines a parent-child hierarchy among products. |
CIM_ProductPhysicalElements |
Represents the physical elements that make up a product. |
CIM_ProductProductDependency |
Represents an association between two products, which indicates that one must be installed or absent for the other to function. |
CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures |
Identifies the software features for a particular product. |
CIM_ProductSupport |
Represents an association between product and support access that conveys how support is obtained for the product. |
CIM_ProtectedSpaceExtent |
Represents addressable logical-block addresses, which are treated as a single storage extent, but are located on a single physical extent. |
CIM_ProtocolController |
A superclass for grouping controllers that are used to control the operation and function of sophisticated devices that instantiate a protocol such as SCSI. Simpler bus and device controllers are modeled using the CIM_Controller class. |
CIM_ProtocolControllerForUnit |
This association is used to define a relationship between a ProtocolController and an exposed Logical Unit (for example a Storage Volume or a MediaAccessDevice such as a tape drive). |
CIM_ProtocolEndpoint |
A communication point from which data can be sent or received. protocol endpoints link system or computer interfaces to logical networks. |
CIM_PSExtentBasedOnPExtent |
Associates protected space extents that are based on a physical extent. |
CIM_Rack |
Represents a rack (a physical frame or enclosure) in which chassis are stored. |
CIM_Realizes |
Represents the association that defines the mapping between a logical device and the physical component that implements the device. |
CIM_RealizesAggregatePExtent |
Represents the relationship in which the CIM_AggregatePExtent class is realized on a physical media. |
CIM_RealizesDiskPartition |
Represents a disk partition on a physical media that models the creation of partitions on a raw SCSI, SATA, or IDE drive. |
CIM_RealizesPExtent |
Represents the relationship in which physical extents are realized on a physical media. |
CIM_RebootAction |
Causes a system reboot where the software element is installed. |
CIM_RedundancyComponent |
Associates a redundancy group composed of managed system elements and indicates that, together, the elements provide redundancy. |
CIM_RedundancyGroup |
Represents a collection of managed system elements, which indicates that the aggregated components, together, provide redundancy. |
CIM_ReferencedProfile |
Used to associate an instance CIM_RegisteredProfile with an instance of CIM_RegisteredProfile of another profile that references the dependent profile as a related profile. |
CIM_Refrigeration |
Represents the abilities and management of a refrigeration cooling device. |
CIM_RegisteredProfile |
Used to advertise implementation conformance to a CIM profile. |
CIM_RelatedStatistics |
Represents hierarchies and dependencies of related CIM_StatisticalInformation classes. |
CIM_RemoteFileSystem |
Represents a remote file system that is accessed by way of a network-related service. |
CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction |
Removes directories for software elements. |
CIM_RemoveFileAction |
Uninstalls files. |
CIM_ReplacementSet |
Aggregates physical elements that must be replaced together. |
CIM_ResidesOnExtent |
Represents an association between a file system and the storage extent where it is located. |
CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData |
Represents settings specifically related to an allocated resource that are outside the scope of the CIM class typically used to represent the resource itself. |
CIM_ResourcePool |
Represents a logical entity (with associated controls) provided by the host system for the purpose of allocation and assignment of resources. |
CIM_RunningOS |
Represents the currently executing operating system. |
CIM_SAPSAPDependency |
Indicates that the second SAP is required for the first SAP to connect with its service. |
CIM_Scanner |
Represents the abilities and management of the scanner logical device. |
CIM_SCSIController |
Represents the abilities and management of the SCSI controller logical device. |
CIM_SCSIInterface |
Represents a CIM_ControlledBy relationship that indicates which devices are accessed through a SCSI controller and the access characteristics. |
CIM_SCSIProtocolController |
A type of protocol controller that manages a SCSI interface. |
CIM_Sensor |
Represents a hardware device that is capable of measuring the characteristics of a physical property. |
CIM_SerialController |
Represents the abilities and management of the serial port, logical device. |
CIM_SerialInterface |
Represents a CIM_ControlledBy relationship that indicates which devices are accessed through the serial controller and the characteristics of the access. |
CIM_Service |
Represents a logical element that contains information to represent and manage the functionality provided by a device or software feature. |
CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP |
Represents the access points for a service. |
CIM_ServiceAccessPoint |
Represents the ability to use or invoke a service. |
CIM_ServiceAffectsElement |
Represents an association between a service and the managed elements that might be affected by its execution. |
CIM_ServiceComponent |
Models a set of subordinate services that are aggregated together to form a higher-level service. |
CIM_ServiceSAPDependency |
Represents an association between a service and a service access point (SAP), which indicates that the referenced SAP is used by the service to provide its functionality. |
CIM_ServiceServiceDependency |
Represents an association between two services. |
CIM_Setting |
Represents configuration-related and operational parameters for one or more managed system elements. |
CIM_SettingCheck |
Specifies information required to check a particular setting file for a specific entry that contains a value equal to the value specified. |
CIM_SettingContext |
Associates configuration objects with setting objects. |
CIM_SettingData |
Represents configuration-related and operational parameters for one or more managed elements. |
CIM_SettingsDefineCapabilities |
This association indicates that the non-null, non-key set of properties of the component SettingData instance specifies some capabilities of the associated Capabilities instance. |
CIM_SettingsDefineState |
Associates an instance of SettingData with an instance of ManagedElement. |
CIM_Slot |
Represents connectors into which packages are inserted. |
CIM_SlotInSlot |
Represents the ability of a special adapter to extend the existing slot structure to enable otherwise incompatible cards to be plugged into a frame or hosting board. |
CIM_SoftwareElement |
Decomposes a CIM_SoftwareFeature object into a set of individually manageable or deployable parts for a particular platform. |
CIM_SoftwareElementActions |
Identifies the actions for a software element. |
CIM_SoftwareElementChecks |
Relates a software element with condition or location information that a feature may require. |
CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck |
Represents a type of software element that must exist in the environment. |
CIM_SoftwareFeature |
Represents a particular function or ability of a product or application system. |
CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation |
Represents an association between a service access point (SAP) and how it is implemented in software. |
CIM_SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation |
Represents an association between a service and how it is implemented in software. |
CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements |
Identifies the software elements that make up a specific software feature. |
CIM_SpareGroup |
Indicates that one or more of the aggregated elements can be spared. |
CIM_StatisticalInformation |
Represents a root class for the arbitrary collection of statistical data or metrics applicable to one or more managed system elements. |
CIM_Statistics |
Represents an association that relates managed system elements to the statistical groups that apply to them. |
CIM_StorageDefect |
Collects the storage errors for a storage extent. |
CIM_StorageError |
Represents blocks of media or memory space that are mapped out-of-use due to errors. |
CIM_StorageExtent |
Represents the abilities and management of the various media that exist to store data and enable data retrieval. |
CIM_StorageRedundancyGroup |
Represents mass storage-related redundancy information. |
CIM_SupportAccess |
Specifies how to obtain assistance for a product. |
CIM_SwapSpaceCheck |
Specifies the amount of swap space that must be available on the system. |
CIM_SwitchesAmong |
A switch service switches frames between switch ports. This association makes that relationship explicit. |
CIM_SwitchPort |
A switch port from which frames are received and out which they are transmitted. This endpoint is associated with its networking interface (such as Ethernet) through the EndpointIdentity relationship. |
CIM_SwitchPortDynamicForwarding |
This association links a DynamicForwardingEntry and the SwitchPort to which the entry applies. |
CIM_SwitchService |
Generic switch (bridging) service class. Additional switching functions are incorporated as subordinate services related to this class via ServiceComponent associations. |
CIM_SwitchServiceTransparentBridging |
An association that links a SwitchService to a component TransparentBridgingService. The cardinality of the TransparentBridgingService is 0..1 for a VLAN-unaware switch. |
CIM_System |
Aggregates an enumerable set of managed system elements. |
CIM_SystemComponent |
Establishes "part of" relationships between a system and the managed system elements of which it is composed. |
CIM_SystemDevice |
Represents an explicit relationship in which logical devices can be aggregated by a system. |
CIM_SystemResource |
Represents an entity managed by BIOS, or an operating system that is available for use by software and logical devices. |
CIM_Tachometer |
Exists for backward compatibility with earlier CIM schema definitions. |
CIM_TapeDrive |
Represents a tape drive on the system. |
CIM_TemperatureSensor |
Exists for backward compatibility with earlier CIM schema definitions. |
CIM_Thread |
Represents the ability to execute units of a process or task, in parallel. |
CIM_ToDirectoryAction |
Identifies the target directory for the file action. |
CIM_ToDirectorySpecification |
Identifies the target directory for the file action. |
CIM_TransparentBridgingDynamicForwarding |
This association links an instance of the Transparent BridgingService to the entries of its forwarding database. |
CIM_TransparentBridgingService |
This service class represents the learning/transparent bridging aspect of a SwitchService. |
CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupply |
Represents the abilities and management of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). |
CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem |
Represents a desktop, mobile, network computer, server, or other type of single-node computer system. |
CIM_USBController |
Represents the abilities and management of a USB controller. |
CIM_USBControllerHasHub |
Defines the hubs that are downstream of the USB controller. |
CIM_USBDevice |
Represents the management characteristics of a USB device. |
Represents the abilities and management of a USB hub. |
CIM_UserDevice |
Enables a computer system user to input, view, or hear data. |
CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck |
Specifies whether it is permissible to create the next state of a software element. |
CIM_VideoBIOSElement |
Represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to configure and access a computer system video controller and display. |
CIM_VideoBIOSFeature |
Represents the abilities of the low-level software used to configure and access a computer system video controller and display. |
CIM_VideoBIOSFeatureVideoBIOSElements |
Associates a video BIOS feature and its aggregated video BIOS elements. |
CIM_VideoController |
Represents the abilities and management of the video controller. |
CIM_VideoControllerResolution |
Represents the various video modes that a video controller can support. |
CIM_VideoHead |
Represents one head of the CIM_DisplayController. |
CIM_VideoHeadOnController |
Associates a video head with the video adapter that includes it. |
CIM_VideoSetting |
Associates the CIM_VideoControllerResolution setting object with the controller to which it applies. |
CIM_VirtualSystemManagementService |
Service to control virtual systems including definition, instantiation, destruction, and modification. |
CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData |
Defines the virtual aspects of a virtual system. |
CIM_VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent |
The CIM_VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent association establishes a \'part of\' relationship between an instance of the CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData class and a set of instances of the CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData class. |
CIM_VLANEndpoint |
An endpoint on a switch or endstation which is assigned to a given VLAN or accepts traffic from one or more VLANs. |
CIM_VLANEndpointSettingData |
The VLAN configuration data for an endpoint. Note that certain properties only apply based on the value in the VLANEndpoint. |
CIM_VolatileStorage |
Represents the abilities and management of volatile storage. |
CIM_VoltageSensor |
Exists for backward compatibility with earlier CIM schema definitions. |
CIM_VolumeSet |
Represents a contiguous range of logical blocks presented to the operating environment for reading and writing user data. |
Represents the abilities and management of a WORM drive, a subtype of the media access device. |
May 19, 6 PM - May 23, 12 AM
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